export const trackEvent = ( category: string, action: string, label?: string, value?: number, ) => { try { // Uncomment the next line to track locally // console.log("Track Event", { category, action, label, value }); if (typeof window === "undefined" || process.env.JEST_WORKER_ID) { return; } if (process.env.REACT_APP_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID && window.gtag) { window.gtag("event", action, { event_category: category, event_label: label, value, }); } if (window.sa_event) { window.sa_event(action, { category, label, value, }); } if (window.fathom) { window.fathom.trackEvent(action, { category, label, value, }); } } catch (error) { console.error("error during analytics", error); } };