diff --git a/src/actions/actionProperties.tsx b/src/actions/actionProperties.tsx
index e56ffc10..72f2ffb6 100644
--- a/src/actions/actionProperties.tsx
+++ b/src/actions/actionProperties.tsx
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ export const actionChangeFontFamily = register({
       appState: {
-        currentItemFontFamily: appState.currentItemFontFamily,
+        currentItemFontFamily: value,
       commitToHistory: true,
diff --git a/src/tests/__snapshots__/regressionTests.test.tsx.snap b/src/tests/__snapshots__/regressionTests.test.tsx.snap
index 748a2bb4..b6afadd1 100644
--- a/src/tests/__snapshots__/regressionTests.test.tsx.snap
+++ b/src/tests/__snapshots__/regressionTests.test.tsx.snap
@@ -15677,6 +15677,75 @@ exports[`regression tests undo/redo drawing an element: [end of test] number of
 exports[`regression tests undo/redo drawing an element: [end of test] number of renders 1`] = `24`;
+exports[`regression tests updates fontSize & fontFamily appState: [end of test] appState 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "collaborators": Map {},
+  "currentItemBackgroundColor": "transparent",
+  "currentItemFillStyle": "hachure",
+  "currentItemFontFamily": 3,
+  "currentItemFontSize": 20,
+  "currentItemOpacity": 100,
+  "currentItemRoughness": 1,
+  "currentItemStrokeColor": "#000000",
+  "currentItemStrokeStyle": "solid",
+  "currentItemStrokeWidth": 1,
+  "currentItemTextAlign": "left",
+  "cursorButton": "up",
+  "cursorX": 0,
+  "cursorY": 0,
+  "draggingElement": null,
+  "editingElement": null,
+  "editingGroupId": null,
+  "elementLocked": false,
+  "elementType": "text",
+  "errorMessage": null,
+  "exportBackground": true,
+  "isCollaborating": false,
+  "isLoading": false,
+  "isResizing": false,
+  "isRotating": false,
+  "lastPointerDownWith": "mouse",
+  "multiElement": null,
+  "name": "Unbenannt-201933152653",
+  "openMenu": null,
+  "resizingElement": null,
+  "scrollX": 0,
+  "scrollY": 0,
+  "scrolledOutside": false,
+  "selectedElementIds": Object {},
+  "selectedGroupIds": Object {},
+  "selectionElement": null,
+  "shouldAddWatermark": false,
+  "shouldCacheIgnoreZoom": false,
+  "showShortcutsDialog": false,
+  "username": "",
+  "viewBackgroundColor": "#ffffff",
+  "zenModeEnabled": false,
+  "zoom": 1,
+exports[`regression tests updates fontSize & fontFamily appState: [end of test] history 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "recording": false,
+  "redoStack": Array [],
+  "stateHistory": Array [
+    Object {
+      "appState": Object {
+        "name": "Unbenannt-201933152653",
+        "selectedElementIds": Object {},
+        "viewBackgroundColor": "#ffffff",
+      },
+      "elements": Array [],
+    },
+  ],
+exports[`regression tests updates fontSize & fontFamily appState: [end of test] number of elements 1`] = `0`;
+exports[`regression tests updates fontSize & fontFamily appState: [end of test] number of renders 1`] = `4`;
 exports[`regression tests zoom hotkeys: [end of test] appState 1`] = `
 Object {
   "collaborators": Map {},
diff --git a/src/tests/queries/toolQueries.ts b/src/tests/queries/toolQueries.ts
index a106e573..6c18045a 100644
--- a/src/tests/queries/toolQueries.ts
+++ b/src/tests/queries/toolQueries.ts
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ const toolMap = {
   arrow: "arrow",
   line: "line",
   draw: "draw",
+  text: "text",
 export type ToolName = keyof typeof toolMap;
diff --git a/src/tests/regressionTests.test.tsx b/src/tests/regressionTests.test.tsx
index bad6ac1a..b369cd36 100644
--- a/src/tests/regressionTests.test.tsx
+++ b/src/tests/regressionTests.test.tsx
@@ -840,4 +840,11 @@ describe("regression tests", () => {
+  it("updates fontSize & fontFamily appState", () => {
+    clickTool("text");
+    expect(h.state.currentItemFontFamily).toEqual(1); // Virgil
+    fireEvent.click(screen.getByText(/code/i));
+    expect(h.state.currentItemFontFamily).toEqual(3); // Cascadia
+  });