import { deflate, inflate } from "pako"; import { encryptData, decryptData } from "./encryption"; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // byte (binary) strings // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // fast, Buffer-compatible implem export const toByteString = ( data: string | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer, ): Promise<string> => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const blob = typeof data === "string" ? new Blob([new TextEncoder().encode(data)]) : new Blob([data instanceof Uint8Array ? data : new Uint8Array(data)]); const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = (event) => { if (! || typeof !== "string") { return reject(new Error("couldn't convert to byte string")); } resolve(; }; reader.readAsBinaryString(blob); }); }; const byteStringToArrayBuffer = (byteString: string) => { const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(byteString.length); const bufferView = new Uint8Array(buffer); for (let i = 0, len = byteString.length; i < len; i++) { bufferView[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i); } return buffer; }; const byteStringToString = (byteString: string) => { return new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(byteStringToArrayBuffer(byteString)); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // base64 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @param isByteString set to true if already byte string to prevent bloat * due to reencoding */ export const stringToBase64 = async (str: string, isByteString = false) => { return isByteString ? window.btoa(str) : window.btoa(await toByteString(str)); }; // async to align with stringToBase64 export const base64ToString = async (base64: string, isByteString = false) => { return isByteString ? window.atob(base64) : byteStringToString(window.atob(base64)); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // text encoding // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- type EncodedData = { encoded: string; encoding: "bstring"; /** whether text is compressed (zlib) */ compressed: boolean; /** version for potential migration purposes */ version?: string; }; /** * Encodes (and potentially compresses via zlib) text to byte string */ export const encode = async ({ text, compress, }: { text: string; /** defaults to `true`. If compression fails, falls back to bstring alone. */ compress?: boolean; }): Promise<EncodedData> => { let deflated!: string; if (compress !== false) { try { deflated = await toByteString(deflate(text)); } catch (error) { console.error("encode: cannot deflate", error); } } return { version: "1", encoding: "bstring", compressed: !!deflated, encoded: deflated || (await toByteString(text)), }; }; export const decode = async (data: EncodedData): Promise<string> => { let decoded: string; switch (data.encoding) { case "bstring": // if compressed, do not double decode the bstring decoded = data.compressed ? data.encoded : await byteStringToString(data.encoded); break; default: throw new Error(`decode: unknown encoding "${data.encoding}"`); } if (data.compressed) { return inflate(new Uint8Array(byteStringToArrayBuffer(decoded)), { to: "string", }); } return decoded; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // binary encoding // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- type FileEncodingInfo = { /* version 2 is the version we're shipping the initial image support with. version 1 was a PR version that a lot of people were using anyway. Thus, if there are issues we can check whether they're not using the unoffic version */ version: 1 | 2; compression: "pako@1" | null; encryption: "AES-GCM" | null; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const CONCAT_BUFFERS_VERSION = 1; /** how many bytes we use to encode how many bytes the next chunk has. * Corresponds to DataView setter methods (setUint32, setUint16, etc). * * NOTE ! values must not be changed, which would be backwards incompatible ! */ const VERSION_DATAVIEW_BYTES = 4; const NEXT_CHUNK_SIZE_DATAVIEW_BYTES = 4; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const DATA_VIEW_BITS_MAP = { 1: 8, 2: 16, 4: 32 } as const; // getter function dataView(buffer: Uint8Array, bytes: 1 | 2 | 4, offset: number): number; // setter function dataView( buffer: Uint8Array, bytes: 1 | 2 | 4, offset: number, value: number, ): Uint8Array; /** * abstraction over DataView that serves as a typed getter/setter in case * you're using constants for the byte size and want to ensure there's no * discrepenancy in the encoding across refactors. * * DataView serves for an endian-agnostic handling of numbers in ArrayBuffers. */ function dataView( buffer: Uint8Array, bytes: 1 | 2 | 4, offset: number, value?: number, ): Uint8Array | number { if (value != null) { if (value > Math.pow(2, DATA_VIEW_BITS_MAP[bytes]) - 1) { throw new Error( `attempting to set value higher than the allocated bytes (value: ${value}, bytes: ${bytes})`, ); } const method = `setUint${DATA_VIEW_BITS_MAP[bytes]}` as const; new DataView(buffer.buffer)[method](offset, value); return buffer; } const method = `getUint${DATA_VIEW_BITS_MAP[bytes]}` as const; return new DataView(buffer.buffer)[method](offset); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Resulting concatenated buffer has this format: * * [ * VERSION chunk (4 bytes) * LENGTH chunk 1 (4 bytes) * DATA chunk 1 (up to 2^32 bits) * LENGTH chunk 2 (4 bytes) * DATA chunk 2 (up to 2^32 bits) * ... * ] * * @param buffers each buffer (chunk) must be at most 2^32 bits large (~4GB) */ const concatBuffers = (...buffers: Uint8Array[]) => { const bufferView = new Uint8Array( VERSION_DATAVIEW_BYTES + NEXT_CHUNK_SIZE_DATAVIEW_BYTES * buffers.length + buffers.reduce((acc, buffer) => acc + buffer.byteLength, 0), ); let cursor = 0; // as the first chunk we'll encode the version for backwards compatibility dataView(bufferView, VERSION_DATAVIEW_BYTES, cursor, CONCAT_BUFFERS_VERSION); cursor += VERSION_DATAVIEW_BYTES; for (const buffer of buffers) { dataView( bufferView, NEXT_CHUNK_SIZE_DATAVIEW_BYTES, cursor, buffer.byteLength, ); cursor += NEXT_CHUNK_SIZE_DATAVIEW_BYTES; bufferView.set(buffer, cursor); cursor += buffer.byteLength; } return bufferView; }; /** can only be used on buffers created via `concatBuffers()` */ const splitBuffers = (concatenatedBuffer: Uint8Array) => { const buffers = []; let cursor = 0; // first chunk is the version (ignored for now) cursor += VERSION_DATAVIEW_BYTES; while (true) { const chunkSize = dataView( concatenatedBuffer, NEXT_CHUNK_SIZE_DATAVIEW_BYTES, cursor, ); cursor += NEXT_CHUNK_SIZE_DATAVIEW_BYTES; buffers.push(concatenatedBuffer.slice(cursor, cursor + chunkSize)); cursor += chunkSize; if (cursor >= concatenatedBuffer.byteLength) { break; } } return buffers; }; // helpers for (de)compressing data with JSON metadata including encryption // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** @private */ const _encryptAndCompress = async ( data: Uint8Array | string, encryptionKey: string, ) => { const { encryptedBuffer, iv } = await encryptData( encryptionKey, deflate(data), ); return { iv, buffer: new Uint8Array(encryptedBuffer) }; }; /** * The returned buffer has following format: * `[]` refers to a buffers wrapper (see `concatBuffers`) * * [ * encodingMetadataBuffer, * iv, * [ * contentsMetadataBuffer * contentsBuffer * ] * ] */ export const compressData = async <T extends Record<string, any> = never>( dataBuffer: Uint8Array, options: { encryptionKey: string; } & ([T] extends [never] ? { metadata?: T; } : { metadata: T; }), ): Promise<Uint8Array> => { const fileInfo: FileEncodingInfo = { version: 2, compression: "pako@1", encryption: "AES-GCM", }; const encodingMetadataBuffer = new TextEncoder().encode( JSON.stringify(fileInfo), ); const contentsMetadataBuffer = new TextEncoder().encode( JSON.stringify(options.metadata || null), ); const { iv, buffer } = await _encryptAndCompress( concatBuffers(contentsMetadataBuffer, dataBuffer), options.encryptionKey, ); return concatBuffers(encodingMetadataBuffer, iv, buffer); }; /** @private */ const _decryptAndDecompress = async ( iv: Uint8Array, decryptedBuffer: Uint8Array, decryptionKey: string, isCompressed: boolean, ) => { decryptedBuffer = new Uint8Array( await decryptData(iv, decryptedBuffer, decryptionKey), ); if (isCompressed) { return inflate(decryptedBuffer); } return decryptedBuffer; }; export const decompressData = async <T extends Record<string, any>>( bufferView: Uint8Array, options: { decryptionKey: string }, ) => { // first chunk is encoding metadata (ignored for now) const [encodingMetadataBuffer, iv, buffer] = splitBuffers(bufferView); const encodingMetadata: FileEncodingInfo = JSON.parse( new TextDecoder().decode(encodingMetadataBuffer), ); try { const [contentsMetadataBuffer, contentsBuffer] = splitBuffers( await _decryptAndDecompress( iv, buffer, options.decryptionKey, !!encodingMetadata.compression, ), ); const metadata = JSON.parse( new TextDecoder().decode(contentsMetadataBuffer), ) as T; return { /** metadata source is always JSON so we can decode it here */ metadata, /** data can be anything so the caller must decode it */ data: contentsBuffer, }; } catch (error) { console.error( `Error during decompressing and decrypting the file.`, encodingMetadata, ); throw error; } }; // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------