import { KEYS } from "../keys"; import { isInvisiblySmallElement } from "../element"; import { resetCursor } from "../utils"; import { ToolButton } from "../components/ToolButton"; import { done } from "../components/icons"; import { t } from "../i18n"; import { register } from "./register"; import { mutateElement } from "../element/mutateElement"; import { isPathALoop } from "../math"; import { LinearElementEditor } from "../element/linearElementEditor"; import Scene from "../scene/Scene"; import { maybeBindLinearElement, bindOrUnbindLinearElement, } from "../element/binding"; import { isBindingElement } from "../element/typeChecks"; export const actionFinalize = register({ name: "finalize", perform: (elements, appState, _, { canvas, focusContainer }) => { if (appState.editingLinearElement) { const { elementId, startBindingElement, endBindingElement, } = appState.editingLinearElement; const element = LinearElementEditor.getElement(elementId); if (element) { if (isBindingElement(element)) { bindOrUnbindLinearElement( element, startBindingElement, endBindingElement, ); } return { elements: element.points.length < 2 || isInvisiblySmallElement(element) ? elements.filter((el) => !== : undefined, appState: { ...appState, editingLinearElement: null, }, commitToHistory: true, }; } } let newElements = elements; if (appState.pendingImageElement) { mutateElement(appState.pendingImageElement, { isDeleted: true }, false); } if (window.document.activeElement instanceof HTMLElement) { focusContainer(); } const multiPointElement = appState.multiElement ? appState.multiElement : appState.editingElement?.type === "freedraw" ? appState.editingElement : null; if (multiPointElement) { // pen and mouse have hover if ( multiPointElement.type !== "freedraw" && appState.lastPointerDownWith !== "touch" ) { const { points, lastCommittedPoint } = multiPointElement; if ( !lastCommittedPoint || points[points.length - 1] !== lastCommittedPoint ) { mutateElement(multiPointElement, { points: multiPointElement.points.slice(0, -1), }); } } if (isInvisiblySmallElement(multiPointElement)) { newElements = newElements.slice(0, -1); } // If the multi point line closes the loop, // set the last point to first point. // This ensures that loop remains closed at different scales. const isLoop = isPathALoop(multiPointElement.points, appState.zoom.value); if ( multiPointElement.type === "line" || multiPointElement.type === "freedraw" ) { if (isLoop) { const linePoints = multiPointElement.points; const firstPoint = linePoints[0]; mutateElement(multiPointElement, { points:, index) => index === linePoints.length - 1 ? ([firstPoint[0], firstPoint[1]] as const) : point, ), }); } } if ( isBindingElement(multiPointElement) && !isLoop && multiPointElement.points.length > 1 ) { const [x, y] = LinearElementEditor.getPointAtIndexGlobalCoordinates( multiPointElement, -1, ); maybeBindLinearElement( multiPointElement, appState, Scene.getScene(multiPointElement)!, { x, y }, ); } if (!appState.elementLocked && appState.elementType !== "freedraw") { appState.selectedElementIds[] = true; } } if ( (!appState.elementLocked && appState.elementType !== "freedraw") || !multiPointElement ) { resetCursor(canvas); } return { elements: newElements, appState: { ...appState, elementType: (appState.elementLocked || appState.elementType === "freedraw") && multiPointElement ? appState.elementType : "selection", draggingElement: null, multiElement: null, editingElement: null, startBoundElement: null, suggestedBindings: [], selectedElementIds: multiPointElement && !appState.elementLocked && appState.elementType !== "freedraw" ? { ...appState.selectedElementIds, []: true, } : appState.selectedElementIds, pendingImageElement: null, }, commitToHistory: appState.elementType === "freedraw", }; }, keyTest: (event, appState) => (event.key === KEYS.ESCAPE && (appState.editingLinearElement !== null || (!appState.draggingElement && appState.multiElement === null))) || ((event.key === KEYS.ESCAPE || event.key === KEYS.ENTER) && appState.multiElement !== null), PanelComponent: ({ appState, updateData }) => ( ), });