import { getCommonBounds, getElementAbsoluteCoords, isTextElement, } from "./element"; import { ExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawFrameElement, NonDeleted, NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, } from "./element/types"; import { isPointWithinBounds } from "./math"; import { getBoundTextElement, getContainerElement, } from "./element/textElement"; import { arrayToMap, findIndex } from "./utils"; import { mutateElement } from "./element/mutateElement"; import { AppClassProperties, AppState, StaticCanvasAppState } from "./types"; import { getElementsWithinSelection, getSelectedElements } from "./scene"; import { isFrameElement } from "./element"; import { moveOneRight } from "./zindex"; import { getElementsInGroup, selectGroupsFromGivenElements } from "./groups"; import Scene, { ExcalidrawElementsIncludingDeleted } from "./scene/Scene"; import { getElementLineSegments } from "./element/bounds"; // --------------------------- Frame State ------------------------------------ export const bindElementsToFramesAfterDuplication = ( nextElements: ExcalidrawElement[], oldElements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], oldIdToDuplicatedId: Map, ) => { const nextElementMap = arrayToMap(nextElements) as Map< ExcalidrawElement["id"], ExcalidrawElement >; for (const element of oldElements) { if (element.frameId) { // use its frameId to get the new frameId const nextElementId = oldIdToDuplicatedId.get(; const nextFrameId = oldIdToDuplicatedId.get(element.frameId); if (nextElementId) { const nextElement = nextElementMap.get(nextElementId); if (nextElement) { mutateElement( nextElement, { frameId: nextFrameId ?? element.frameId, }, false, ); } } } } }; // --------------------------- Frame Geometry --------------------------------- class Point { x: number; y: number; constructor(x: number, y: number) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } } class LineSegment { first: Point; second: Point; constructor(pointA: Point, pointB: Point) { this.first = pointA; this.second = pointB; } public getBoundingBox(): [Point, Point] { return [ new Point( Math.min(this.first.x, this.second.x), Math.min(this.first.y, this.second.y), ), new Point( Math.max(this.first.x, this.second.x), Math.max(this.first.y, this.second.y), ), ]; } } // class FrameGeometry { private static EPSILON = 0.000001; private static crossProduct(a: Point, b: Point) { return a.x * b.y - b.x * a.y; } private static doBoundingBoxesIntersect( a: [Point, Point], b: [Point, Point], ) { return ( a[0].x <= b[1].x && a[1].x >= b[0].x && a[0].y <= b[1].y && a[1].y >= b[0].y ); } private static isPointOnLine(a: LineSegment, b: Point) { const aTmp = new LineSegment( new Point(0, 0), new Point(a.second.x - a.first.x, a.second.y - a.first.y), ); const bTmp = new Point(b.x - a.first.x, b.y - a.first.y); const r = this.crossProduct(aTmp.second, bTmp); return Math.abs(r) < this.EPSILON; } private static isPointRightOfLine(a: LineSegment, b: Point) { const aTmp = new LineSegment( new Point(0, 0), new Point(a.second.x - a.first.x, a.second.y - a.first.y), ); const bTmp = new Point(b.x - a.first.x, b.y - a.first.y); return this.crossProduct(aTmp.second, bTmp) < 0; } private static lineSegmentTouchesOrCrossesLine( a: LineSegment, b: LineSegment, ) { return ( this.isPointOnLine(a, b.first) || this.isPointOnLine(a, b.second) || (this.isPointRightOfLine(a, b.first) ? !this.isPointRightOfLine(a, b.second) : this.isPointRightOfLine(a, b.second)) ); } private static doLineSegmentsIntersect( a: [readonly [number, number], readonly [number, number]], b: [readonly [number, number], readonly [number, number]], ) { const aSegment = new LineSegment( new Point(a[0][0], a[0][1]), new Point(a[1][0], a[1][1]), ); const bSegment = new LineSegment( new Point(b[0][0], b[0][1]), new Point(b[1][0], b[1][1]), ); const box1 = aSegment.getBoundingBox(); const box2 = bSegment.getBoundingBox(); return ( this.doBoundingBoxesIntersect(box1, box2) && this.lineSegmentTouchesOrCrossesLine(aSegment, bSegment) && this.lineSegmentTouchesOrCrossesLine(bSegment, aSegment) ); } public static isElementIntersectingFrame( element: ExcalidrawElement, frame: ExcalidrawFrameElement, ) { const frameLineSegments = getElementLineSegments(frame); const elementLineSegments = getElementLineSegments(element); const intersecting = frameLineSegments.some((frameLineSegment) => elementLineSegments.some((elementLineSegment) => this.doLineSegmentsIntersect(frameLineSegment, elementLineSegment), ), ); return intersecting; } } export const getElementsCompletelyInFrame = ( elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], frame: ExcalidrawFrameElement, ) => omitGroupsContainingFrames( getElementsWithinSelection(elements, frame, false), ).filter( (element) => (element.type !== "frame" && !element.frameId) || element.frameId ===, ); export const isElementContainingFrame = ( elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], element: ExcalidrawElement, frame: ExcalidrawFrameElement, ) => { return getElementsWithinSelection(elements, element).some( (e) => ===, ); }; export const getElementsIntersectingFrame = ( elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], frame: ExcalidrawFrameElement, ) => elements.filter((element) => FrameGeometry.isElementIntersectingFrame(element, frame), ); export const elementsAreInFrameBounds = ( elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], frame: ExcalidrawFrameElement, ) => { const [selectionX1, selectionY1, selectionX2, selectionY2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(frame); const [elementX1, elementY1, elementX2, elementY2] = getCommonBounds(elements); return ( selectionX1 <= elementX1 && selectionY1 <= elementY1 && selectionX2 >= elementX2 && selectionY2 >= elementY2 ); }; export const elementOverlapsWithFrame = ( element: ExcalidrawElement, frame: ExcalidrawFrameElement, ) => { return ( elementsAreInFrameBounds([element], frame) || FrameGeometry.isElementIntersectingFrame(element, frame) || isElementContainingFrame([frame], element, frame) ); }; export const isCursorInFrame = ( cursorCoords: { x: number; y: number; }, frame: NonDeleted, ) => { const [fx1, fy1, fx2, fy2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(frame); return isPointWithinBounds( [fx1, fy1], [cursorCoords.x, cursorCoords.y], [fx2, fy2], ); }; export const groupsAreAtLeastIntersectingTheFrame = ( elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], groupIds: readonly string[], frame: ExcalidrawFrameElement, ) => { const elementsInGroup = groupIds.flatMap((groupId) => getElementsInGroup(elements, groupId), ); if (elementsInGroup.length === 0) { return true; } return !!elementsInGroup.find( (element) => elementsAreInFrameBounds([element], frame) || FrameGeometry.isElementIntersectingFrame(element, frame), ); }; export const groupsAreCompletelyOutOfFrame = ( elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], groupIds: readonly string[], frame: ExcalidrawFrameElement, ) => { const elementsInGroup = groupIds.flatMap((groupId) => getElementsInGroup(elements, groupId), ); if (elementsInGroup.length === 0) { return true; } return ( elementsInGroup.find( (element) => elementsAreInFrameBounds([element], frame) || FrameGeometry.isElementIntersectingFrame(element, frame), ) === undefined ); }; // --------------------------- Frame Utils ------------------------------------ /** * Returns a map of frameId to frame elements. Includes empty frames. */ export const groupByFrames = (elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[]) => { const frameElementsMap = new Map< ExcalidrawElement["id"], ExcalidrawElement[] >(); for (const element of elements) { const frameId = isFrameElement(element) ? : element.frameId; if (frameId && !frameElementsMap.has(frameId)) { frameElementsMap.set(frameId, getFrameElements(elements, frameId)); } } return frameElementsMap; }; export const getFrameElements = ( allElements: ExcalidrawElementsIncludingDeleted, frameId: string, ) => allElements.filter((element) => element.frameId === frameId); export const getElementsInResizingFrame = ( allElements: ExcalidrawElementsIncludingDeleted, frame: ExcalidrawFrameElement, appState: AppState, ): ExcalidrawElement[] => { const prevElementsInFrame = getFrameElements(allElements,; const nextElementsInFrame = new Set(prevElementsInFrame); const elementsCompletelyInFrame = new Set([ ...getElementsCompletelyInFrame(allElements, frame), ...prevElementsInFrame.filter((element) => isElementContainingFrame(allElements, element, frame), ), ]); const elementsNotCompletelyInFrame = prevElementsInFrame.filter( (element) => !elementsCompletelyInFrame.has(element), ); // for elements that are completely in the frame // if they are part of some groups, then those groups are still // considered to belong to the frame const groupsToKeep = new Set( Array.from(elementsCompletelyInFrame).flatMap( (element) => element.groupIds, ), ); for (const element of elementsNotCompletelyInFrame) { if (!FrameGeometry.isElementIntersectingFrame(element, frame)) { if (element.groupIds.length === 0) { nextElementsInFrame.delete(element); } } else if (element.groupIds.length > 0) { // group element intersects with the frame, we should keep the groups // that this element is part of for (const id of element.groupIds) { groupsToKeep.add(id); } } } for (const element of elementsNotCompletelyInFrame) { if (element.groupIds.length > 0) { let shouldRemoveElement = true; for (const id of element.groupIds) { if (groupsToKeep.has(id)) { shouldRemoveElement = false; } } if (shouldRemoveElement) { nextElementsInFrame.delete(element); } } } const individualElementsCompletelyInFrame = Array.from( elementsCompletelyInFrame, ).filter((element) => element.groupIds.length === 0); for (const element of individualElementsCompletelyInFrame) { nextElementsInFrame.add(element); } const newGroupElementsCompletelyInFrame = Array.from( elementsCompletelyInFrame, ).filter((element) => element.groupIds.length > 0); const groupIds = selectGroupsFromGivenElements( newGroupElementsCompletelyInFrame, appState, ); // new group elements for (const [id, isSelected] of Object.entries(groupIds)) { if (isSelected) { const elementsInGroup = getElementsInGroup(allElements, id); if (elementsAreInFrameBounds(elementsInGroup, frame)) { for (const element of elementsInGroup) { nextElementsInFrame.add(element); } } } } return [...nextElementsInFrame].filter((element) => { return !(isTextElement(element) && element.containerId); }); }; export const getElementsInNewFrame = ( allElements: ExcalidrawElementsIncludingDeleted, frame: ExcalidrawFrameElement, ) => { return omitGroupsContainingFrames( allElements, getElementsCompletelyInFrame(allElements, frame), ); }; export const getContainingFrame = ( element: ExcalidrawElement, /** * Optionally an elements map, in case the elements aren't in the Scene yet. * Takes precedence over Scene elements, even if the element exists * in Scene elements and not the supplied elements map. */ elementsMap?: Map, ) => { if (element.frameId) { if (elementsMap) { return (elementsMap.get(element.frameId) || null) as null | ExcalidrawFrameElement; } return ( (Scene.getScene(element)?.getElement( element.frameId, ) as ExcalidrawFrameElement) || null ); } return null; }; // --------------------------- Frame Operations ------------------------------- export const addElementsToFrame = ( allElements: ExcalidrawElementsIncludingDeleted, elementsToAdd: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], frame: ExcalidrawFrameElement, ) => { const _elementsToAdd: ExcalidrawElement[] = []; for (const element of elementsToAdd) { _elementsToAdd.push(element); const boundTextElement = getBoundTextElement(element); if (boundTextElement) { _elementsToAdd.push(boundTextElement); } } let nextElements = allElements.slice(); const frameBoundary = findIndex(nextElements, (e) => e.frameId ===; for (const element of omitGroupsContainingFrames( allElements, _elementsToAdd, )) { if (element.frameId !== && !isFrameElement(element)) { mutateElement( element, { frameId:, }, false, ); const frameIndex = findIndex(nextElements, (e) => ===; const elementIndex = findIndex(nextElements, (e) => ===; if (elementIndex < frameBoundary) { nextElements = [ ...nextElements.slice(0, elementIndex), ...nextElements.slice(elementIndex + 1, frameBoundary), element, ...nextElements.slice(frameBoundary), ]; } else if (elementIndex > frameIndex) { nextElements = [ ...nextElements.slice(0, frameIndex), element, ...nextElements.slice(frameIndex, elementIndex), ...nextElements.slice(elementIndex + 1), ]; } } } return nextElements; }; export const removeElementsFromFrame = ( allElements: ExcalidrawElementsIncludingDeleted, elementsToRemove: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], appState: AppState, ) => { const _elementsToRemove: ExcalidrawElement[] = []; for (const element of elementsToRemove) { if (element.frameId) { _elementsToRemove.push(element); const boundTextElement = getBoundTextElement(element); if (boundTextElement) { _elementsToRemove.push(boundTextElement); } } } for (const element of _elementsToRemove) { mutateElement( element, { frameId: null, }, false, ); } const nextElements = moveOneRight( allElements, appState, Array.from(_elementsToRemove), ); return nextElements; }; export const removeAllElementsFromFrame = ( allElements: ExcalidrawElementsIncludingDeleted, frame: ExcalidrawFrameElement, appState: AppState, ) => { const elementsInFrame = getFrameElements(allElements,; return removeElementsFromFrame(allElements, elementsInFrame, appState); }; export const replaceAllElementsInFrame = ( allElements: ExcalidrawElementsIncludingDeleted, nextElementsInFrame: ExcalidrawElement[], frame: ExcalidrawFrameElement, appState: AppState, ) => { return addElementsToFrame( removeAllElementsFromFrame(allElements, frame, appState), nextElementsInFrame, frame, ); }; /** does not mutate elements, but return new ones */ export const updateFrameMembershipOfSelectedElements = ( allElements: ExcalidrawElementsIncludingDeleted, appState: AppState, app: AppClassProperties, ) => { const selectedElements = app.scene.getSelectedElements({ selectedElementIds: appState.selectedElementIds, // supplying elements explicitly in case we're passed non-state elements elements: allElements, }); const elementsToFilter = new Set(selectedElements); if (appState.editingGroupId) { for (const element of selectedElements) { if (element.groupIds.length === 0) { elementsToFilter.add(element); } else { element.groupIds .flatMap((gid) => getElementsInGroup(allElements, gid)) .forEach((element) => elementsToFilter.add(element)); } } } const elementsToRemove = new Set(); elementsToFilter.forEach((element) => { if ( element.frameId && !isFrameElement(element) && !isElementInFrame(element, allElements, appState) ) { elementsToRemove.add(element); } }); return elementsToRemove.size > 0 ? removeElementsFromFrame(allElements, [...elementsToRemove], appState) : allElements; }; /** * filters out elements that are inside groups that contain a frame element * anywhere in the group tree */ export const omitGroupsContainingFrames = ( allElements: ExcalidrawElementsIncludingDeleted, /** subset of elements you want to filter. Optional perf optimization so we * don't have to filter all elements unnecessarily */ selectedElements?: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], ) => { const uniqueGroupIds = new Set(); for (const el of selectedElements || allElements) { const topMostGroupId = el.groupIds[el.groupIds.length - 1]; if (topMostGroupId) { uniqueGroupIds.add(topMostGroupId); } } const rejectedGroupIds = new Set(); for (const groupId of uniqueGroupIds) { if ( getElementsInGroup(allElements, groupId).some((el) => isFrameElement(el)) ) { rejectedGroupIds.add(groupId); } } return (selectedElements || allElements).filter( (el) => !rejectedGroupIds.has(el.groupIds[el.groupIds.length - 1]), ); }; /** * depending on the appState, return target frame, which is the frame the given element * is going to be added to or remove from */ export const getTargetFrame = ( element: ExcalidrawElement, appState: StaticCanvasAppState, ) => { const _element = isTextElement(element) ? getContainerElement(element) || element : element; return appState.selectedElementIds[] && appState.selectedElementsAreBeingDragged ? appState.frameToHighlight : getContainingFrame(_element); }; // TODO: this a huge bottleneck for large scenes, optimise // given an element, return if the element is in some frame export const isElementInFrame = ( element: ExcalidrawElement, allElements: ExcalidrawElementsIncludingDeleted, appState: StaticCanvasAppState, ) => { const frame = getTargetFrame(element, appState); const _element = isTextElement(element) ? getContainerElement(element) || element : element; if (frame) { if (_element.groupIds.length === 0) { return elementOverlapsWithFrame(_element, frame); } const allElementsInGroup = new Set( _element.groupIds.flatMap((gid) => getElementsInGroup(allElements, gid)), ); if (appState.editingGroupId && appState.selectedElementsAreBeingDragged) { const selectedElements = new Set( getSelectedElements(allElements, appState), ); const editingGroupOverlapsFrame = appState.frameToHighlight !== null; if (editingGroupOverlapsFrame) { return true; } selectedElements.forEach((selectedElement) => { allElementsInGroup.delete(selectedElement); }); } for (const elementInGroup of allElementsInGroup) { if (isFrameElement(elementInGroup)) { return false; } } for (const elementInGroup of allElementsInGroup) { if (elementOverlapsWithFrame(elementInGroup, frame)) { return true; } } } return false; };