const fs = require("fs"); const util = require("util"); const exec = util.promisify(require("child_process").exec); const excalidrawDir = `${__dirname}/../packages/excalidraw`; const excalidrawPackage = `${excalidrawDir}/package.json`; const pkg = require(excalidrawPackage); const lastVersion = pkg.version; const existingChangeLog = fs.readFileSync( `${excalidrawDir}/`, "utf8", ); const supportedTypes = ["feat", "fix", "style", "refactor", "perf", "build"]; const headerForType = { feat: "Features", fix: "Fixes", style: "Styles", refactor: " Refactor", perf: "Performance", build: "Build", }; const badCommits = []; const getCommitHashForLastVersion = async () => { try { const commitMessage = `"release @excalidraw/excalidraw@${lastVersion}"`; const { stdout } = await exec( `git log --format=format:"%H" --grep=${commitMessage}`, ); return stdout; } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }; const getLibraryCommitsSinceLastRelease = async () => { const commitHash = await getCommitHashForLastVersion(); const { stdout } = await exec( `git log --pretty=format:%s ${commitHash}...master`, ); const commitsSinceLastRelease = stdout.split("\n"); const commitList = {}; supportedTypes.forEach((type) => { commitList[type] = []; }); commitsSinceLastRelease.forEach((commit) => { const indexOfColon = commit.indexOf(":"); const type = commit.slice(0, indexOfColon); if (!supportedTypes.includes(type)) { return; } const messageWithoutType = commit.slice(indexOfColon + 1).trim(); const messageWithCapitalizeFirst = messageWithoutType.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + messageWithoutType.slice(1); const prMatch = commit.match(/\(#([0-9]*)\)/); if (prMatch) { const prNumber = prMatch[1]; // return if the changelog already contains the pr number which would happen for package updates if (existingChangeLog.includes(prNumber)) { return; } const prMarkdown = `[#${prNumber}](${prNumber})`; const messageWithPRLink = messageWithCapitalizeFirst.replace( /\(#[0-9]*\)/, prMarkdown, ); commitList[type].push(messageWithPRLink); } else { badCommits.push(commit); commitList[type].push(messageWithCapitalizeFirst); } });"Bad commits:", badCommits); return commitList; }; const updateChangelog = async (nextVersion) => { const commitList = await getLibraryCommitsSinceLastRelease(); let changelogForLibrary = "## Excalidraw Library\n\n**_This section lists the updates made to the excalidraw library and will not affect the integration._**\n\n"; supportedTypes.forEach((type) => { if (commitList[type].length) { changelogForLibrary += `### ${headerForType[type]}\n\n`; const commits = commitList[type]; commits.forEach((commit) => { changelogForLibrary += `- ${commit}\n\n`; }); } }); changelogForLibrary += "---\n"; const lastVersionIndex = existingChangeLog.indexOf(`## ${lastVersion}`); let updatedContent = existingChangeLog.slice(0, lastVersionIndex) + changelogForLibrary + existingChangeLog.slice(lastVersionIndex); const currentDate = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 10); const newVersion = `## ${nextVersion} (${currentDate})`; updatedContent = updatedContent.replace(`## Unreleased`, newVersion); fs.writeFileSync(`${excalidrawDir}/`, updatedContent, "utf8"); }; module.exports = updateChangelog;