import { ExcalidrawLinearElement, ExcalidrawBindableElement, NonDeleted, NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, PointBinding, ExcalidrawElement, } from "./types"; import { getElementAtPosition } from "../scene"; import { AppState } from "../types"; import { isBindableElement, isBindingElement, isLinearElement, } from "./typeChecks"; import { bindingBorderTest, distanceToBindableElement, maxBindingGap, determineFocusDistance, intersectElementWithLine, determineFocusPoint, } from "./collision"; import { mutateElement } from "./mutateElement"; import Scene from "../scene/Scene"; import { LinearElementEditor } from "./linearElementEditor"; import { arrayToMap, tupleToCoors } from "../utils"; import { KEYS } from "../keys"; export type SuggestedBinding = | NonDeleted<ExcalidrawBindableElement> | SuggestedPointBinding; export type SuggestedPointBinding = [ NonDeleted<ExcalidrawLinearElement>, "start" | "end" | "both", NonDeleted<ExcalidrawBindableElement>, ]; export const shouldEnableBindingForPointerEvent = ( event: React.PointerEvent<HTMLCanvasElement>, ) => { return !event[KEYS.CTRL_OR_CMD]; }; export const isBindingEnabled = (appState: AppState): boolean => { return appState.isBindingEnabled; }; export const bindOrUnbindLinearElement = ( linearElement: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawLinearElement>, startBindingElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement | null | "keep", endBindingElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement | null | "keep", ): void => { const boundToElementIds: Set<ExcalidrawBindableElement["id"]> = new Set(); const unboundFromElementIds: Set<ExcalidrawBindableElement["id"]> = new Set(); bindOrUnbindLinearElementEdge( linearElement, startBindingElement, endBindingElement, "start", boundToElementIds, unboundFromElementIds, ); bindOrUnbindLinearElementEdge( linearElement, endBindingElement, startBindingElement, "end", boundToElementIds, unboundFromElementIds, ); const onlyUnbound = Array.from(unboundFromElementIds).filter( (id) => !boundToElementIds.has(id), ); Scene.getScene(linearElement)! .getNonDeletedElements(onlyUnbound) .forEach((element) => { mutateElement(element, { boundElements: element.boundElements?.filter( (element) => element.type !== "arrow" || !==, ), }); }); }; const bindOrUnbindLinearElementEdge = ( linearElement: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawLinearElement>, bindableElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement | null | "keep", otherEdgeBindableElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement | null | "keep", startOrEnd: "start" | "end", // Is mutated boundToElementIds: Set<ExcalidrawBindableElement["id"]>, // Is mutated unboundFromElementIds: Set<ExcalidrawBindableElement["id"]>, ): void => { if (bindableElement !== "keep") { if (bindableElement != null) { // Don't bind if we're trying to bind or are already bound to the same // element on the other edge already ("start" edge takes precedence). if ( otherEdgeBindableElement == null || (otherEdgeBindableElement === "keep" ? !isLinearElementSimpleAndAlreadyBoundOnOppositeEdge( linearElement, bindableElement, startOrEnd, ) : startOrEnd === "start" || !== ) { bindLinearElement(linearElement, bindableElement, startOrEnd); boundToElementIds.add(; } } else { const unbound = unbindLinearElement(linearElement, startOrEnd); if (unbound != null) { unboundFromElementIds.add(unbound); } } } }; export const bindOrUnbindSelectedElements = ( elements: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawElement>[], ): void => { elements.forEach((element) => { if (isBindingElement(element)) { bindOrUnbindLinearElement( element, getElligibleElementForBindingElement(element, "start"), getElligibleElementForBindingElement(element, "end"), ); } else if (isBindableElement(element)) { maybeBindBindableElement(element); } }); }; const maybeBindBindableElement = ( bindableElement: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawBindableElement>, ): void => { getElligibleElementsForBindableElementAndWhere(bindableElement).forEach( ([linearElement, where]) => bindOrUnbindLinearElement( linearElement, where === "end" ? "keep" : bindableElement, where === "start" ? "keep" : bindableElement, ), ); }; export const maybeBindLinearElement = ( linearElement: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawLinearElement>, appState: AppState, scene: Scene, pointerCoords: { x: number; y: number }, ): void => { if (appState.startBoundElement != null) { bindLinearElement(linearElement, appState.startBoundElement, "start"); } const hoveredElement = getHoveredElementForBinding(pointerCoords, scene); if ( hoveredElement != null && !isLinearElementSimpleAndAlreadyBoundOnOppositeEdge( linearElement, hoveredElement, "end", ) ) { bindLinearElement(linearElement, hoveredElement, "end"); } }; const bindLinearElement = ( linearElement: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawLinearElement>, hoveredElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement, startOrEnd: "start" | "end", ): void => { mutateElement(linearElement, { [startOrEnd === "start" ? "startBinding" : "endBinding"]: { elementId:, ...calculateFocusAndGap(linearElement, hoveredElement, startOrEnd), } as PointBinding, }); const boundElementsMap = arrayToMap(hoveredElement.boundElements || []); if (!boundElementsMap.has( { mutateElement(hoveredElement, { boundElements: (hoveredElement.boundElements || []).concat({ id:, type: "arrow", }), }); } }; // Don't bind both ends of a simple segment const isLinearElementSimpleAndAlreadyBoundOnOppositeEdge = ( linearElement: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawLinearElement>, bindableElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement, startOrEnd: "start" | "end", ): boolean => { const otherBinding = linearElement[startOrEnd === "start" ? "endBinding" : "startBinding"]; return isLinearElementSimpleAndAlreadyBound( linearElement, otherBinding?.elementId, bindableElement, ); }; export const isLinearElementSimpleAndAlreadyBound = ( linearElement: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawLinearElement>, alreadyBoundToId: ExcalidrawBindableElement["id"] | undefined, bindableElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement, ): boolean => { return ( alreadyBoundToId === && linearElement.points.length < 3 ); }; export const unbindLinearElements = ( elements: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawElement>[], ): void => { elements.forEach((element) => { if (isBindingElement(element)) { bindOrUnbindLinearElement(element, null, null); } }); }; const unbindLinearElement = ( linearElement: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawLinearElement>, startOrEnd: "start" | "end", ): ExcalidrawBindableElement["id"] | null => { const field = startOrEnd === "start" ? "startBinding" : "endBinding"; const binding = linearElement[field]; if (binding == null) { return null; } mutateElement(linearElement, { [field]: null }); return binding.elementId; }; export const getHoveredElementForBinding = ( pointerCoords: { x: number; y: number; }, scene: Scene, ): NonDeleted<ExcalidrawBindableElement> | null => { const hoveredElement = getElementAtPosition( scene.getElements(), (element) => isBindableElement(element) && bindingBorderTest(element, pointerCoords), ); return hoveredElement as NonDeleted<ExcalidrawBindableElement> | null; }; const calculateFocusAndGap = ( linearElement: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawLinearElement>, hoveredElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement, startOrEnd: "start" | "end", ): { focus: number; gap: number } => { const direction = startOrEnd === "start" ? -1 : 1; const edgePointIndex = direction === -1 ? 0 : linearElement.points.length - 1; const adjacentPointIndex = edgePointIndex - direction; const edgePoint = LinearElementEditor.getPointAtIndexGlobalCoordinates( linearElement, edgePointIndex, ); const adjacentPoint = LinearElementEditor.getPointAtIndexGlobalCoordinates( linearElement, adjacentPointIndex, ); return { focus: determineFocusDistance(hoveredElement, adjacentPoint, edgePoint), gap: Math.max(1, distanceToBindableElement(hoveredElement, edgePoint)), }; }; // Supports translating, rotating and scaling `changedElement` with bound // linear elements. // Because scaling involves moving the focus points as well, it is // done before the `changedElement` is updated, and the `newSize` is passed // in explicitly. export const updateBoundElements = ( changedElement: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, options?: { simultaneouslyUpdated?: readonly ExcalidrawElement[]; newSize?: { width: number; height: number }; }, ) => { const boundLinearElements = (changedElement.boundElements ?? []).filter( (el) => el.type === "arrow", ); if (boundLinearElements.length === 0) { return; } const { newSize, simultaneouslyUpdated } = options ?? {}; const simultaneouslyUpdatedElementIds = getSimultaneouslyUpdatedElementIds( simultaneouslyUpdated, ); Scene.getScene(changedElement)! .getNonDeletedElements( => .forEach((element) => { if (!isLinearElement(element)) { return; } const bindableElement = changedElement as ExcalidrawBindableElement; // In case the boundElements are stale if (!doesNeedUpdate(element, bindableElement)) { return; } const startBinding = maybeCalculateNewGapWhenScaling( bindableElement, element.startBinding, newSize, ); const endBinding = maybeCalculateNewGapWhenScaling( bindableElement, element.endBinding, newSize, ); // `linearElement` is being moved/scaled already, just update the binding if (simultaneouslyUpdatedElementIds.has( { mutateElement(element, { startBinding, endBinding }); return; } updateBoundPoint( element, "start", startBinding, changedElement as ExcalidrawBindableElement, ); updateBoundPoint( element, "end", endBinding, changedElement as ExcalidrawBindableElement, ); }); }; const doesNeedUpdate = ( boundElement: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawLinearElement>, changedElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement, ) => { return ( boundElement.startBinding?.elementId === || boundElement.endBinding?.elementId === ); }; const getSimultaneouslyUpdatedElementIds = ( simultaneouslyUpdated: readonly ExcalidrawElement[] | undefined, ): Set<ExcalidrawElement["id"]> => { return new Set((simultaneouslyUpdated || []).map((element) =>; }; const updateBoundPoint = ( linearElement: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawLinearElement>, startOrEnd: "start" | "end", binding: PointBinding | null | undefined, changedElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement, ): void => { if ( binding == null || // We only need to update the other end if this is a 2 point line element (binding.elementId !== && linearElement.points.length > 2) ) { return; } const bindingElement = Scene.getScene(linearElement)!.getElement( binding.elementId, ) as ExcalidrawBindableElement | null; if (bindingElement == null) { // We're not cleaning up after deleted elements atm., so handle this case return; } const direction = startOrEnd === "start" ? -1 : 1; const edgePointIndex = direction === -1 ? 0 : linearElement.points.length - 1; const adjacentPointIndex = edgePointIndex - direction; const adjacentPoint = LinearElementEditor.getPointAtIndexGlobalCoordinates( linearElement, adjacentPointIndex, ); const focusPointAbsolute = determineFocusPoint( bindingElement, binding.focus, adjacentPoint, ); let newEdgePoint; // The linear element was not originally pointing inside the bound shape, // we can point directly at the focus point if ( === 0) { newEdgePoint = focusPointAbsolute; } else { const intersections = intersectElementWithLine( bindingElement, adjacentPoint, focusPointAbsolute,, ); if (intersections.length === 0) { // This should never happen, since focusPoint should always be // inside the element, but just in case, bail out newEdgePoint = focusPointAbsolute; } else { // Guaranteed to intersect because focusPoint is always inside the shape newEdgePoint = intersections[0]; } } LinearElementEditor.movePoints( linearElement, [ { index: edgePointIndex, point: LinearElementEditor.pointFromAbsoluteCoords( linearElement, newEdgePoint, ), }, ], { [startOrEnd === "start" ? "startBinding" : "endBinding"]: binding }, ); }; const maybeCalculateNewGapWhenScaling = ( changedElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement, currentBinding: PointBinding | null | undefined, newSize: { width: number; height: number } | undefined, ): PointBinding | null | undefined => { if (currentBinding == null || newSize == null) { return currentBinding; } const { gap, focus, elementId } = currentBinding; const { width: newWidth, height: newHeight } = newSize; const { width, height } = changedElement; const newGap = Math.max( 1, Math.min( maxBindingGap(changedElement, newWidth, newHeight), gap * (newWidth < newHeight ? newWidth / width : newHeight / height), ), ); return { elementId, gap: newGap, focus }; }; export const getEligibleElementsForBinding = ( elements: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawElement>[], ): SuggestedBinding[] => { const includedElementIds = new Set({ id }) => id)); return elements.flatMap((element) => isBindingElement(element) ? (getElligibleElementsForBindingElement( element as NonDeleted<ExcalidrawLinearElement>, ).filter( (element) => !includedElementIds.has(, ) as SuggestedBinding[]) : isBindableElement(element) ? getElligibleElementsForBindableElementAndWhere(element).filter( (binding) => !includedElementIds.has(binding[0].id), ) : [], ); }; const getElligibleElementsForBindingElement = ( linearElement: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawLinearElement>, ): NonDeleted<ExcalidrawBindableElement>[] => { return [ getElligibleElementForBindingElement(linearElement, "start"), getElligibleElementForBindingElement(linearElement, "end"), ].filter( (element): element is NonDeleted<ExcalidrawBindableElement> => element != null, ); }; const getElligibleElementForBindingElement = ( linearElement: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawLinearElement>, startOrEnd: "start" | "end", ): NonDeleted<ExcalidrawBindableElement> | null => { return getHoveredElementForBinding( getLinearElementEdgeCoors(linearElement, startOrEnd), Scene.getScene(linearElement)!, ); }; const getLinearElementEdgeCoors = ( linearElement: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawLinearElement>, startOrEnd: "start" | "end", ): { x: number; y: number } => { const index = startOrEnd === "start" ? 0 : -1; return tupleToCoors( LinearElementEditor.getPointAtIndexGlobalCoordinates(linearElement, index), ); }; const getElligibleElementsForBindableElementAndWhere = ( bindableElement: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawBindableElement>, ): SuggestedPointBinding[] => { return Scene.getScene(bindableElement)! .getElements() .map((element) => { if (!isBindingElement(element)) { return null; } const canBindStart = isLinearElementEligibleForNewBindingByBindable( element, "start", bindableElement, ); const canBindEnd = isLinearElementEligibleForNewBindingByBindable( element, "end", bindableElement, ); if (!canBindStart && !canBindEnd) { return null; } return [ element, canBindStart && canBindEnd ? "both" : canBindStart ? "start" : "end", bindableElement, ]; }) .filter((maybeElement) => maybeElement != null) as SuggestedPointBinding[]; }; const isLinearElementEligibleForNewBindingByBindable = ( linearElement: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawLinearElement>, startOrEnd: "start" | "end", bindableElement: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawBindableElement>, ): boolean => { const existingBinding = linearElement[startOrEnd === "start" ? "startBinding" : "endBinding"]; return ( existingBinding == null && !isLinearElementSimpleAndAlreadyBoundOnOppositeEdge( linearElement, bindableElement, startOrEnd, ) && bindingBorderTest( bindableElement, getLinearElementEdgeCoors(linearElement, startOrEnd), ) ); }; // We need to: // 1: Update elements not selected to point to duplicated elements // 2: Update duplicated elements to point to other duplicated elements export const fixBindingsAfterDuplication = ( sceneElements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], oldElements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], oldIdToDuplicatedId: Map<ExcalidrawElement["id"], ExcalidrawElement["id"]>, // There are three copying mechanisms: Copy-paste, duplication and alt-drag. // Only when alt-dragging the new "duplicates" act as the "old", while // the "old" elements act as the "new copy" - essentially working reverse // to the other two. duplicatesServeAsOld?: "duplicatesServeAsOld" | undefined, ): void => { // First collect all the binding/bindable elements, so we only update // each once, regardless of whether they were duplicated or not. const allBoundElementIds: Set<ExcalidrawElement["id"]> = new Set(); const allBindableElementIds: Set<ExcalidrawElement["id"]> = new Set(); const shouldReverseRoles = duplicatesServeAsOld === "duplicatesServeAsOld"; oldElements.forEach((oldElement) => { const { boundElements } = oldElement; if (boundElements != null && boundElements.length > 0) { boundElements.forEach((boundElement) => { if (shouldReverseRoles && !oldIdToDuplicatedId.has( { allBoundElementIds.add(; } }); allBindableElementIds.add(oldIdToDuplicatedId.get(!); } if (isBindingElement(oldElement)) { if (oldElement.startBinding != null) { const { elementId } = oldElement.startBinding; if (shouldReverseRoles && !oldIdToDuplicatedId.has(elementId)) { allBindableElementIds.add(elementId); } } if (oldElement.endBinding != null) { const { elementId } = oldElement.endBinding; if (shouldReverseRoles && !oldIdToDuplicatedId.has(elementId)) { allBindableElementIds.add(elementId); } } if (oldElement.startBinding != null || oldElement.endBinding != null) { allBoundElementIds.add(oldIdToDuplicatedId.get(!); } } }); // Update the linear elements ( sceneElements.filter(({ id }) => allBoundElementIds.has(id), ) as ExcalidrawLinearElement[] ).forEach((element) => { const { startBinding, endBinding } = element; mutateElement(element, { startBinding: newBindingAfterDuplication( startBinding, oldIdToDuplicatedId, ), endBinding: newBindingAfterDuplication(endBinding, oldIdToDuplicatedId), }); }); // Update the bindable shapes sceneElements .filter(({ id }) => allBindableElementIds.has(id)) .forEach((bindableElement) => { const { boundElements } = bindableElement; if (boundElements != null && boundElements.length > 0) { mutateElement(bindableElement, { boundElements: => oldIdToDuplicatedId.has( ? { id: oldIdToDuplicatedId.get(!, type: boundElement.type, } : boundElement, ), }); } }); }; const newBindingAfterDuplication = ( binding: PointBinding | null, oldIdToDuplicatedId: Map<ExcalidrawElement["id"], ExcalidrawElement["id"]>, ): PointBinding | null => { if (binding == null) { return null; } const { elementId, focus, gap } = binding; return { focus, gap, elementId: oldIdToDuplicatedId.get(elementId) ?? elementId, }; }; export const fixBindingsAfterDeletion = ( sceneElements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], deletedElements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], ): void => { const deletedElementIds = new Set( =>, ); // Non deleted and need an update const boundElementIds: Set<ExcalidrawElement["id"]> = new Set(); deletedElements.forEach((deletedElement) => { if (isBindableElement(deletedElement)) { deletedElement.boundElements?.forEach((element) => { if (!deletedElementIds.has( { boundElementIds.add(; } }); } }); ( sceneElements.filter(({ id }) => boundElementIds.has(id), ) as ExcalidrawLinearElement[] ).forEach((element: ExcalidrawLinearElement) => { const { startBinding, endBinding } = element; mutateElement(element, { startBinding: newBindingAfterDeletion(startBinding, deletedElementIds), endBinding: newBindingAfterDeletion(endBinding, deletedElementIds), }); }); }; const newBindingAfterDeletion = ( binding: PointBinding | null, deletedElementIds: Set<ExcalidrawElement["id"]>, ): PointBinding | null => { if (binding == null || deletedElementIds.has(binding.elementId)) { return null; } return binding; };