import { ExcalidrawElement, NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, } from "./element/types"; import { BinaryFiles } from "./types"; import { SVG_EXPORT_TAG } from "./scene/export"; import { tryParseSpreadsheet, Spreadsheet, VALID_SPREADSHEET } from "./charts"; import { EXPORT_DATA_TYPES, MIME_TYPES } from "./constants"; import { isInitializedImageElement } from "./element/typeChecks"; import { deepCopyElement } from "./element/newElement"; import { mutateElement } from "./element/mutateElement"; import { getContainingFrame } from "./frame"; import { isPromiseLike, isTestEnv } from "./utils"; type ElementsClipboard = { type: typeof EXPORT_DATA_TYPES.excalidrawClipboard; elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[]; files: BinaryFiles | undefined; }; export type PastedMixedContent = { type: "text" | "imageUrl"; value: string }[]; export interface ClipboardData { spreadsheet?: Spreadsheet; elements?: readonly ExcalidrawElement[]; files?: BinaryFiles; text?: string; mixedContent?: PastedMixedContent; errorMessage?: string; programmaticAPI?: boolean; } let CLIPBOARD = ""; let PREFER_APP_CLIPBOARD = false; export const probablySupportsClipboardReadText = "clipboard" in navigator && "readText" in navigator.clipboard; export const probablySupportsClipboardWriteText = "clipboard" in navigator && "writeText" in navigator.clipboard; export const probablySupportsClipboardBlob = "clipboard" in navigator && "write" in navigator.clipboard && "ClipboardItem" in window && "toBlob" in HTMLCanvasElement.prototype; const clipboardContainsElements = ( contents: any, ): contents is { elements: ExcalidrawElement[]; files?: BinaryFiles } => { if ( [ EXPORT_DATA_TYPES.excalidraw, EXPORT_DATA_TYPES.excalidrawClipboard, EXPORT_DATA_TYPES.excalidrawClipboardWithAPI, ].includes(contents?.type) && Array.isArray(contents.elements) ) { return true; } return false; }; export const copyToClipboard = async ( elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], files: BinaryFiles | null, ) => { const framesToCopy = new Set( elements.filter((element) => element.type === "frame"), ); let foundFile = false; const _files = elements.reduce((acc, element) => { if (isInitializedImageElement(element)) { foundFile = true; if (files && files[element.fileId]) { acc[element.fileId] = files[element.fileId]; } } return acc; }, {} as BinaryFiles); if (foundFile && !files) { console.warn( "copyToClipboard: attempting to file element(s) without providing associated `files` object.", ); } // select binded text elements when copying const contents: ElementsClipboard = { type: EXPORT_DATA_TYPES.excalidrawClipboard, elements: => { if ( getContainingFrame(element) && !framesToCopy.has(getContainingFrame(element)!) ) { const copiedElement = deepCopyElement(element); mutateElement(copiedElement, { frameId: null, }); return copiedElement; } return element; }), files: files ? _files : undefined, }; const json = JSON.stringify(contents); if (isTestEnv()) { return json; } CLIPBOARD = json; try { PREFER_APP_CLIPBOARD = false; await copyTextToSystemClipboard(json); } catch (error: any) { PREFER_APP_CLIPBOARD = true; console.error(error); } }; const getAppClipboard = (): Partial => { if (!CLIPBOARD) { return {}; } try { return JSON.parse(CLIPBOARD); } catch (error: any) { console.error(error); return {}; } }; const parsePotentialSpreadsheet = ( text: string, ): { spreadsheet: Spreadsheet } | { errorMessage: string } | null => { const result = tryParseSpreadsheet(text); if (result.type === VALID_SPREADSHEET) { return { spreadsheet: result.spreadsheet }; } return null; }; /** internal, specific to parsing paste events. Do not reuse. */ function parseHTMLTree(el: ChildNode) { let result: PastedMixedContent = []; for (const node of el.childNodes) { if (node.nodeType === 3) { const text = node.textContent?.trim(); if (text) { result.push({ type: "text", value: text }); } } else if (node instanceof HTMLImageElement) { const url = node.getAttribute("src"); if (url && url.startsWith("http")) { result.push({ type: "imageUrl", value: url }); } } else { result = result.concat(parseHTMLTree(node)); } } return result; } const maybeParseHTMLPaste = (event: ClipboardEvent) => { const html = event.clipboardData?.getData("text/html"); if (!html) { return null; } try { const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html"); const content = parseHTMLTree(doc.body); if (content.length) { return content; } } catch (error: any) { console.error(`error in parseHTMLFromPaste: ${error.message}`); } return null; }; /** * Retrieves content from system clipboard (either from ClipboardEvent or * via async clipboard API if supported) */ const getSystemClipboard = async ( event: ClipboardEvent | null, isPlainPaste = false, ): Promise< | { type: "text"; value: string } | { type: "mixedContent"; value: PastedMixedContent } > => { try { const mixedContent = !isPlainPaste && event && maybeParseHTMLPaste(event); if (mixedContent) { return { type: "mixedContent", value: mixedContent }; } const text = event ? event.clipboardData?.getData("text/plain") : probablySupportsClipboardReadText && (await navigator.clipboard.readText()); return { type: "text", value: (text || "").trim() }; } catch { return { type: "text", value: "" }; } }; /** * Attempts to parse clipboard. Prefers system clipboard. */ export const parseClipboard = async ( event: ClipboardEvent | null, isPlainPaste = false, ): Promise => { const systemClipboard = await getSystemClipboard(event, isPlainPaste); if (systemClipboard.type === "mixedContent") { return { mixedContent: systemClipboard.value, }; } // if system clipboard empty, couldn't be resolved, or contains previously // copied excalidraw scene as SVG, fall back to previously copied excalidraw // elements if ( !systemClipboard || (!isPlainPaste && systemClipboard.value.includes(SVG_EXPORT_TAG)) ) { return getAppClipboard(); } // if system clipboard contains spreadsheet, use it even though it's // technically possible it's staler than in-app clipboard const spreadsheetResult = !isPlainPaste && parsePotentialSpreadsheet(systemClipboard.value); if (spreadsheetResult) { return spreadsheetResult; } const appClipboardData = getAppClipboard(); try { const systemClipboardData = JSON.parse(systemClipboard.value); const programmaticAPI = systemClipboardData.type === EXPORT_DATA_TYPES.excalidrawClipboardWithAPI; if (clipboardContainsElements(systemClipboardData)) { return { elements: systemClipboardData.elements, files: systemClipboardData.files, text: isPlainPaste ? JSON.stringify(systemClipboardData.elements, null, 2) : undefined, programmaticAPI, }; } } catch (e) {} // system clipboard doesn't contain excalidraw elements → return plaintext // unless we set a flag to prefer in-app clipboard because browser didn't // support storing to system clipboard on copy return PREFER_APP_CLIPBOARD && appClipboardData.elements ? { ...appClipboardData, text: isPlainPaste ? JSON.stringify(appClipboardData.elements, null, 2) : undefined, } : { text: systemClipboard.value }; }; export const copyBlobToClipboardAsPng = async (blob: Blob | Promise) => { try { // in Safari so far we need to construct the ClipboardItem synchronously // (i.e. in the same tick) otherwise browser will complain for lack of // user intent. Using a Promise ClipboardItem constructor solves this. // // // Note that Firefox (and potentially others) seems to support Promise // ClipboardItem constructor, but throws on an unrelated MIME type error. // So we need to await this and fallback to awaiting the blob if applicable. await navigator.clipboard.write([ new window.ClipboardItem({ [MIME_TYPES.png]: blob, }), ]); } catch (error: any) { // if we're using a Promise ClipboardItem, let's try constructing // with resolution value instead if (isPromiseLike(blob)) { await navigator.clipboard.write([ new window.ClipboardItem({ [MIME_TYPES.png]: await blob, }), ]); } else { throw error; } } }; export const copyTextToSystemClipboard = async (text: string | null) => { let copied = false; if (probablySupportsClipboardWriteText) { try { // NOTE: doesn't work on FF on non-HTTPS domains, or when document // not focused await navigator.clipboard.writeText(text || ""); copied = true; } catch (error: any) { console.error(error); } } // Note that execCommand doesn't allow copying empty strings, so if we're // clearing clipboard using this API, we must copy at least an empty char if (!copied && !copyTextViaExecCommand(text || " ")) { throw new Error("couldn't copy"); } }; // adapted from const copyTextViaExecCommand = (text: string) => { const isRTL = document.documentElement.getAttribute("dir") === "rtl"; const textarea = document.createElement("textarea"); = "0"; = "0"; = "0"; = "absolute";[isRTL ? "right" : "left"] = "-9999px"; const yPosition = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; = `${yPosition}px`; // Prevent zooming on iOS = "12pt"; textarea.setAttribute("readonly", ""); textarea.value = text; document.body.appendChild(textarea); let success = false; try {; textarea.setSelectionRange(0, textarea.value.length); success = document.execCommand("copy"); } catch (error: any) { console.error(error); } textarea.remove(); return success; };