import polyfill from "../polyfill"; import LanguageDetector from "i18next-browser-languagedetector"; import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; import { trackEvent } from "../analytics"; import { getDefaultAppState } from "../appState"; import { ErrorDialog } from "../components/ErrorDialog"; import { TopErrorBoundary } from "../components/TopErrorBoundary"; import { APP_NAME, EVENT, THEME, TITLE_TIMEOUT, VERSION_TIMEOUT, } from "../constants"; import { loadFromBlob } from "../data/blob"; import { ExcalidrawElement, FileId, NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, Theme, } from "../element/types"; import { useCallbackRefState } from "../hooks/useCallbackRefState"; import { t } from "../i18n"; import { Excalidraw, defaultLang, Footer } from "../packages/excalidraw/index"; import { AppState, LibraryItems, ExcalidrawImperativeAPI, BinaryFiles, ExcalidrawInitialDataState, } from "../types"; import { debounce, getVersion, getFrame, isTestEnv, preventUnload, ResolvablePromise, resolvablePromise, } from "../utils"; import { FIREBASE_STORAGE_PREFIXES, STORAGE_KEYS, SYNC_BROWSER_TABS_TIMEOUT, } from "./app_constants"; import Collab, { CollabAPI, collabAPIAtom, collabDialogShownAtom, isCollaboratingAtom, } from "./collab/Collab"; import { exportToBackend, getCollaborationLinkData, isCollaborationLink, loadScene, } from "./data"; import { getLibraryItemsFromStorage, importFromLocalStorage, importUsernameFromLocalStorage, } from "./data/localStorage"; import CustomStats from "./CustomStats"; import { restore, restoreAppState, RestoredDataState } from "../data/restore"; import "./index.scss"; import { ExportToExcalidrawPlus } from "./components/ExportToExcalidrawPlus"; import { updateStaleImageStatuses } from "./data/FileManager"; import { newElementWith } from "../element/mutateElement"; import { isInitializedImageElement } from "../element/typeChecks"; import { loadFilesFromFirebase } from "./data/firebase"; import { LocalData } from "./data/LocalData"; import { isBrowserStorageStateNewer } from "./data/tabSync"; import clsx from "clsx"; import { atom, Provider, useAtom } from "jotai"; import { jotaiStore, useAtomWithInitialValue } from "../jotai"; import { reconcileElements } from "./collab/reconciliation"; import { parseLibraryTokensFromUrl, useHandleLibrary } from "../data/library"; import { EncryptedIcon } from "./components/EncryptedIcon"; import { ExcalidrawPlusAppLink } from "./components/ExcalidrawPlusAppLink"; polyfill(); window.EXCALIDRAW_THROTTLE_RENDER = true; const languageDetector = new LanguageDetector(); languageDetector.init({ languageUtils: {}, }); const initializeScene = async (opts: { collabAPI: CollabAPI; excalidrawAPI: ExcalidrawImperativeAPI; }): Promise< { scene: ExcalidrawInitialDataState | null } & ( | { isExternalScene: true; id: string; key: string } | { isExternalScene: false; id?: null; key?: null } ) > => { const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(; const id = searchParams.get("id"); const jsonBackendMatch = window.location.hash.match( /^#json=([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+),([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$/, ); const externalUrlMatch = window.location.hash.match(/^#url=(.*)$/); const localDataState = importFromLocalStorage(); let scene: RestoredDataState & { scrollToContent?: boolean; } = await loadScene(null, null, localDataState); let roomLinkData = getCollaborationLinkData(window.location.href); const isExternalScene = !!(id || jsonBackendMatch || roomLinkData); if (isExternalScene) { if ( // don't prompt if scene is empty !scene.elements.length || // don't prompt for collab scenes because we don't override local storage roomLinkData || // otherwise, prompt whether user wants to override current scene window.confirm(t("alerts.loadSceneOverridePrompt")) ) { if (jsonBackendMatch) { scene = await loadScene( jsonBackendMatch[1], jsonBackendMatch[2], localDataState, ); } scene.scrollToContent = true; if (!roomLinkData) { window.history.replaceState({}, APP_NAME, window.location.origin); } } else { // if (document.hidden) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { window.addEventListener( "focus", () => initializeScene(opts).then(resolve).catch(reject), { once: true, }, ); }); } roomLinkData = null; window.history.replaceState({}, APP_NAME, window.location.origin); } } else if (externalUrlMatch) { window.history.replaceState({}, APP_NAME, window.location.origin); const url = externalUrlMatch[1]; try { const request = await fetch(window.decodeURIComponent(url)); const data = await loadFromBlob(await request.blob(), null, null); if ( !scene.elements.length || window.confirm(t("alerts.loadSceneOverridePrompt")) ) { return { scene: data, isExternalScene }; } } catch (error: any) { return { scene: { appState: { errorMessage: t("alerts.invalidSceneUrl"), }, }, isExternalScene, }; } } if (roomLinkData) { const { excalidrawAPI } = opts; const scene = await opts.collabAPI.startCollaboration(roomLinkData); return { // when collaborating, the state may have already been updated at this // point (we may have received updates from other clients), so reconcile // elements and appState with existing state scene: { ...scene, appState: { ...restoreAppState( { ...scene?.appState, theme: localDataState?.appState?.theme || scene?.appState?.theme, }, excalidrawAPI.getAppState(), ), // necessary if we're invoking from a hashchange handler which doesn't // go through App.initializeScene() that resets this flag isLoading: false, }, elements: reconcileElements( scene?.elements || [], excalidrawAPI.getSceneElementsIncludingDeleted(), excalidrawAPI.getAppState(), ), }, isExternalScene: true, id: roomLinkData.roomId, key: roomLinkData.roomKey, }; } else if (scene) { return isExternalScene && jsonBackendMatch ? { scene, isExternalScene, id: jsonBackendMatch[1], key: jsonBackendMatch[2], } : { scene, isExternalScene: false }; } return { scene: null, isExternalScene: false }; }; const currentLangCode = languageDetector.detect() || defaultLang.code; export const langCodeAtom = atom( Array.isArray(currentLangCode) ? currentLangCode[0] : currentLangCode, ); const ExcalidrawWrapper = () => { const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = useState(""); const [langCode, setLangCode] = useAtom(langCodeAtom); // initial state // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- const initialStatePromiseRef = useRef<{ promise: ResolvablePromise; }>({ promise: null! }); if (!initialStatePromiseRef.current.promise) { initialStatePromiseRef.current.promise = resolvablePromise(); } useEffect(() => { trackEvent("load", "frame", getFrame()); // Delayed so that the app has a time to load the latest SW setTimeout(() => { trackEvent("load", "version", getVersion()); }, VERSION_TIMEOUT); }, []); const [excalidrawAPI, excalidrawRefCallback] = useCallbackRefState(); const [collabAPI] = useAtom(collabAPIAtom); const [, setCollabDialogShown] = useAtom(collabDialogShownAtom); const [isCollaborating] = useAtomWithInitialValue(isCollaboratingAtom, () => { return isCollaborationLink(window.location.href); }); useHandleLibrary({ excalidrawAPI, getInitialLibraryItems: getLibraryItemsFromStorage, }); useEffect(() => { if (!collabAPI || !excalidrawAPI) { return; } const loadImages = ( data: ResolutionType, isInitialLoad = false, ) => { if (!data.scene) { return; } if (collabAPI.isCollaborating()) { if (data.scene.elements) { collabAPI .fetchImageFilesFromFirebase({ elements: data.scene.elements, forceFetchFiles: true, }) .then(({ loadedFiles, erroredFiles }) => { excalidrawAPI.addFiles(loadedFiles); updateStaleImageStatuses({ excalidrawAPI, erroredFiles, elements: excalidrawAPI.getSceneElementsIncludingDeleted(), }); }); } } else { const fileIds = data.scene.elements?.reduce((acc, element) => { if (isInitializedImageElement(element)) { return acc.concat(element.fileId); } return acc; }, [] as FileId[]) || []; if (data.isExternalScene) { loadFilesFromFirebase( `${FIREBASE_STORAGE_PREFIXES.shareLinkFiles}/${}`, data.key, fileIds, ).then(({ loadedFiles, erroredFiles }) => { excalidrawAPI.addFiles(loadedFiles); updateStaleImageStatuses({ excalidrawAPI, erroredFiles, elements: excalidrawAPI.getSceneElementsIncludingDeleted(), }); }); } else if (isInitialLoad) { if (fileIds.length) { LocalData.fileStorage .getFiles(fileIds) .then(({ loadedFiles, erroredFiles }) => { if (loadedFiles.length) { excalidrawAPI.addFiles(loadedFiles); } updateStaleImageStatuses({ excalidrawAPI, erroredFiles, elements: excalidrawAPI.getSceneElementsIncludingDeleted(), }); }); } // on fresh load, clear unused files from IDB (from previous // session) LocalData.fileStorage.clearObsoleteFiles({ currentFileIds: fileIds }); } } }; initializeScene({ collabAPI, excalidrawAPI }).then(async (data) => { loadImages(data, /* isInitialLoad */ true); initialStatePromiseRef.current.promise.resolve(data.scene); }); const onHashChange = async (event: HashChangeEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); const libraryUrlTokens = parseLibraryTokensFromUrl(); if (!libraryUrlTokens) { if ( collabAPI.isCollaborating() && !isCollaborationLink(window.location.href) ) { collabAPI.stopCollaboration(false); } excalidrawAPI.updateScene({ appState: { isLoading: true } }); initializeScene({ collabAPI, excalidrawAPI }).then((data) => { loadImages(data); if (data.scene) { excalidrawAPI.updateScene({, ...restore(data.scene, null, null), commitToHistory: true, }); } }); } }; const titleTimeout = setTimeout( () => (document.title = APP_NAME), TITLE_TIMEOUT, ); const syncData = debounce(() => { if (isTestEnv()) { return; } if (!document.hidden && !collabAPI.isCollaborating()) { // don't sync if local state is newer or identical to browser state if (isBrowserStorageStateNewer(STORAGE_KEYS.VERSION_DATA_STATE)) { const localDataState = importFromLocalStorage(); const username = importUsernameFromLocalStorage(); let langCode = languageDetector.detect() || defaultLang.code; if (Array.isArray(langCode)) { langCode = langCode[0]; } setLangCode(langCode); excalidrawAPI.updateScene({ ...localDataState, }); excalidrawAPI.updateLibrary({ libraryItems: getLibraryItemsFromStorage(), }); collabAPI.setUsername(username || ""); } if (isBrowserStorageStateNewer(STORAGE_KEYS.VERSION_FILES)) { const elements = excalidrawAPI.getSceneElementsIncludingDeleted(); const currFiles = excalidrawAPI.getFiles(); const fileIds = elements?.reduce((acc, element) => { if ( isInitializedImageElement(element) && // only load and update images that aren't already loaded !currFiles[element.fileId] ) { return acc.concat(element.fileId); } return acc; }, [] as FileId[]) || []; if (fileIds.length) { LocalData.fileStorage .getFiles(fileIds) .then(({ loadedFiles, erroredFiles }) => { if (loadedFiles.length) { excalidrawAPI.addFiles(loadedFiles); } updateStaleImageStatuses({ excalidrawAPI, erroredFiles, elements: excalidrawAPI.getSceneElementsIncludingDeleted(), }); }); } } } }, SYNC_BROWSER_TABS_TIMEOUT); const onUnload = () => { LocalData.flushSave(); }; const visibilityChange = (event: FocusEvent | Event) => { if (event.type === EVENT.BLUR || document.hidden) { LocalData.flushSave(); } if ( event.type === EVENT.VISIBILITY_CHANGE || event.type === EVENT.FOCUS ) { syncData(); } }; window.addEventListener(EVENT.HASHCHANGE, onHashChange, false); window.addEventListener(EVENT.UNLOAD, onUnload, false); window.addEventListener(EVENT.BLUR, visibilityChange, false); document.addEventListener(EVENT.VISIBILITY_CHANGE, visibilityChange, false); window.addEventListener(EVENT.FOCUS, visibilityChange, false); return () => { window.removeEventListener(EVENT.HASHCHANGE, onHashChange, false); window.removeEventListener(EVENT.UNLOAD, onUnload, false); window.removeEventListener(EVENT.BLUR, visibilityChange, false); window.removeEventListener(EVENT.FOCUS, visibilityChange, false); document.removeEventListener( EVENT.VISIBILITY_CHANGE, visibilityChange, false, ); clearTimeout(titleTimeout); }; }, [collabAPI, excalidrawAPI, setLangCode]); useEffect(() => { const unloadHandler = (event: BeforeUnloadEvent) => { LocalData.flushSave(); if ( excalidrawAPI && LocalData.fileStorage.shouldPreventUnload( excalidrawAPI.getSceneElements(), ) ) { preventUnload(event); } }; window.addEventListener(EVENT.BEFORE_UNLOAD, unloadHandler); return () => { window.removeEventListener(EVENT.BEFORE_UNLOAD, unloadHandler); }; }, [excalidrawAPI]); useEffect(() => { languageDetector.cacheUserLanguage(langCode); }, [langCode]); const [theme, setTheme] = useState( () => localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_KEYS.LOCAL_STORAGE_THEME) || // FIXME migration from old LS scheme. Can be removed later. #5660 importFromLocalStorage().appState?.theme || THEME.LIGHT, ); useEffect(() => { localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_KEYS.LOCAL_STORAGE_THEME, theme); // currently only used for body styling during init (see public/index.html), // but may change in the future document.documentElement.classList.toggle("dark", theme === THEME.DARK); }, [theme]); const onChange = ( elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], appState: AppState, files: BinaryFiles, ) => { if (collabAPI?.isCollaborating()) { collabAPI.syncElements(elements); } setTheme(appState.theme); // this check is redundant, but since this is a hot path, it's best // not to evaludate the nested expression every time if (!LocalData.isSavePaused()) {, appState, files, () => { if (excalidrawAPI) { let didChange = false; const elements = excalidrawAPI .getSceneElementsIncludingDeleted() .map((element) => { if ( LocalData.fileStorage.shouldUpdateImageElementStatus(element) ) { const newElement = newElementWith(element, { status: "saved" }); if (newElement !== element) { didChange = true; } return newElement; } return element; }); if (didChange) { excalidrawAPI.updateScene({ elements, }); } } }); } }; const onExportToBackend = async ( exportedElements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], appState: AppState, files: BinaryFiles, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement | null, ) => { if (exportedElements.length === 0) { return window.alert(t("alerts.cannotExportEmptyCanvas")); } if (canvas) { try { await exportToBackend( exportedElements, { ...appState, viewBackgroundColor: appState.exportBackground ? appState.viewBackgroundColor : getDefaultAppState().viewBackgroundColor, }, files, ); } catch (error: any) { if ( !== "AbortError") { const { width, height } = canvas; console.error(error, { width, height }); setErrorMessage(error.message); } } } }; const renderCustomStats = ( elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], appState: AppState, ) => { return ( excalidrawAPI!.setToast({ message })} appState={appState} elements={elements} /> ); }; const onLibraryChange = async (items: LibraryItems) => { if (!items.length) { localStorage.removeItem(STORAGE_KEYS.LOCAL_STORAGE_LIBRARY); return; } const serializedItems = JSON.stringify(items); localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_KEYS.LOCAL_STORAGE_LIBRARY, serializedItems); }; return (
setCollabDialogShown(true)} isCollaborating={isCollaborating} onPointerUpdate={collabAPI?.onPointerUpdate} UIOptions={{ canvasActions: { toggleTheme: true, export: { onExportToBackend, renderCustomUI: (elements, appState, files) => { return ( { excalidrawAPI?.updateScene({ appState: { errorMessage: error.message, }, }); }} /> ); }, }, }, }} langCode={langCode} renderCustomStats={renderCustomStats} detectScroll={false} handleKeyboardGlobally={true} onLibraryChange={onLibraryChange} autoFocus={true} theme={theme} >
{excalidrawAPI && } {errorMessage && ( setErrorMessage("")} /> )}
); }; const ExcalidrawApp = () => { return ( jotaiStore}> ); }; export default ExcalidrawApp;