import { ExcalidrawElement } from "../element/types"; import { AppState, LibraryItems } from "../types"; import { clearAppStateForLocalStorage, getDefaultAppState } from "../appState"; import { restore } from "./restore"; const LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY = "excalidraw"; const LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY_STATE = "excalidraw-state"; const LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY_COLLAB = "excalidraw-collab"; const LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY_LIBRARY = "excalidraw-library"; let _LATEST_LIBRARY_ITEMS: LibraryItems | null = null; export const loadLibrary = (): Promise => { return new Promise(async (resolve) => { if (_LATEST_LIBRARY_ITEMS) { return resolve(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_LATEST_LIBRARY_ITEMS))); } try { const data = localStorage.getItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY_LIBRARY); if (!data) { return resolve([]); } const items = (JSON.parse(data) as LibraryItems).map( (elements) => restore(elements, null).elements, ) as Mutable; // clone to ensure we don't mutate the cached library elements in the app _LATEST_LIBRARY_ITEMS = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(items)); resolve(items); } catch (e) { console.error(e); resolve([]); } }); }; export const saveLibrary = (items: LibraryItems) => { const prevLibraryItems = _LATEST_LIBRARY_ITEMS; try { const serializedItems = JSON.stringify(items); // cache optimistically so that consumers have access to the latest // immediately _LATEST_LIBRARY_ITEMS = JSON.parse(serializedItems); localStorage.setItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY_LIBRARY, serializedItems); } catch (e) { _LATEST_LIBRARY_ITEMS = prevLibraryItems; console.error(e); } }; export const saveUsernameToLocalStorage = (username: string) => { try { localStorage.setItem( LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY_COLLAB, JSON.stringify({ username }), ); } catch (error) { // Unable to access window.localStorage console.error(error); } }; export const importUsernameFromLocalStorage = (): string | null => { try { const data = localStorage.getItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY_COLLAB); if (data) { return JSON.parse(data).username; } } catch (error) { // Unable to access localStorage console.error(error); } return null; }; export const saveToLocalStorage = ( elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], appState: AppState, ) => { try { localStorage.setItem( LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(elements.filter((element) => !element.isDeleted)), ); localStorage.setItem( LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY_STATE, JSON.stringify(clearAppStateForLocalStorage(appState)), ); } catch (error) { // Unable to access window.localStorage console.error(error); } }; export const importFromLocalStorage = () => { let savedElements = null; let savedState = null; try { savedElements = localStorage.getItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY); savedState = localStorage.getItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY_STATE); } catch (error) { // Unable to access localStorage console.error(error); } let elements = []; if (savedElements) { try { elements = JSON.parse(savedElements); } catch (error) { console.error(error); // Do nothing because elements array is already empty } } let appState = null; if (savedState) { try { appState = { ...getDefaultAppState(), ...clearAppStateForLocalStorage( JSON.parse(savedState) as Partial, ), }; } catch (error) { console.error(error); // Do nothing because appState is already null } } return { elements, appState }; };