import { ExcalidrawElement } from "./element/types"; import { newElement, newTextElement } from "./element"; import { AppState } from "./types"; import { t } from "./i18n"; import { DEFAULT_VERTICAL_ALIGN } from "./constants"; export interface Spreadsheet { yAxisLabel: string | null; labels: string[] | null; values: number[]; } export const NOT_SPREADSHEET = "NOT_SPREADSHEET"; export const MALFORMED_SPREADSHEET = "MALFORMED_SPREADSHEET"; export const VALID_SPREADSHEET = "VALID_SPREADSHEET"; type ParseSpreadsheetResult = | { type: typeof NOT_SPREADSHEET; } | { type: typeof VALID_SPREADSHEET; spreadsheet: Spreadsheet } | { type: typeof MALFORMED_SPREADSHEET; error: string; }; const tryParseNumber = (s: string): number | null => { const match = /^[$€£¥₩]?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)$/.exec(s); if (!match) { return null; } return parseFloat(match[1]); }; const isNumericColumn = (lines: string[][], columnIndex: number) => { return lines .slice(1) .every((line) => tryParseNumber(line[columnIndex]) !== null); }; const tryParseCells = (cells: string[][]): ParseSpreadsheetResult => { const numCols = cells[0].length; if (numCols > 2) { return { type: MALFORMED_SPREADSHEET, error: t("charts.tooManyColumns") }; } if (numCols === 1) { if (!isNumericColumn(cells, 0)) { return { type: NOT_SPREADSHEET }; } const hasHeader = tryParseNumber(cells[0][0]) === null; const values = (hasHeader ? cells.slice(1) : cells).map((line) => tryParseNumber(line[0]), ); if (values.length < 2) { return { type: NOT_SPREADSHEET }; } return { type: VALID_SPREADSHEET, spreadsheet: { yAxisLabel: hasHeader ? cells[0][0] : null, labels: null, values: values as number[], }, }; } const valueColumnIndex = isNumericColumn(cells, 0) ? 0 : 1; if (!isNumericColumn(cells, valueColumnIndex)) { return { type: MALFORMED_SPREADSHEET, error: t("charts.noNumericColumn"), }; } const labelColumnIndex = (valueColumnIndex + 1) % 2; const hasHeader = tryParseNumber(cells[0][valueColumnIndex]) === null; const rows = hasHeader ? cells.slice(1) : cells; if (rows.length < 2) { return { type: NOT_SPREADSHEET }; } return { type: VALID_SPREADSHEET, spreadsheet: { yAxisLabel: hasHeader ? cells[0][valueColumnIndex] : null, labels: => row[labelColumnIndex]), values: => tryParseNumber(row[valueColumnIndex])!), }, }; }; const transposeCells = (cells: string[][]) => { const nextCells: string[][] = []; for (let col = 0; col < cells[0].length; col++) { const nextCellRow: string[] = []; for (let row = 0; row < cells.length; row++) { nextCellRow.push(cells[row][col]); } nextCells.push(nextCellRow); } return nextCells; }; export const tryParseSpreadsheet = (text: string): ParseSpreadsheetResult => { // copy/paste from excel, in-browser excel, and google sheets is tsv // for now we only accept 2 columns with an optional header const lines = text .trim() .split("\n") .map((line) => line.trim().split("\t")); if (lines.length === 0) { return { type: NOT_SPREADSHEET }; } const numColsFirstLine = lines[0].length; const isASpreadsheet = lines.every( (line) => line.length === numColsFirstLine, ); if (!isASpreadsheet) { return { type: NOT_SPREADSHEET }; } const result = tryParseCells(lines); if (result.type !== VALID_SPREADSHEET) { const transposedResults = tryParseCells(transposeCells(lines)); if (transposedResults.type === VALID_SPREADSHEET) { return transposedResults; } } return result; }; const BAR_WIDTH = 32; const BAR_SPACING = 12; const BAR_HEIGHT = 192; const LABEL_SPACING = 3 * BAR_SPACING; const Y_AXIS_LABEL_SPACING = LABEL_SPACING; const ANGLE = 5.87; export const renderSpreadsheet = ( appState: AppState, spreadsheet: Spreadsheet, x: number, y: number, ): ExcalidrawElement[] => { const max = Math.max(...spreadsheet.values); const min = Math.min(0, ...spreadsheet.values); const range = max - min; const minYLabel = newTextElement({ x: x, y: y + BAR_HEIGHT, strokeColor: appState.currentItemStrokeColor, backgroundColor: appState.currentItemBackgroundColor, fillStyle: appState.currentItemFillStyle, strokeWidth: appState.currentItemStrokeWidth, strokeStyle: appState.currentItemStrokeStyle, roughness: appState.currentItemRoughness, opacity: appState.currentItemOpacity, strokeSharpness: appState.currentItemStrokeSharpness, text: min.toLocaleString(), fontSize: 16, fontFamily: appState.currentItemFontFamily, textAlign: appState.currentItemTextAlign, verticalAlign: DEFAULT_VERTICAL_ALIGN, }); const maxYLabel = newTextElement({ x: x, y: y, strokeColor: appState.currentItemStrokeColor, backgroundColor: appState.currentItemBackgroundColor, fillStyle: appState.currentItemFillStyle, strokeWidth: appState.currentItemStrokeWidth, strokeStyle: appState.currentItemStrokeStyle, roughness: appState.currentItemRoughness, opacity: appState.currentItemOpacity, strokeSharpness: appState.currentItemStrokeSharpness, text: max.toLocaleString(), fontSize: 16, fontFamily: appState.currentItemFontFamily, textAlign: appState.currentItemTextAlign, verticalAlign: DEFAULT_VERTICAL_ALIGN, }); const bars =, i) => { const valueBarHeight = value - min; const percentBarHeight = valueBarHeight / range; const barHeight = percentBarHeight * BAR_HEIGHT; const barX = i * (BAR_WIDTH + BAR_SPACING) + LABEL_SPACING; const barY = BAR_HEIGHT - barHeight; return newElement({ type: "rectangle", x: barX + x, y: barY + y, width: BAR_WIDTH, height: barHeight, strokeColor: appState.currentItemStrokeColor, backgroundColor: appState.currentItemBackgroundColor, fillStyle: appState.currentItemFillStyle, strokeWidth: appState.currentItemStrokeWidth, strokeStyle: appState.currentItemStrokeStyle, roughness: appState.currentItemRoughness, opacity: appState.currentItemOpacity, strokeSharpness: appState.currentItemStrokeSharpness, }); }); const xLabels = spreadsheet.labels?.map((label, i) => { const labelX = i * (BAR_WIDTH + BAR_SPACING) + LABEL_SPACING + BAR_SPACING; const labelY = BAR_HEIGHT + BAR_SPACING; return newTextElement({ text: label.length > 8 ? `${label.slice(0, 5)}...` : label, x: x + labelX, y: y + labelY, strokeColor: appState.currentItemStrokeColor, backgroundColor: appState.currentItemBackgroundColor, fillStyle: appState.currentItemFillStyle, strokeWidth: appState.currentItemStrokeWidth, strokeStyle: appState.currentItemStrokeStyle, roughness: appState.currentItemRoughness, opacity: appState.currentItemOpacity, strokeSharpness: appState.currentItemStrokeSharpness, fontSize: 16, fontFamily: appState.currentItemFontFamily, textAlign: "center", verticalAlign: DEFAULT_VERTICAL_ALIGN, width: BAR_WIDTH, angle: ANGLE, }); }) || []; const yAxisLabel = spreadsheet.yAxisLabel ? newTextElement({ text: spreadsheet.yAxisLabel, x: x - Y_AXIS_LABEL_SPACING, y: y + BAR_HEIGHT / 2 - 10, strokeColor: appState.currentItemStrokeColor, backgroundColor: appState.currentItemBackgroundColor, fillStyle: appState.currentItemFillStyle, strokeWidth: appState.currentItemStrokeWidth, strokeStyle: appState.currentItemStrokeStyle, roughness: appState.currentItemRoughness, opacity: appState.currentItemOpacity, strokeSharpness: appState.currentItemStrokeSharpness, fontSize: 20, fontFamily: appState.currentItemFontFamily, textAlign: "center", verticalAlign: DEFAULT_VERTICAL_ALIGN, width: BAR_WIDTH, angle: ANGLE, }) : null; return [...bars, yAxisLabel, minYLabel, maxYLabel, ...xLabels].filter( (element) => element !== null, ) as ExcalidrawElement[]; };