import React from "react"; import { ExcalidrawElement } from "../element/types"; import { AppState } from "../types"; /** if false, the action should be prevented */ export type ActionResult = | { elements?: readonly ExcalidrawElement[] | null; appState?: AppState | null; commitToHistory: boolean; syncHistory?: boolean; } | false; type ActionFn = ( elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], appState: AppState, formData: any, ) => ActionResult; export type UpdaterFn = (res: ActionResult, commitToHistory?: boolean) => void; export type ActionFilterFn = (action: Action) => void; export type ActionName = | "sendBackward" | "bringForward" | "sendToBack" | "bringToFront" | "copyStyles" | "selectAll" | "pasteStyles" | "changeStrokeColor" | "changeBackgroundColor" | "changeFillStyle" | "changeStrokeWidth" | "changeSloppiness" | "changeStrokeStyle" | "changeOpacity" | "changeFontSize" | "toggleCanvasMenu" | "toggleEditMenu" | "undo" | "redo" | "finalize" | "changeProjectName" | "changeExportBackground" | "changeShouldAddWatermark" | "saveScene" | "saveAsScene" | "loadScene" | "duplicateSelection" | "deleteSelectedElements" | "changeViewBackgroundColor" | "clearCanvas" | "zoomIn" | "zoomOut" | "resetZoom" | "zoomToFit" | "changeFontFamily" | "changeTextAlign" | "toggleFullScreen" | "toggleShortcuts" | "group" | "ungroup" | "goToCollaborator"; export interface Action { name: ActionName; PanelComponent?: React.FC<{ elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[]; appState: AppState; updateData: (formData?: any) => void; id?: string; }>; perform: ActionFn; keyPriority?: number; keyTest?: ( event: KeyboardEvent, appState: AppState, elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], ) => boolean; contextItemLabel?: string; contextMenuOrder?: number; } export interface ActionsManagerInterface { actions: { [actionName in ActionName]: Action; }; registerAction: (action: Action) => void; handleKeyDown: (event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean; getContextMenuItems: ( actionFilter: ActionFilterFn, ) => { label: string; action: () => void }[]; renderAction: (name: ActionName) => React.ReactElement | null; }