118 lines
2.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import React from "react";
import { ExcalidrawElement } from "../element/types";
import { AppState } from "../types";
2020-07-07 13:53:44 +02:00
/** if false, the action should be prevented */
export type ActionResult =
| {
elements?: readonly ExcalidrawElement[] | null;
appState?: MarkOptional<AppState, "offsetTop" | "offsetLeft"> | null;
2020-07-07 13:53:44 +02:00
commitToHistory: boolean;
syncHistory?: boolean;
| false;
type ActionFn = (
elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[],
appState: Readonly<AppState>,
2020-01-24 12:04:54 +02:00
formData: any,
app: { canvas: HTMLCanvasElement | null },
2020-10-19 10:53:37 +02:00
) => ActionResult | Promise<ActionResult>;
2020-10-19 10:53:37 +02:00
export type UpdaterFn = (res: ActionResult) => void;
export type ActionFilterFn = (action: Action) => void;
export type ActionName =
| "copy"
| "cut"
| "paste"
| "copyAsPng"
| "copyAsSvg"
| "sendBackward"
| "bringForward"
| "sendToBack"
| "bringToFront"
| "copyStyles"
| "selectAll"
| "pasteStyles"
| "gridMode"
| "zenMode"
| "stats"
| "changeStrokeColor"
| "changeBackgroundColor"
| "changeFillStyle"
| "changeStrokeWidth"
| "changeSloppiness"
2020-05-14 17:04:33 +02:00
| "changeStrokeStyle"
| "changeArrowhead"
| "changeOpacity"
| "changeFontSize"
| "toggleCanvasMenu"
| "toggleEditMenu"
| "undo"
| "redo"
| "finalize"
| "changeProjectName"
| "changeExportBackground"
| "changeExportEmbedScene"
| "changeShouldAddWatermark"
| "saveScene"
| "saveAsScene"
| "loadScene"
| "duplicateSelection"
| "deleteSelectedElements"
| "changeViewBackgroundColor"
| "clearCanvas"
| "zoomIn"
| "zoomOut"
| "resetZoom"
| "zoomToFit"
| "zoomToSelection"
2020-04-06 03:17:13 +05:30
| "changeFontFamily"
| "changeTextAlign"
2020-04-07 16:12:10 +05:30
| "toggleFullScreen"
| "toggleShortcuts"
| "group"
| "ungroup"
| "goToCollaborator"
| "addToLibrary"
| "changeSharpness"
| "alignTop"
| "alignBottom"
| "alignLeft"
| "alignRight"
| "alignVerticallyCentered"
2020-11-23 18:16:23 +00:00
| "alignHorizontallyCentered"
| "distributeHorizontally"
| "distributeVertically";
export interface Action {
name: ActionName;
PanelComponent?: React.FC<{
elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[];
appState: AppState;
updateData: (formData?: any) => void;
id?: string;
perform: ActionFn;
keyPriority?: number;
keyTest?: (
event: KeyboardEvent,
appState: AppState,
elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[],
) => boolean;
contextItemLabel?: string;
contextItemPredicate?: (
elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[],
appState: AppState,
) => boolean;
checked?: (appState: Readonly<AppState>) => boolean;
export interface ActionsManagerInterface {
actions: Record<ActionName, Action>;
registerAction: (action: Action) => void;
handleKeyDown: (event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean;
renderAction: (name: ActionName) => React.ReactElement | null;