diff --git a/src/element/resizeElements.ts b/src/element/resizeElements.ts
index 3782c232..605ab0c2 100644
--- a/src/element/resizeElements.ts
+++ b/src/element/resizeElements.ts
@@ -557,10 +557,10 @@ export const resizeSingleElement = (
     mutateElement(element, {
       scale: [
         // defaulting because scaleX/Y can be 0/-0
-        (Math.sign(scaleX) || stateAtResizeStart.scale[0]) *
-          stateAtResizeStart.scale[0],
-        (Math.sign(scaleY) || stateAtResizeStart.scale[1]) *
-          stateAtResizeStart.scale[1],
+        (Math.sign(newBoundsX2 - stateAtResizeStart.x) ||
+          stateAtResizeStart.scale[0]) * stateAtResizeStart.scale[0],
+        (Math.sign(newBoundsY2 - stateAtResizeStart.y) ||
+          stateAtResizeStart.scale[1]) * stateAtResizeStart.scale[1],
diff --git a/src/tests/flip.test.tsx b/src/tests/flip.test.tsx
index a388ad4e..45a5e147 100644
--- a/src/tests/flip.test.tsx
+++ b/src/tests/flip.test.tsx
@@ -1,22 +1,53 @@
 import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
-import { render } from "./test-utils";
-import App from "../components/App";
-import { defaultLang, setLanguage } from "../i18n";
+import { GlobalTestState, render, waitFor } from "./test-utils";
 import { UI, Pointer } from "./helpers/ui";
 import { API } from "./helpers/api";
 import { actionFlipHorizontal, actionFlipVertical } from "../actions";
+import { getElementAbsoluteCoords } from "../element";
+import {
+  ExcalidrawElement,
+  ExcalidrawImageElement,
+  ExcalidrawLinearElement,
+  FileId,
+} from "../element/types";
+import { newLinearElement } from "../element";
+import ExcalidrawApp from "../excalidraw-app";
+import { mutateElement } from "../element/mutateElement";
+import { NormalizedZoomValue } from "../types";
+import { ROUNDNESS } from "../constants";
 const { h } = window;
 const mouse = new Pointer("mouse");
+jest.mock("../data/blob", () => {
+  const originalModule = jest.requireActual("../data/blob");
+  //Prevent Node.js modules errors (document is not defined etc...)
+  return {
+    __esModule: true,
+    ...originalModule,
+    resizeImageFile: (imageFile: File) => imageFile,
+    generateIdFromFile: () => "fileId" as FileId,
+  };
 beforeEach(async () => {
   // Unmount ReactDOM from root
-  mouse.reset();
-  await setLanguage(defaultLang);
-  await render(<App />);
+  mouse.reset();
+  localStorage.clear();
+  sessionStorage.clear();
+  jest.clearAllMocks();
+  Object.assign(document, {
+    elementFromPoint: () => GlobalTestState.canvas,
+  });
+  await render(<ExcalidrawApp />);
+  h.setState({
+    zoom: {
+      value: 1 as NormalizedZoomValue,
+    },
+  });
 const createAndSelectOneRectangle = (angle: number = 0) => {
@@ -79,593 +110,676 @@ const createAndReturnOneDraw = (angle: number = 0) => {
+const createLinearElementWithCurveInsideMinMaxPoints = (
+  type: "line" | "arrow",
+  extraProps: any = {},
+) => {
+  return newLinearElement({
+    type,
+    x: 2256.910668124894,
+    y: -2412.5069664197654,
+    width: 1750.4888916015625,
+    height: 410.51605224609375,
+    angle: 0,
+    strokeColor: "#000000",
+    backgroundColor: "#fa5252",
+    fillStyle: "hachure",
+    strokeWidth: 1,
+    strokeStyle: "solid",
+    roughness: 1,
+    opacity: 100,
+    groupIds: [],
+    roundness: { type: ROUNDNESS.PROPORTIONAL_RADIUS },
+    boundElements: null,
+    link: null,
+    locked: false,
+    points: [
+      [0, 0],
+      [-922.4761962890625, 300.3277587890625],
+      [828.0126953125, 410.51605224609375],
+    ],
+    startArrowhead: null,
+    endArrowhead: null,
+  });
+const createLinearElementsWithCurveOutsideMinMaxPoints = (
+  type: "line" | "arrow",
+  extraProps: any = {},
+) => {
+  return newLinearElement({
+    type,
+    x: -1388.6555370382996,
+    y: 1037.698247710191,
+    width: 591.2804897585779,
+    height: 69.32871961377737,
+    angle: 0,
+    strokeColor: "#000000",
+    backgroundColor: "transparent",
+    fillStyle: "hachure",
+    strokeWidth: 1,
+    strokeStyle: "solid",
+    roughness: 1,
+    opacity: 100,
+    groupIds: [],
+    roundness: { type: ROUNDNESS.PROPORTIONAL_RADIUS },
+    boundElements: null,
+    link: null,
+    locked: false,
+    points: [
+      [0, 0],
+      [-584.1485186423079, -15.365636022723947],
+      [-591.2804897585779, 36.09360810181511],
+      [-148.56510566829502, 53.96308359105342],
+    ],
+    startArrowhead: null,
+    endArrowhead: null,
+    ...extraProps,
+  });
+const checkElementsBoundingBox = async (
+  element1: ExcalidrawElement,
+  element2: ExcalidrawElement,
+  toleranceInPx: number = 0,
+) => {
+  const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element1);
+  const [x12, y12, x22, y22] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element2);
+  debugger;
+  await waitFor(() => {
+    // Check if width and height did not change
+    expect(x1 - toleranceInPx <= x12 && x12 <= x1 + toleranceInPx).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(y1 - toleranceInPx <= y12 && y12 <= y1 + toleranceInPx).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(x2 - toleranceInPx <= x22 && x22 <= x2 + toleranceInPx).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(y2 - toleranceInPx <= y22 && y22 <= y2 + toleranceInPx).toBeTruthy();
+  });
+const checkHorizontalFlip = async (toleranceInPx: number = 0.00001) => {
+  const originalElement = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(h.elements[0]));
+  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipHorizontal);
+  const newElement = h.elements[0];
+  await checkElementsBoundingBox(originalElement, newElement, toleranceInPx);
+const checkTwoPointsLineHorizontalFlip = async () => {
+  const originalElement = JSON.parse(
+    JSON.stringify(h.elements[0]),
+  ) as ExcalidrawLinearElement;
+  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipHorizontal);
+  const newElement = h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawLinearElement;
+  await waitFor(() => {
+    expect(originalElement.points[0][0]).toEqual(
+      newElement.points[0][0] !== 0 ? -newElement.points[0][0] : 0,
+    );
+    expect(originalElement.points[0][1]).toEqual(newElement.points[0][1]);
+    expect(originalElement.points[1][0]).toEqual(
+      newElement.points[1][0] !== 0 ? -newElement.points[1][0] : 0,
+    );
+    expect(originalElement.points[1][1]).toEqual(newElement.points[1][1]);
+  });
+const checkTwoPointsLineVerticalFlip = async () => {
+  const originalElement = JSON.parse(
+    JSON.stringify(h.elements[0]),
+  ) as ExcalidrawLinearElement;
+  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipVertical);
+  const newElement = h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawLinearElement;
+  await waitFor(() => {
+    expect(originalElement.points[0][0]).toEqual(
+      newElement.points[0][0] !== 0 ? -newElement.points[0][0] : 0,
+    );
+    expect(originalElement.points[0][1]).toEqual(newElement.points[0][1]);
+    expect(originalElement.points[1][0]).toEqual(
+      newElement.points[1][0] !== 0 ? -newElement.points[1][0] : 0,
+    );
+    expect(originalElement.points[1][1]).toEqual(newElement.points[1][1]);
+  });
+const checkRotatedHorizontalFlip = async (
+  expectedAngle: number,
+  toleranceInPx: number = 0.00001,
+) => {
+  const originalElement = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(h.elements[0]));
+  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipHorizontal);
+  const newElement = h.elements[0];
+  await waitFor(() => {
+    expect(newElement.angle).toBeCloseTo(expectedAngle);
+  });
+  await checkElementsBoundingBox(originalElement, newElement, toleranceInPx);
+const checkRotatedVerticalFlip = async (
+  expectedAngle: number,
+  toleranceInPx: number = 0.00001,
+) => {
+  const originalElement = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(h.elements[0]));
+  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipVertical);
+  const newElement = h.elements[0];
+  await waitFor(() => {
+    expect(newElement.angle).toBeCloseTo(expectedAngle);
+  });
+  await checkElementsBoundingBox(originalElement, newElement, toleranceInPx);
+const checkVerticalFlip = async (toleranceInPx: number = 0.00001) => {
+  const originalElement = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(h.elements[0]));
+  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipVertical);
+  const newElement = h.elements[0];
+  await checkElementsBoundingBox(originalElement, newElement, toleranceInPx);
+const checkVerticalHorizontalFlip = async (toleranceInPx: number = 0.00001) => {
+  const originalElement = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(h.elements[0]));
+  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipHorizontal);
+  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipVertical);
+  const newElement = h.elements[0];
+  await checkElementsBoundingBox(originalElement, newElement, toleranceInPx);
 // Rectangle element
+describe("rectangle", () => {
+  it("flips an unrotated rectangle horizontally correctly", async () => {
+    createAndSelectOneRectangle();
-it("flips an unrotated rectangle horizontally correctly", () => {
-  createAndSelectOneRectangle();
+    await checkHorizontalFlip();
+  });
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
+  it("flips an unrotated rectangle vertically correctly", async () => {
+    createAndSelectOneRectangle();
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
+    await checkVerticalFlip();
+  });
-  const originalWidth = API.getSelectedElements()[0].width;
-  const originalHeight = API.getSelectedElements()[0].height;
+  it("flips a rotated rectangle horizontally correctly", async () => {
+    const originalAngle = (3 * Math.PI) / 4;
+    const expectedAngle = (5 * Math.PI) / 4;
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipHorizontal);
+    createAndSelectOneRectangle(originalAngle);
-  // Check if x position did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
+    await checkRotatedHorizontalFlip(expectedAngle);
+  });
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
+  it("flips a rotated rectangle vertically correctly", async () => {
+    const originalAngle = (3 * Math.PI) / 4;
+    const expectedAgnle = Math.PI / 4;
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].width).toEqual(originalWidth);
+    createAndSelectOneRectangle(originalAngle);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].height).toEqual(originalHeight);
-it("flips an unrotated rectangle vertically correctly", () => {
-  createAndSelectOneRectangle();
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
-  const originalWidth = API.getSelectedElements()[0].width;
-  const originalHeight = API.getSelectedElements()[0].height;
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipVertical);
-  // Check if x position did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].width).toEqual(originalWidth);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].height).toEqual(originalHeight);
-it("flips a rotated rectangle horizontally correctly", () => {
-  const originalAngle = (3 * Math.PI) / 4;
-  const expectedAngle = (5 * Math.PI) / 4;
-  createAndSelectOneRectangle(originalAngle);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
-  const originalWidth = API.getSelectedElements()[0].width;
-  const originalHeight = API.getSelectedElements()[0].height;
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipHorizontal);
-  // Check if x position did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].width).toEqual(originalWidth);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].height).toEqual(originalHeight);
-  // Check angle
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].angle).toBeCloseTo(expectedAngle);
-it("flips a rotated rectangle vertically correctly", () => {
-  const originalAngle = (3 * Math.PI) / 4;
-  const expectedAgnle = Math.PI / 4;
-  createAndSelectOneRectangle(originalAngle);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
-  const originalWidth = API.getSelectedElements()[0].width;
-  const originalHeight = API.getSelectedElements()[0].height;
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipVertical);
-  // Check if x position did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].width).toEqual(originalWidth);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].height).toEqual(originalHeight);
-  // Check angle
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].angle).toBeCloseTo(expectedAgnle);
+    await checkRotatedVerticalFlip(expectedAgnle);
+  });
 // Diamond element
+describe("diamond", () => {
+  it("flips an unrotated diamond horizontally correctly", async () => {
+    createAndSelectOneDiamond();
-it("flips an unrotated diamond horizontally correctly", () => {
-  createAndSelectOneDiamond();
+    await checkHorizontalFlip();
+  });
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
+  it("flips an unrotated diamond vertically correctly", async () => {
+    createAndSelectOneDiamond();
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
+    await checkVerticalFlip();
+  });
-  const originalWidth = API.getSelectedElements()[0].width;
-  const originalHeight = API.getSelectedElements()[0].height;
+  it("flips a rotated diamond horizontally correctly", async () => {
+    const originalAngle = (5 * Math.PI) / 4;
+    const expectedAngle = (3 * Math.PI) / 4;
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipHorizontal);
+    createAndSelectOneDiamond(originalAngle);
-  // Check if x position did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
+    await checkRotatedHorizontalFlip(expectedAngle);
+  });
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
+  it("flips a rotated diamond vertically correctly", async () => {
+    const originalAngle = (5 * Math.PI) / 4;
+    const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4;
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].width).toEqual(originalWidth);
+    createAndSelectOneDiamond(originalAngle);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].height).toEqual(originalHeight);
-it("flips an unrotated diamond vertically correctly", () => {
-  createAndSelectOneDiamond();
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
-  const originalWidth = API.getSelectedElements()[0].width;
-  const originalHeight = API.getSelectedElements()[0].height;
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipVertical);
-  // Check if x position did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].width).toEqual(originalWidth);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].height).toEqual(originalHeight);
-it("flips a rotated diamond horizontally correctly", () => {
-  const originalAngle = (5 * Math.PI) / 4;
-  const expectedAngle = (3 * Math.PI) / 4;
-  createAndSelectOneDiamond(originalAngle);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
-  const originalWidth = API.getSelectedElements()[0].width;
-  const originalHeight = API.getSelectedElements()[0].height;
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipHorizontal);
-  // Check if x position did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].width).toEqual(originalWidth);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].height).toEqual(originalHeight);
-  // Check angle
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].angle).toBeCloseTo(expectedAngle);
-it("flips a rotated diamond vertically correctly", () => {
-  const originalAngle = (5 * Math.PI) / 4;
-  const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4;
-  createAndSelectOneDiamond(originalAngle);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
-  const originalWidth = API.getSelectedElements()[0].width;
-  const originalHeight = API.getSelectedElements()[0].height;
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipVertical);
-  // Check if x position did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].width).toEqual(originalWidth);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].height).toEqual(originalHeight);
-  // Check angle
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].angle).toBeCloseTo(expectedAngle);
+    await checkRotatedVerticalFlip(expectedAngle);
+  });
 // Ellipse element
+describe("ellipse", () => {
+  it("flips an unrotated ellipse horizontally correctly", async () => {
+    createAndSelectOneEllipse();
-it("flips an unrotated ellipse horizontally correctly", () => {
-  createAndSelectOneEllipse();
+    await checkHorizontalFlip();
+  });
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
+  it("flips an unrotated ellipse vertically correctly", async () => {
+    createAndSelectOneEllipse();
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
+    await checkVerticalFlip();
+  });
-  const originalWidth = API.getSelectedElements()[0].width;
-  const originalHeight = API.getSelectedElements()[0].height;
+  it("flips a rotated ellipse horizontally correctly", async () => {
+    const originalAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4;
+    const expectedAngle = Math.PI / 4;
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipHorizontal);
+    createAndSelectOneEllipse(originalAngle);
-  // Check if x position did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
+    await checkRotatedHorizontalFlip(expectedAngle);
+  });
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
+  it("flips a rotated ellipse vertically correctly", async () => {
+    const originalAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4;
+    const expectedAngle = (5 * Math.PI) / 4;
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].width).toEqual(originalWidth);
+    createAndSelectOneEllipse(originalAngle);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].height).toEqual(originalHeight);
-it("flips an unrotated ellipse vertically correctly", () => {
-  createAndSelectOneEllipse();
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
-  const originalWidth = API.getSelectedElements()[0].width;
-  const originalHeight = API.getSelectedElements()[0].height;
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipVertical);
-  // Check if x position did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].width).toEqual(originalWidth);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].height).toEqual(originalHeight);
-it("flips a rotated ellipse horizontally correctly", () => {
-  const originalAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4;
-  const expectedAngle = Math.PI / 4;
-  createAndSelectOneEllipse(originalAngle);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
-  const originalWidth = API.getSelectedElements()[0].width;
-  const originalHeight = API.getSelectedElements()[0].height;
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipHorizontal);
-  // Check if x position did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].width).toEqual(originalWidth);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].height).toEqual(originalHeight);
-  // Check angle
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].angle).toBeCloseTo(expectedAngle);
-it("flips a rotated ellipse vertically correctly", () => {
-  const originalAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4;
-  const expectedAngle = (5 * Math.PI) / 4;
-  createAndSelectOneEllipse(originalAngle);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
-  const originalWidth = API.getSelectedElements()[0].width;
-  const originalHeight = API.getSelectedElements()[0].height;
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipVertical);
-  // Check if x position did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(0);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(0);
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].width).toEqual(originalWidth);
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].height).toEqual(originalHeight);
-  // Check angle
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].angle).toBeCloseTo(expectedAngle);
+    await checkRotatedVerticalFlip(expectedAngle);
+  });
 // Arrow element
+describe("arrow", () => {
+  it("flips an unrotated arrow horizontally with line inside min/max points bounds", async () => {
+    const arrow = createLinearElementWithCurveInsideMinMaxPoints("arrow");
+    h.app.scene.replaceAllElements([arrow]);
+    h.app.setState({ selectedElementIds: { [arrow.id]: true } });
+    await checkHorizontalFlip(
+    );
+  });
-it("flips an unrotated arrow horizontally correctly", () => {
-  createAndSelectOneArrow();
+  it("flips an unrotated arrow vertically with line inside min/max points bounds", async () => {
+    const arrow = createLinearElementWithCurveInsideMinMaxPoints("arrow");
+    h.app.scene.replaceAllElements([arrow]);
+    h.app.setState({ selectedElementIds: { [arrow.id]: true } });
-  const originalWidth = API.getSelectedElements()[0].width;
-  const originalHeight = API.getSelectedElements()[0].height;
+    await checkVerticalFlip(50);
+  });
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipHorizontal);
+  it("flips a rotated arrow horizontally with line inside min/max points bounds", async () => {
+    const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4;
+    const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4;
+    const line = createLinearElementWithCurveInsideMinMaxPoints("arrow");
+    h.app.scene.replaceAllElements([line]);
+    h.app.state.selectedElementIds[line.id] = true;
+    mutateElement(line, {
+      angle: originalAngle,
+    });
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].width).toBeCloseTo(
-    originalWidth,
-  );
+    await checkRotatedHorizontalFlip(
+      expectedAngle,
+    );
+  });
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].height).toBeCloseTo(
-    originalHeight,
-  );
+  it("flips a rotated arrow vertically with line inside min/max points bounds", async () => {
+    const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4;
+    const expectedAngle = (3 * Math.PI) / 4;
+    const line = createLinearElementWithCurveInsideMinMaxPoints("arrow");
+    h.app.scene.replaceAllElements([line]);
+    h.app.state.selectedElementIds[line.id] = true;
+    mutateElement(line, {
+      angle: originalAngle,
+    });
-it("flips an unrotated arrow vertically correctly", () => {
-  createAndSelectOneArrow();
+    await checkRotatedVerticalFlip(
+      expectedAngle,
+    );
+  });
-  const originalWidth = API.getSelectedElements()[0].width;
-  const originalHeight = API.getSelectedElements()[0].height;
+  //TODO: elements with curve outside minMax points have a wrong bounding box!!!
+  it.skip("flips an unrotated arrow horizontally with line outside min/max points bounds", async () => {
+    const arrow = createLinearElementsWithCurveOutsideMinMaxPoints("arrow");
+    h.app.scene.replaceAllElements([arrow]);
+    h.app.setState({ selectedElementIds: { [arrow.id]: true } });
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipVertical);
+    await checkHorizontalFlip(
+    );
+  });
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].width).toBeCloseTo(
-    originalWidth,
-  );
+  //TODO: elements with curve outside minMax points have a wrong bounding box!!!
+  it.skip("flips a rotated arrow horizontally with line outside min/max points bounds", async () => {
+    const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4;
+    const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4;
+    const line = createLinearElementsWithCurveOutsideMinMaxPoints("arrow");
+    mutateElement(line, { angle: originalAngle });
+    h.app.scene.replaceAllElements([line]);
+    h.app.setState({ selectedElementIds: { [line.id]: true } });
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].height).toBeCloseTo(
-    originalHeight,
-  );
+    await checkRotatedVerticalFlip(
+      expectedAngle,
+    );
+  });
-//@TODO fix the tests with rotation
-it.skip("flips a rotated arrow horizontally correctly", () => {
-  const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4;
-  const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4;
-  createAndSelectOneArrow(originalAngle);
+  //TODO: elements with curve outside minMax points have a wrong bounding box!!!
+  it.skip("flips an unrotated arrow vertically with line outside min/max points bounds", async () => {
+    const arrow = createLinearElementsWithCurveOutsideMinMaxPoints("arrow");
+    h.app.scene.replaceAllElements([arrow]);
+    h.app.setState({ selectedElementIds: { [arrow.id]: true } });
-  const originalWidth = API.getSelectedElements()[0].width;
-  const originalHeight = API.getSelectedElements()[0].height;
+  });
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipHorizontal);
+  //TODO: elements with curve outside minMax points have a wrong bounding box!!!
+  it.skip("flips a rotated arrow vertically with line outside min/max points bounds", async () => {
+    const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4;
+    const expectedAngle = (3 * Math.PI) / 4;
+    const line = createLinearElementsWithCurveOutsideMinMaxPoints("arrow");
+    mutateElement(line, { angle: originalAngle });
+    h.app.scene.replaceAllElements([line]);
+    h.app.setState({ selectedElementIds: { [line.id]: true } });
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].width).toBeCloseTo(
-    originalWidth,
-  );
+    await checkRotatedVerticalFlip(
+      expectedAngle,
+    );
+  });
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].height).toBeCloseTo(
-    originalHeight,
-  );
-  // Check angle
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].angle).toBeCloseTo(expectedAngle);
+  it("flips an unrotated arrow horizontally correctly", async () => {
+    createAndSelectOneArrow();
+    await checkHorizontalFlip(
+    );
+  });
-it.skip("flips a rotated arrow vertically correctly", () => {
-  const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4;
-  const expectedAngle = (3 * Math.PI) / 4;
-  createAndSelectOneArrow(originalAngle);
+  it("flips an unrotated arrow vertically correctly", async () => {
+    createAndSelectOneArrow();
+  });
-  const originalWidth = API.getSelectedElements()[0].width;
-  const originalHeight = API.getSelectedElements()[0].height;
+  it("flips a two points arrow horizontally correctly", async () => {
+    createAndSelectOneArrow();
+    await checkTwoPointsLineHorizontalFlip();
+  });
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipVertical);
+  it("flips a two points arrow vertically correctly", async () => {
+    createAndSelectOneArrow();
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].width).toBeCloseTo(
-    originalWidth,
-  );
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].height).toBeCloseTo(
-    originalHeight,
-  );
-  // Check angle
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].angle).toBeCloseTo(expectedAngle);
+    await checkTwoPointsLineVerticalFlip();
+  });
 // Line element
+describe("line", () => {
+  it("flips an unrotated line horizontally with line inside min/max points bounds", async () => {
+    const line = createLinearElementWithCurveInsideMinMaxPoints("line");
+    h.app.scene.replaceAllElements([line]);
+    h.app.setState({ selectedElementIds: { [line.id]: true } });
-it("flips an unrotated line horizontally correctly", () => {
-  createAndSelectOneLine();
+    await checkHorizontalFlip(
+    );
+  });
-  const originalWidth = API.getSelectedElements()[0].width;
-  const originalHeight = API.getSelectedElements()[0].height;
+  it("flips an unrotated line vertically with line inside min/max points bounds", async () => {
+    const line = createLinearElementWithCurveInsideMinMaxPoints("line");
+    h.app.scene.replaceAllElements([line]);
+    h.app.setState({ selectedElementIds: { [line.id]: true } });
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipHorizontal);
+  });
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].width).toBeCloseTo(
-    originalWidth,
-  );
+  it("flips an unrotated line horizontally correctly", async () => {
+    createAndSelectOneLine();
+    await checkHorizontalFlip(
+    );
+  });
+  //TODO: elements with curve outside minMax points have a wrong bounding box
+  it.skip("flips an unrotated line horizontally with line outside min/max points bounds", async () => {
+    const line = createLinearElementsWithCurveOutsideMinMaxPoints("line");
+    h.app.scene.replaceAllElements([line]);
+    h.app.setState({ selectedElementIds: { [line.id]: true } });
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].height).toBeCloseTo(
-    originalHeight,
-  );
+    await checkHorizontalFlip(
+    );
+  });
-it("flips an unrotated line vertically correctly", () => {
-  createAndSelectOneLine();
+  //TODO: elements with curve outside minMax points have a wrong bounding box
+  it.skip("flips an unrotated line vertically with line outside min/max points bounds", async () => {
+    const line = createLinearElementsWithCurveOutsideMinMaxPoints("line");
+    h.app.scene.replaceAllElements([line]);
+    h.app.setState({ selectedElementIds: { [line.id]: true } });
-  const originalWidth = API.getSelectedElements()[0].width;
-  const originalHeight = API.getSelectedElements()[0].height;
+  });
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipVertical);
+  //TODO: elements with curve outside minMax points have a wrong bounding box
+  it.skip("flips a rotated line horizontally with line outside min/max points bounds", async () => {
+    const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4;
+    const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4;
+    const line = createLinearElementsWithCurveOutsideMinMaxPoints("line");
+    mutateElement(line, { angle: originalAngle });
+    h.app.scene.replaceAllElements([line]);
+    h.app.setState({ selectedElementIds: { [line.id]: true } });
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].width).toBeCloseTo(
-    originalWidth,
-  );
+    await checkRotatedHorizontalFlip(
+      expectedAngle,
+    );
+  });
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].height).toBeCloseTo(
-    originalHeight,
-  );
+  //TODO: elements with curve outside minMax points have a wrong bounding box
+  it.skip("flips a rotated line vertically with line outside min/max points bounds", async () => {
+    const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4;
+    const expectedAngle = (3 * Math.PI) / 4;
+    const line = createLinearElementsWithCurveOutsideMinMaxPoints("line");
+    mutateElement(line, { angle: originalAngle });
+    h.app.scene.replaceAllElements([line]);
+    h.app.setState({ selectedElementIds: { [line.id]: true } });
-it.skip("flips a rotated line horizontally correctly", () => {
-  const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4;
-  const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4;
+    await checkRotatedVerticalFlip(
+      expectedAngle,
+    );
+  });
-  createAndSelectOneLine(originalAngle);
+  it("flips an unrotated line vertically correctly", async () => {
+    createAndSelectOneLine();
+  });
-  const originalWidth = API.getSelectedElements()[0].width;
-  const originalHeight = API.getSelectedElements()[0].height;
+  it("flips a rotated line horizontally with line inside min/max points bounds", async () => {
+    const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4;
+    const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4;
+    const line = createLinearElementWithCurveInsideMinMaxPoints("line");
+    h.app.scene.replaceAllElements([line]);
+    h.app.state.selectedElementIds[line.id] = true;
+    mutateElement(line, {
+      angle: originalAngle,
+    });
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipHorizontal);
+    await checkRotatedHorizontalFlip(
+      expectedAngle,
+    );
+  });
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].width).toBeCloseTo(
-    originalWidth,
-  );
+  it("flips a rotated line vertically with line inside min/max points bounds", async () => {
+    const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4;
+    const expectedAngle = (3 * Math.PI) / 4;
+    const line = createLinearElementWithCurveInsideMinMaxPoints("line");
+    h.app.scene.replaceAllElements([line]);
+    h.app.state.selectedElementIds[line.id] = true;
+    mutateElement(line, {
+      angle: originalAngle,
+    });
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].height).toBeCloseTo(
-    originalHeight,
-  );
+    await checkRotatedVerticalFlip(
+      expectedAngle,
+    );
+  });
-  // Check angle
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].angle).toBeCloseTo(expectedAngle);
+  it("flips a two points line horizontally correctly", async () => {
+    createAndSelectOneLine();
+    await checkTwoPointsLineHorizontalFlip();
+  });
-it.skip("flips a rotated line vertically correctly", () => {
-  const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4;
-  const expectedAngle = (3 * Math.PI) / 4;
-  createAndSelectOneLine(originalAngle);
-  const originalWidth = API.getSelectedElements()[0].width;
-  const originalHeight = API.getSelectedElements()[0].height;
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipVertical);
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].width).toBeCloseTo(
-    originalWidth,
-  );
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].height).toBeCloseTo(
-    originalHeight,
-  );
-  // Check angle
-  expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].angle).toBeCloseTo(expectedAngle);
+  it("flips a two points line vertically correctly", async () => {
+    createAndSelectOneLine();
+    await checkTwoPointsLineVerticalFlip();
+  });
 // Draw element
+describe("freedraw", () => {
+  it("flips an unrotated drawing horizontally correctly", async () => {
+    const draw = createAndReturnOneDraw();
+    // select draw, since not done automatically
+    h.state.selectedElementIds[draw.id] = true;
+    await checkHorizontalFlip();
+  });
-it("flips an unrotated drawing horizontally correctly", () => {
-  const draw = createAndReturnOneDraw();
-  // select draw, since not done automatically
-  h.state.selectedElementIds[draw.id] = true;
+  it("flips an unrotated drawing vertically correctly", async () => {
+    const draw = createAndReturnOneDraw();
+    // select draw, since not done automatically
+    h.state.selectedElementIds[draw.id] = true;
+    await checkVerticalFlip();
+  });
-  const originalWidth = draw.width;
-  const originalHeight = draw.height;
+  it("flips a rotated drawing horizontally correctly", async () => {
+    const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4;
+    const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4;
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipHorizontal);
+    const draw = createAndReturnOneDraw(originalAngle);
+    // select draw, since not done automatically
+    h.state.selectedElementIds[draw.id] = true;
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(draw.width).toBeCloseTo(originalWidth, FLIP_PRECISION_DECIMALS);
+    await checkRotatedHorizontalFlip(expectedAngle);
+  });
-  expect(draw.height).toBeCloseTo(originalHeight, FLIP_PRECISION_DECIMALS);
+  it("flips a rotated drawing vertically correctly", async () => {
+    const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4;
+    const expectedAngle = (3 * Math.PI) / 4;
+    const draw = createAndReturnOneDraw(originalAngle);
+    // select draw, since not done automatically
+    h.state.selectedElementIds[draw.id] = true;
+    await checkRotatedVerticalFlip(expectedAngle);
+  });
-it("flips an unrotated drawing vertically correctly", () => {
-  const draw = createAndReturnOneDraw();
-  // select draw, since not done automatically
-  h.state.selectedElementIds[draw.id] = true;
+//TODO: currently there is no test for pixel colors at flipped positions.
+describe("image", () => {
+  const createImage = async () => {
+    const sendPasteEvent = (file?: File) => {
+      const clipboardEvent = new Event("paste", {
+        bubbles: true,
+        cancelable: true,
+        composed: true,
+      });
-  const originalWidth = draw.width;
-  const originalHeight = draw.height;
+      // set `clipboardData` properties.
+      // @ts-ignore
+      clipboardEvent.clipboardData = {
+        getData: () => window.navigator.clipboard.readText(),
+        files: [file],
+      };
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipVertical);
+      document.dispatchEvent(clipboardEvent);
+    };
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(draw.width).toBeCloseTo(originalWidth, FLIP_PRECISION_DECIMALS);
+    sendPasteEvent(await API.loadFile("./fixtures/smiley_embedded_v2.png"));
+  };
-  expect(draw.height).toBeCloseTo(originalHeight, FLIP_PRECISION_DECIMALS);
-it("flips a rotated drawing horizontally correctly", () => {
-  const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4;
-  const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4;
-  const draw = createAndReturnOneDraw(originalAngle);
-  // select draw, since not done automatically
-  h.state.selectedElementIds[draw.id] = true;
-  const originalWidth = draw.width;
-  const originalHeight = draw.height;
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipHorizontal);
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(draw.width).toBeCloseTo(originalWidth, FLIP_PRECISION_DECIMALS);
-  expect(draw.height).toBeCloseTo(originalHeight, FLIP_PRECISION_DECIMALS);
-  // Check angle
-  expect(draw.angle).toBeCloseTo(expectedAngle);
-it("flips a rotated drawing vertically correctly", () => {
-  const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4;
-  const expectedAngle = (3 * Math.PI) / 4;
-  const draw = createAndReturnOneDraw(originalAngle);
-  // select draw, since not done automatically
-  h.state.selectedElementIds[draw.id] = true;
-  const originalWidth = draw.width;
-  const originalHeight = draw.height;
-  h.app.actionManager.executeAction(actionFlipVertical);
-  // Check if width and height did not change
-  expect(API.getSelectedElement().width).toBeCloseTo(
-    originalWidth,
-  );
-  expect(API.getSelectedElement().height).toBeCloseTo(
-    originalHeight,
-  );
-  // Check angle
-  expect(API.getSelectedElement().angle).toBeCloseTo(expectedAngle);
+  it("flips an unrotated image horizontally correctly", async () => {
+    //paste image
+    await createImage();
+    await waitFor(() => {
+      expect((h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement).scale).toEqual([1, 1]);
+      expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBeGreaterThan(0);
+      expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].type).toEqual("image");
+      expect(h.app.files.fileId).toBeDefined();
+    });
+    await checkHorizontalFlip();
+    expect((h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement).scale).toEqual([-1, 1]);
+    expect(h.elements[0].angle).toBeCloseTo(0);
+  });
+  it("flips an unrotated image vertically correctly", async () => {
+    //paste image
+    await createImage();
+    await waitFor(() => {
+      expect((h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement).scale).toEqual([1, 1]);
+      expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBeGreaterThan(0);
+      expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].type).toEqual("image");
+      expect(h.app.files.fileId).toBeDefined();
+    });
+    await checkVerticalFlip();
+    expect((h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement).scale).toEqual([-1, 1]);
+    expect(h.elements[0].angle).toBeCloseTo(Math.PI);
+  });
+  it("flips an rotated image horizontally correctly", async () => {
+    const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4;
+    const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4;
+    //paste image
+    await createImage();
+    await waitFor(() => {
+      expect((h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement).scale).toEqual([1, 1]);
+      expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBeGreaterThan(0);
+      expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].type).toEqual("image");
+      expect(h.app.files.fileId).toBeDefined();
+    });
+    mutateElement(h.elements[0], {
+      angle: originalAngle,
+    });
+    await checkRotatedHorizontalFlip(expectedAngle);
+    expect((h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement).scale).toEqual([-1, 1]);
+  });
+  it("flips an rotated image vertically correctly", async () => {
+    const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4;
+    const expectedAngle = (3 * Math.PI) / 4;
+    //paste image
+    await createImage();
+    await waitFor(() => {
+      expect((h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement).scale).toEqual([1, 1]);
+      expect(h.elements[0].angle).toEqual(0);
+      expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBeGreaterThan(0);
+      expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].type).toEqual("image");
+      expect(h.app.files.fileId).toBeDefined();
+    });
+    mutateElement(h.elements[0], {
+      angle: originalAngle,
+    });
+    await checkRotatedVerticalFlip(expectedAngle);
+    expect((h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement).scale).toEqual([-1, 1]);
+    expect(h.elements[0].angle).toBeCloseTo(expectedAngle);
+  });
+  it("flips an image both vertically & horizontally", async () => {
+    //paste image
+    await createImage();
+    await waitFor(() => {
+      expect((h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement).scale).toEqual([1, 1]);
+      expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBeGreaterThan(0);
+      expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].type).toEqual("image");
+      expect(h.app.files.fileId).toBeDefined();
+    });
+    await checkVerticalHorizontalFlip();
+    expect((h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement).scale).toEqual([1, 1]);
+    expect(h.elements[0].angle).toBeCloseTo(Math.PI);
+  });