import { ExcalidrawElement, PointerType } from "./types"; import { getElementAbsoluteCoords } from "./bounds"; import { rotate } from "../math"; type Sides = "n" | "s" | "w" | "e" | "nw" | "ne" | "sw" | "se" | "rotation"; const handleSizes: { [k in PointerType]: number } = { mouse: 8, pen: 16, touch: 28, }; const ROTATION_HANDLER_GAP = 16; function generateHandler( x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, cx: number, cy: number, angle: number, ): [number, number, number, number] { const [xx, yy] = rotate(x + width / 2, y + height / 2, cx, cy, angle); return [xx - width / 2, yy - height / 2, width, height]; } export function handlerRectangles( element: ExcalidrawElement, zoom: number, pointerType: PointerType = "mouse", ) { const size = handleSizes[pointerType]; const handlerWidth = size / zoom; const handlerHeight = size / zoom; const handlerMarginX = size / zoom; const handlerMarginY = size / zoom; const [elementX1, elementY1, elementX2, elementY2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords( element, ); const elementWidth = elementX2 - elementX1; const elementHeight = elementY2 - elementY1; const cx = (elementX1 + elementX2) / 2; const cy = (elementY1 + elementY2) / 2; const angle = element.angle; const dashedLineMargin = 4 / zoom; const centeringOffset = (size - 8) / (2 * zoom); const handlers = { nw: generateHandler( elementX1 - dashedLineMargin - handlerMarginX + centeringOffset, elementY1 - dashedLineMargin - handlerMarginY + centeringOffset, handlerWidth, handlerHeight, cx, cy, angle, ), ne: generateHandler( elementX2 + dashedLineMargin - centeringOffset, elementY1 - dashedLineMargin - handlerMarginY + centeringOffset, handlerWidth, handlerHeight, cx, cy, angle, ), sw: generateHandler( elementX1 - dashedLineMargin - handlerMarginX + centeringOffset, elementY2 + dashedLineMargin - centeringOffset, handlerWidth, handlerHeight, cx, cy, angle, ), se: generateHandler( elementX2 + dashedLineMargin - centeringOffset, elementY2 + dashedLineMargin - centeringOffset, handlerWidth, handlerHeight, cx, cy, angle, ), rotation: generateHandler( elementX1 + elementWidth / 2 - handlerWidth / 2, elementY1 - dashedLineMargin - handlerMarginY + centeringOffset - ROTATION_HANDLER_GAP / zoom, handlerWidth, handlerHeight, cx, cy, angle, ), } as { [T in Sides]: [number, number, number, number] }; // We only want to show height handlers (all cardinal directions) above a certain size const minimumSizeForEightHandlers = (5 * size) / zoom; if (Math.abs(elementWidth) > minimumSizeForEightHandlers) { handlers["n"] = generateHandler( elementX1 + elementWidth / 2 - handlerWidth / 2, elementY1 - dashedLineMargin - handlerMarginY + centeringOffset, handlerWidth, handlerHeight, cx, cy, angle, ); handlers["s"] = generateHandler( elementX1 + elementWidth / 2 - handlerWidth / 2, elementY2 + dashedLineMargin - centeringOffset, handlerWidth, handlerHeight, cx, cy, angle, ); } if (Math.abs(elementHeight) > minimumSizeForEightHandlers) { handlers["w"] = generateHandler( elementX1 - dashedLineMargin - handlerMarginX + centeringOffset, elementY1 + elementHeight / 2 - handlerHeight / 2, handlerWidth, handlerHeight, cx, cy, angle, ); handlers["e"] = generateHandler( elementX2 + dashedLineMargin - centeringOffset, elementY1 + elementHeight / 2 - handlerHeight / 2, handlerWidth, handlerHeight, cx, cy, angle, ); } if (element.type === "arrow" || element.type === "line") { if (element.points.length === 2) { // only check the last point because starting point is always (0,0) const [, p1] = element.points; if (p1[0] === 0 || p1[1] === 0) { return { nw: handlers.nw, se:, } as typeof handlers; } if (p1[0] > 0 && p1[1] < 0) { return { ne:, sw: handlers.sw, } as typeof handlers; } if (p1[0] > 0 && p1[1] > 0) { return { nw: handlers.nw, se:, } as typeof handlers; } if (p1[0] < 0 && p1[1] > 0) { return { ne:, sw: handlers.sw, } as typeof handlers; } if (p1[0] < 0 && p1[1] < 0) { return { nw: handlers.nw, se:, } as typeof handlers; } } } return handlers; }