import { getPerfectElementSize } from "./sizeHelpers"; import * as constants from "../constants"; describe("getPerfectElementSize", () => { it("should return height:0 if `elementType` is line and locked angle is 0", () => { const { height, width } = getPerfectElementSize("line", 149, 10); expect(width).toEqual(149); expect(height).toEqual(0); }); it("should return width:0 if `elementType` is line and locked angle is 90 deg (Math.PI/2)", () => { const { height, width } = getPerfectElementSize("line", 10, 140); expect(width).toEqual(0); expect(height).toEqual(140); }); it("should return height:0 if `elementType` is arrow and locked angle is 0", () => { const { height, width } = getPerfectElementSize("arrow", 200, 20); expect(width).toEqual(200); expect(height).toEqual(0); }); it("should return width:0 if `elementType` is arrow and locked angle is 90 deg (Math.PI/2)", () => { const { height, width } = getPerfectElementSize("arrow", 10, 100); expect(width).toEqual(0); expect(height).toEqual(100); }); it("should return adjust height to be width * tan(locked angle)", () => { const { height, width } = getPerfectElementSize("arrow", 120, 185); expect(width).toEqual(120); expect(height).toEqual(208); }); it("should return height equals to width if locked angle is 45 deg", () => { const { height, width } = getPerfectElementSize("arrow", 135, 145); expect(width).toEqual(135); expect(height).toEqual(135); }); it("should return height:0 and width:0 when width and heigh are 0", () => { const { height, width } = getPerfectElementSize("arrow", 0, 0); expect(width).toEqual(0); expect(height).toEqual(0); }); describe("should respond to SHIFT_LOCKING_ANGLE constant", () => { it("should have only 2 locking angles per section if SHIFT_LOCKING_ANGLE = 45 deg (Math.PI/4)", () => { (constants as any).SHIFT_LOCKING_ANGLE = Math.PI / 4; const { height, width } = getPerfectElementSize("arrow", 120, 185); expect(width).toEqual(120); expect(height).toEqual(120); }); }); });