import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import ExcalidrawApp from "../excalidraw-app"; import { render, screen } from "../tests/test-utils"; import { Keyboard, Pointer, UI } from "../tests/helpers/ui"; import { CODES, KEYS } from "../keys"; import { fireEvent } from "../tests/test-utils"; import { BOUND_TEXT_PADDING, FONT_FAMILY } from "../constants"; import { ExcalidrawTextElement, ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer, } from "./types"; import * as textElementUtils from "./textElement"; // Unmount ReactDOM from root ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(document.getElementById("root")!); const tab = " "; const mouse = new Pointer("mouse"); describe("textWysiwyg", () => { describe("Test unbounded text", () => { const { h } = window; let textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement; let textElement: ExcalidrawTextElement; beforeEach(async () => { await render(); textElement = UI.createElement("text"); mouse.clickOn(textElement); textarea = document.querySelector( ".excalidraw-textEditorContainer > textarea", )!; }); it("should add a tab at the start of the first line", () => { const event = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: KEYS.TAB }); textarea.value = "Line#1\nLine#2"; // cursor: "|Line#1\nLine#2" textarea.selectionStart = 0; textarea.selectionEnd = 0; textarea.dispatchEvent(event); expect(textarea.value).toEqual(`${tab}Line#1\nLine#2`); // cursor: " |Line#1\nLine#2" expect(textarea.selectionStart).toEqual(4); expect(textarea.selectionEnd).toEqual(4); }); it("should add a tab at the start of the second line", () => { const event = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: KEYS.TAB }); textarea.value = "Line#1\nLine#2"; // cursor: "Line#1\nLin|e#2" textarea.selectionStart = 10; textarea.selectionEnd = 10; textarea.dispatchEvent(event); expect(textarea.value).toEqual(`Line#1\n${tab}Line#2`); // cursor: "Line#1\n Lin|e#2" expect(textarea.selectionStart).toEqual(14); expect(textarea.selectionEnd).toEqual(14); }); it("should add a tab at the start of the first and second line", () => { const event = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: KEYS.TAB }); textarea.value = "Line#1\nLine#2\nLine#3"; // cursor: "Li|ne#1\nLi|ne#2\nLine#3" textarea.selectionStart = 2; textarea.selectionEnd = 9; textarea.dispatchEvent(event); expect(textarea.value).toEqual(`${tab}Line#1\n${tab}Line#2\nLine#3`); // cursor: " Li|ne#1\n Li|ne#2\nLine#3" expect(textarea.selectionStart).toEqual(6); expect(textarea.selectionEnd).toEqual(17); }); it("should remove a tab at the start of the first line", () => { const event = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: KEYS.TAB, shiftKey: true, }); textarea.value = `${tab}Line#1\nLine#2`; // cursor: "| Line#1\nLine#2" textarea.selectionStart = 0; textarea.selectionEnd = 0; textarea.dispatchEvent(event); expect(textarea.value).toEqual(`Line#1\nLine#2`); // cursor: "|Line#1\nLine#2" expect(textarea.selectionStart).toEqual(0); expect(textarea.selectionEnd).toEqual(0); }); it("should remove a tab at the start of the second line", () => { const event = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: KEYS.TAB, shiftKey: true, }); // cursor: "Line#1\n Lin|e#2" textarea.value = `Line#1\n${tab}Line#2`; textarea.selectionStart = 15; textarea.selectionEnd = 15; textarea.dispatchEvent(event); expect(textarea.value).toEqual(`Line#1\nLine#2`); // cursor: "Line#1\nLin|e#2" expect(textarea.selectionStart).toEqual(11); expect(textarea.selectionEnd).toEqual(11); }); it("should remove a tab at the start of the first and second line", () => { const event = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: KEYS.TAB, shiftKey: true, }); // cursor: " Li|ne#1\n Li|ne#2\nLine#3" textarea.value = `${tab}Line#1\n${tab}Line#2\nLine#3`; textarea.selectionStart = 6; textarea.selectionEnd = 17; textarea.dispatchEvent(event); expect(textarea.value).toEqual(`Line#1\nLine#2\nLine#3`); // cursor: "Li|ne#1\nLi|ne#2\nLine#3" expect(textarea.selectionStart).toEqual(2); expect(textarea.selectionEnd).toEqual(9); }); it("should remove a tab at the start of the second line and cursor stay on this line", () => { const event = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: KEYS.TAB, shiftKey: true, }); // cursor: "Line#1\n | Line#2" textarea.value = `Line#1\n${tab}Line#2`; textarea.selectionStart = 9; textarea.selectionEnd = 9; textarea.dispatchEvent(event); // cursor: "Line#1\n|Line#2" expect(textarea.selectionStart).toEqual(7); // expect(textarea.selectionEnd).toEqual(7); }); it("should remove partial tabs", () => { const event = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: KEYS.TAB, shiftKey: true, }); // cursor: "Line#1\n Line#|2" textarea.value = `Line#1\n Line#2`; textarea.selectionStart = 15; textarea.selectionEnd = 15; textarea.dispatchEvent(event); expect(textarea.value).toEqual(`Line#1\nLine#2`); }); it("should remove nothing", () => { const event = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: KEYS.TAB, shiftKey: true, }); // cursor: "Line#1\n Li|ne#2" textarea.value = `Line#1\nLine#2`; textarea.selectionStart = 9; textarea.selectionEnd = 9; textarea.dispatchEvent(event); expect(textarea.value).toEqual(`Line#1\nLine#2`); }); it("should resize text via shortcuts while in wysiwyg", () => { textarea.value = "abc def"; const origFontSize = textElement.fontSize; textarea.dispatchEvent( new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: KEYS.CHEVRON_RIGHT, ctrlKey: true, shiftKey: true, }), ); expect(textElement.fontSize).toBe(origFontSize * 1.1); textarea.dispatchEvent( new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: KEYS.CHEVRON_LEFT, ctrlKey: true, shiftKey: true, }), ); expect(textElement.fontSize).toBe(origFontSize); }); it("zooming via keyboard should zoom canvas", () => { expect(h.state.zoom.value).toBe(1); textarea.dispatchEvent( new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { code: CODES.MINUS, ctrlKey: true, }), ); expect(h.state.zoom.value).toBe(0.9); textarea.dispatchEvent( new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { code: CODES.NUM_SUBTRACT, ctrlKey: true, }), ); expect(h.state.zoom.value).toBe(0.8); textarea.dispatchEvent( new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { code: CODES.NUM_ADD, ctrlKey: true, }), ); expect(h.state.zoom.value).toBe(0.9); textarea.dispatchEvent( new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { code: CODES.EQUAL, ctrlKey: true, }), ); expect(h.state.zoom.value).toBe(1); }); }); describe("Test bounded text", () => { let rectangle: any; const { h } = window; const DUMMY_HEIGHT = 240; const DUMMY_WIDTH = 160; const APPROX_LINE_HEIGHT = 25; const INITIAL_WIDTH = 10; beforeAll(() => { jest .spyOn(textElementUtils, "getApproxLineHeight") .mockReturnValue(APPROX_LINE_HEIGHT); }); beforeEach(async () => { await render(); h.elements = []; rectangle = UI.createElement("rectangle", { x: 10, y: 20, width: 90, height: 75, }); }); it("should bind text to container when double clicked on center", async () => { expect(h.elements.length).toBe(1); expect(h.elements[0].id).toBe(; mouse.doubleClickAt( rectangle.x + rectangle.width / 2, rectangle.y + rectangle.height / 2, ); expect(h.elements.length).toBe(2); const text = h.elements[1] as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer; expect(text.type).toBe("text"); expect(text.containerId).toBe(; mouse.down(); const editor = document.querySelector( ".excalidraw-textEditorContainer > textarea", ) as HTMLTextAreaElement; fireEvent.change(editor, { target: { value: "Hello World!" } }); await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 0)); editor.blur(); expect(rectangle.boundElements).toStrictEqual([ { id:, type: "text" }, ]); }); it("should bind text to container when clicked on container and enter pressed", async () => { expect(h.elements.length).toBe(1); expect(h.elements[0].id).toBe(; Keyboard.withModifierKeys({}, () => { Keyboard.keyPress(KEYS.ENTER); }); expect(h.elements.length).toBe(2); const text = h.elements[1] as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer; expect(text.type).toBe("text"); expect(text.containerId).toBe(; const editor = document.querySelector( ".excalidraw-textEditorContainer > textarea", ) as HTMLTextAreaElement; await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 0)); fireEvent.change(editor, { target: { value: "Hello World!" } }); editor.blur(); expect(rectangle.boundElements).toStrictEqual([ { id:, type: "text" }, ]); }); it("should update font family correctly on undo/redo by selecting bounded text when font family was updated", async () => { expect(h.elements.length).toBe(1); mouse.doubleClickAt( rectangle.x + rectangle.width / 2, rectangle.y + rectangle.height / 2, ); mouse.down(); const text = h.elements[1] as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer; let editor = document.querySelector( ".excalidraw-textEditorContainer > textarea", ) as HTMLTextAreaElement; await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 0)); fireEvent.change(editor, { target: { value: "Hello World!" } }); editor.blur(); expect(text.fontFamily).toEqual(FONT_FAMILY.Virgil); UI.clickTool("text"); mouse.clickAt( rectangle.x + rectangle.width / 2, rectangle.y + rectangle.height / 2, ); mouse.down(); editor = document.querySelector( ".excalidraw-textEditorContainer > textarea", ) as HTMLTextAreaElement;;; await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 0)); editor.blur(); expect( (h.elements[1] as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer).fontFamily, ).toEqual(FONT_FAMILY.Cascadia); //undo Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true }, () => { Keyboard.keyPress(KEYS.Z); }); expect( (h.elements[1] as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer).fontFamily, ).toEqual(FONT_FAMILY.Virgil); //redo Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true, shift: true }, () => { Keyboard.keyPress(KEYS.Z); }); expect( (h.elements[1] as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer).fontFamily, ).toEqual(FONT_FAMILY.Cascadia); }); it("should wrap text and vertcially center align once text submitted", async () => { jest .spyOn(textElementUtils, "measureText") .mockImplementation((text, font, maxWidth) => { let width = INITIAL_WIDTH; let height = APPROX_LINE_HEIGHT; let baseline = 10; if (!text) { return { width, height, baseline, }; } baseline = 30; width = DUMMY_WIDTH; if (text === "Hello \nWorld!") { height = APPROX_LINE_HEIGHT * 2; } if (maxWidth) { width = maxWidth; // To capture cases where maxWidth passed is initial width // due to which the text is not wrapped correctly if (maxWidth === INITIAL_WIDTH) { height = DUMMY_HEIGHT; } } return { width, height, baseline, }; }); expect(h.elements.length).toBe(1); Keyboard.keyDown(KEYS.ENTER); let text = h.elements[1] as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer; let editor = document.querySelector( ".excalidraw-textEditorContainer > textarea", ) as HTMLTextAreaElement; // mock scroll height jest .spyOn(editor, "scrollHeight", "get") .mockImplementation(() => APPROX_LINE_HEIGHT * 2); fireEvent.change(editor, { target: { value: "Hello World!", }, }); editor.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); await new Promise((cb) => setTimeout(cb, 0)); editor.blur(); text = h.elements[1] as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer; expect(text.text).toBe("Hello \nWorld!"); expect(text.originalText).toBe("Hello World!"); expect(text.y).toBe( rectangle.y + rectangle.height / 2 - (APPROX_LINE_HEIGHT * 2) / 2, ); expect(text.x).toBe(rectangle.x + BOUND_TEXT_PADDING); expect(text.height).toBe(APPROX_LINE_HEIGHT * 2); expect(text.width).toBe(rectangle.width - BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2); // Edit and text by removing second line and it should // still vertically align correctly; Keyboard.withModifierKeys({}, () => { Keyboard.keyPress(KEYS.ENTER); }); editor = document.querySelector( ".excalidraw-textEditorContainer > textarea", ) as HTMLTextAreaElement; fireEvent.change(editor, { target: { value: "Hello", }, }); // mock scroll height jest .spyOn(editor, "scrollHeight", "get") .mockImplementation(() => APPROX_LINE_HEIGHT); = "25px"; editor.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 0)); editor.blur(); text = h.elements[1] as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer; expect(text.text).toBe("Hello"); expect(text.originalText).toBe("Hello"); expect(text.y).toBe( rectangle.y + rectangle.height / 2 - APPROX_LINE_HEIGHT / 2, ); expect(text.x).toBe(rectangle.x + BOUND_TEXT_PADDING); expect(text.height).toBe(APPROX_LINE_HEIGHT); expect(text.width).toBe(rectangle.width - BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2); }); }); });