import throttle from "lodash.throttle"; import React, { PureComponent } from "react"; import { ExcalidrawImperativeAPI } from "../../components/App"; import { ErrorDialog } from "../../components/ErrorDialog"; import { APP_NAME, ENV, EVENT } from "../../constants"; import { ImportedDataState } from "../../data/types"; import { ExcalidrawElement } from "../../element/types"; import { getElementMap, getSceneVersion, } from "../../packages/excalidraw/index"; import { Collaborator, Gesture } from "../../types"; import { resolvablePromise, withBatchedUpdates } from "../../utils"; import { INITIAL_SCENE_UPDATE_TIMEOUT, SCENE, SYNC_FULL_SCENE_INTERVAL_MS, } from "../app_constants"; import { decryptAESGEM, generateCollaborationLinkData, getCollaborationLink, SocketUpdateDataSource, SOCKET_SERVER, } from "../data"; import { isSavedToFirebase, loadFromFirebase, saveToFirebase, } from "../data/firebase"; import { importUsernameFromLocalStorage, saveUsernameToLocalStorage, STORAGE_KEYS, } from "../data/localStorage"; import Portal from "./Portal"; import RoomDialog from "./RoomDialog"; import { createInverseContext } from "../../createInverseContext"; import { t } from "../../i18n"; import { UserIdleState } from "../../types"; import { IDLE_THRESHOLD, ACTIVE_THRESHOLD } from "../../constants"; import { trackEvent } from "../../analytics"; import { isInvisiblySmallElement } from "../../element"; interface CollabState { modalIsShown: boolean; errorMessage: string; username: string; userState: UserIdleState; activeRoomLink: string; } type CollabInstance = InstanceType; export interface CollabAPI { /** function so that we can access the latest value from stale callbacks */ isCollaborating: () => boolean; username: CollabState["username"]; userState: CollabState["userState"]; onPointerUpdate: CollabInstance["onPointerUpdate"]; initializeSocketClient: CollabInstance["initializeSocketClient"]; onCollabButtonClick: CollabInstance["onCollabButtonClick"]; broadcastElements: CollabInstance["broadcastElements"]; } type ReconciledElements = readonly ExcalidrawElement[] & { _brand: "reconciledElements"; }; interface Props { excalidrawAPI: ExcalidrawImperativeAPI; } const { Context: CollabContext, Consumer: CollabContextConsumer, Provider: CollabContextProvider, } = createInverseContext<{ api: CollabAPI | null }>({ api: null }); export { CollabContext, CollabContextConsumer }; class CollabWrapper extends PureComponent { portal: Portal; excalidrawAPI: Props["excalidrawAPI"]; isCollaborating: boolean = false; activeIntervalId: number | null; idleTimeoutId: number | null; private socketInitializationTimer?: NodeJS.Timeout; private lastBroadcastedOrReceivedSceneVersion: number = -1; private collaborators = new Map(); constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { modalIsShown: false, errorMessage: "", username: importUsernameFromLocalStorage() || "", userState: UserIdleState.ACTIVE, activeRoomLink: "", }; this.portal = new Portal(this); this.excalidrawAPI = props.excalidrawAPI; this.activeIntervalId = null; this.idleTimeoutId = null; } componentDidMount() { window.addEventListener(EVENT.BEFORE_UNLOAD, this.beforeUnload); window.addEventListener(EVENT.UNLOAD, this.onUnload); if ( process.env.NODE_ENV === ENV.TEST || process.env.NODE_ENV === ENV.DEVELOPMENT ) { window.collab = window.collab || ({} as Window["collab"]); Object.defineProperties(window, { collab: { configurable: true, value: this, }, }); } } componentWillUnmount() { window.removeEventListener(EVENT.BEFORE_UNLOAD, this.beforeUnload); window.removeEventListener(EVENT.UNLOAD, this.onUnload); window.removeEventListener(EVENT.POINTER_MOVE, this.onPointerMove); window.removeEventListener( EVENT.VISIBILITY_CHANGE, this.onVisibilityChange, ); if (this.activeIntervalId) { window.clearInterval(this.activeIntervalId); this.activeIntervalId = null; } if (this.idleTimeoutId) { window.clearTimeout(this.idleTimeoutId); this.idleTimeoutId = null; } } private onUnload = () => { this.destroySocketClient({ isUnload: true }); }; private beforeUnload = withBatchedUpdates((event: BeforeUnloadEvent) => { const syncableElements = this.getSyncableElements( this.getSceneElementsIncludingDeleted(), ); if ( this.isCollaborating && !isSavedToFirebase(this.portal, syncableElements) ) { // this won't run in time if user decides to leave the site, but // the purpose is to run in immediately after user decides to stay this.saveCollabRoomToFirebase(syncableElements); event.preventDefault(); // NOTE: modern browsers no longer allow showing a custom message here event.returnValue = ""; } if (this.isCollaborating || this.portal.roomId) { try { localStorage?.setItem( STORAGE_KEYS.LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY_COLLAB_FORCE_FLAG, JSON.stringify({ timestamp:, room: this.portal.roomId, }), ); } catch {} } }); saveCollabRoomToFirebase = async ( syncableElements: ExcalidrawElement[] = this.getSyncableElements( this.excalidrawAPI.getSceneElementsIncludingDeleted(), ), ) => { try { await saveToFirebase(this.portal, syncableElements); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }; openPortal = async () => { trackEvent("share", "room creation"); return this.initializeSocketClient(null); }; closePortal = () => { this.saveCollabRoomToFirebase(); if (window.confirm(t("alerts.collabStopOverridePrompt"))) { window.history.pushState({}, APP_NAME, window.location.origin); this.destroySocketClient(); trackEvent("share", "room closed"); } }; private destroySocketClient = (opts?: { isUnload: boolean }) => { if (!opts?.isUnload) { this.collaborators = new Map(); this.excalidrawAPI.updateScene({ collaborators: this.collaborators, }); this.setState({ activeRoomLink: "", }); this.isCollaborating = false; } this.portal.close(); }; private initializeSocketClient = async ( existingRoomLinkData: null | { roomId: string; roomKey: string }, ): Promise => { if (this.portal.socket) { return null; } let roomId; let roomKey; if (existingRoomLinkData) { ({ roomId, roomKey } = existingRoomLinkData); } else { ({ roomId, roomKey } = await generateCollaborationLinkData()); window.history.pushState( {}, APP_NAME, getCollaborationLink({ roomId, roomKey }), ); } const scenePromise = resolvablePromise(); this.isCollaborating = true; const { default: socketIOClient }: any = await import( /* webpackChunkName: "socketIoClient" */ "" );, roomId, roomKey); if (existingRoomLinkData) { this.excalidrawAPI.resetScene(); try { const elements = await loadFromFirebase( roomId, roomKey, this.portal.socket, ); if (elements) { scenePromise.resolve({ elements, scrollToContent: true, }); } } catch (error) { // log the error and move on. other peers will sync us the scene. console.error(error); } } else { const elements = this.excalidrawAPI.getSceneElements(); // remove deleted elements from elements array & history to ensure we don't // expose potentially sensitive user data in case user manually deletes // existing elements (or clears scene), which would otherwise be persisted // to database even if deleted before creating the room. this.excalidrawAPI.history.clear(); this.excalidrawAPI.updateScene({ elements, commitToHistory: true, }); } // fallback in case you're not alone in the room but still don't receive // initial SCENE_UPDATE message this.socketInitializationTimer = setTimeout(() => { this.initializeSocket(); scenePromise.resolve(null); }, INITIAL_SCENE_UPDATE_TIMEOUT); // All socket listeners are moving to Portal this.portal.socket!.on( "client-broadcast", async (encryptedData: ArrayBuffer, iv: Uint8Array) => { if (!this.portal.roomKey) { return; } const decryptedData = await decryptAESGEM( encryptedData, this.portal.roomKey, iv, ); switch (decryptedData.type) { case "INVALID_RESPONSE": return; case SCENE.INIT: { if (!this.portal.socketInitialized) { this.initializeSocket(); const remoteElements = decryptedData.payload.elements; const reconciledElements = this.reconcileElements(remoteElements); this.handleRemoteSceneUpdate(reconciledElements, { init: true, }); // noop if already resolved via init from firebase scenePromise.resolve({ elements: reconciledElements, scrollToContent: true, }); } break; } case SCENE.UPDATE: this.handleRemoteSceneUpdate( this.reconcileElements(decryptedData.payload.elements), ); break; case "MOUSE_LOCATION": { const { pointer, button, username, selectedElementIds, } = decryptedData.payload; const socketId: SocketUpdateDataSource["MOUSE_LOCATION"]["payload"]["socketId"] = decryptedData.payload.socketId || // @ts-ignore legacy, see #2094 (#2097) decryptedData.payload.socketID; const collaborators = new Map(this.collaborators); const user = collaborators.get(socketId) || {}!; user.pointer = pointer; user.button = button; user.selectedElementIds = selectedElementIds; user.username = username; collaborators.set(socketId, user); this.excalidrawAPI.updateScene({ collaborators, }); break; } case "IDLE_STATUS": { const { userState, socketId, username } = decryptedData.payload; const collaborators = new Map(this.collaborators); const user = collaborators.get(socketId) || {}!; user.userState = userState; user.username = username; this.excalidrawAPI.updateScene({ collaborators, }); break; } } }, ); this.portal.socket!.on("first-in-room", () => { if (this.portal.socket) {"first-in-room"); } this.initializeSocket(); scenePromise.resolve(null); }); this.initializeIdleDetector(); this.setState({ activeRoomLink: window.location.href, }); return scenePromise; }; private initializeSocket = () => { this.portal.socketInitialized = true; clearTimeout(this.socketInitializationTimer!); }; private reconcileElements = ( elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], ): ReconciledElements => { const currentElements = this.getSceneElementsIncludingDeleted(); // create a map of ids so we don't have to iterate // over the array more than once. const localElementMap = getElementMap(currentElements); const appState = this.excalidrawAPI.getAppState(); // Reconcile const newElements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[] = elements .reduce((elements, element) => { // if the remote element references one that's currently // edited on local, skip it (it'll be added in the next step) if ( === appState.editingElement?.id || === appState.resizingElement?.id || === appState.draggingElement?.id ) { return elements; } if ( localElementMap.hasOwnProperty( && localElementMap[].version > element.version ) { elements.push(localElementMap[]); delete localElementMap[]; } else if ( localElementMap.hasOwnProperty( && localElementMap[].version === element.version && localElementMap[].versionNonce !== element.versionNonce ) { // resolve conflicting edits deterministically by taking the one with the lowest versionNonce if (localElementMap[].versionNonce < element.versionNonce) { elements.push(localElementMap[]); } else { // it should be highly unlikely that the two versionNonces are the same. if we are // really worried about this, we can replace the versionNonce with the socket id. elements.push(element); } delete localElementMap[]; } else { elements.push(element); delete localElementMap[]; } return elements; }, [] as Mutable) // add local elements that weren't deleted or on remote .concat(...Object.values(localElementMap)); // Avoid broadcasting to the rest of the collaborators the scene // we just received! // Note: this needs to be set before updating the scene as it // synchronously calls render. this.setLastBroadcastedOrReceivedSceneVersion(getSceneVersion(newElements)); return newElements as ReconciledElements; }; private handleRemoteSceneUpdate = ( elements: ReconciledElements, { init = false }: { init?: boolean } = {}, ) => { this.excalidrawAPI.updateScene({ elements, commitToHistory: !!init, }); // We haven't yet implemented multiplayer undo functionality, so we clear the undo stack // when we receive any messages from another peer. This UX can be pretty rough -- if you // undo, a user makes a change, and then try to redo, your element(s) will be lost. However, // right now we think this is the right tradeoff. this.excalidrawAPI.history.clear(); }; private onPointerMove = () => { if (this.idleTimeoutId) { window.clearTimeout(this.idleTimeoutId); this.idleTimeoutId = null; } this.idleTimeoutId = window.setTimeout(this.reportIdle, IDLE_THRESHOLD); if (!this.activeIntervalId) { this.activeIntervalId = window.setInterval( this.reportActive, ACTIVE_THRESHOLD, ); } }; private onVisibilityChange = () => { if (document.hidden) { if (this.idleTimeoutId) { window.clearTimeout(this.idleTimeoutId); this.idleTimeoutId = null; } if (this.activeIntervalId) { window.clearInterval(this.activeIntervalId); this.activeIntervalId = null; } this.onIdleStateChange(UserIdleState.AWAY); } else { this.idleTimeoutId = window.setTimeout(this.reportIdle, IDLE_THRESHOLD); this.activeIntervalId = window.setInterval( this.reportActive, ACTIVE_THRESHOLD, ); this.onIdleStateChange(UserIdleState.ACTIVE); } }; private reportIdle = () => { this.onIdleStateChange(UserIdleState.IDLE); if (this.activeIntervalId) { window.clearInterval(this.activeIntervalId); this.activeIntervalId = null; } }; private reportActive = () => { this.onIdleStateChange(UserIdleState.ACTIVE); }; private initializeIdleDetector = () => { document.addEventListener(EVENT.POINTER_MOVE, this.onPointerMove); document.addEventListener(EVENT.VISIBILITY_CHANGE, this.onVisibilityChange); }; setCollaborators(sockets: string[]) { this.setState((state) => { const collaborators: InstanceType< typeof CollabWrapper >["collaborators"] = new Map(); for (const socketId of sockets) { if (this.collaborators.has(socketId)) { collaborators.set(socketId, this.collaborators.get(socketId)!); } else { collaborators.set(socketId, {}); } } this.collaborators = collaborators; this.excalidrawAPI.updateScene({ collaborators }); }); } public setLastBroadcastedOrReceivedSceneVersion = (version: number) => { this.lastBroadcastedOrReceivedSceneVersion = version; }; public getLastBroadcastedOrReceivedSceneVersion = () => { return this.lastBroadcastedOrReceivedSceneVersion; }; public getSceneElementsIncludingDeleted = () => { return this.excalidrawAPI.getSceneElementsIncludingDeleted(); }; onPointerUpdate = (payload: { pointer: SocketUpdateDataSource["MOUSE_LOCATION"]["payload"]["pointer"]; button: SocketUpdateDataSource["MOUSE_LOCATION"]["payload"]["button"]; pointersMap: Gesture["pointers"]; }) => { payload.pointersMap.size < 2 && this.portal.socket && this.portal.broadcastMouseLocation(payload); }; onIdleStateChange = (userState: UserIdleState) => { this.setState({ userState }); this.portal.broadcastIdleChange(userState); }; broadcastElements = (elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[]) => { if ( getSceneVersion(elements) > this.getLastBroadcastedOrReceivedSceneVersion() ) { this.portal.broadcastScene( SCENE.UPDATE, this.getSyncableElements(elements), false, ); this.lastBroadcastedOrReceivedSceneVersion = getSceneVersion(elements); this.queueBroadcastAllElements(); } }; queueBroadcastAllElements = throttle(() => { this.portal.broadcastScene( SCENE.UPDATE, this.getSyncableElements( this.excalidrawAPI.getSceneElementsIncludingDeleted(), ), true, ); const currentVersion = this.getLastBroadcastedOrReceivedSceneVersion(); const newVersion = Math.max( currentVersion, getSceneVersion(this.getSceneElementsIncludingDeleted()), ); this.setLastBroadcastedOrReceivedSceneVersion(newVersion); }, SYNC_FULL_SCENE_INTERVAL_MS); handleClose = () => { this.setState({ modalIsShown: false }); }; onUsernameChange = (username: string) => { this.setState({ username }); saveUsernameToLocalStorage(username); }; onCollabButtonClick = () => { this.setState({ modalIsShown: true, }); }; getSyncableElements = (elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[]) => elements.filter((el) => el.isDeleted || !isInvisiblySmallElement(el)); /** PRIVATE. Use `this.getContextValue()` instead. */ private contextValue: CollabAPI | null = null; /** Getter of context value. Returned object is stable. */ getContextValue = (): CollabAPI => { if (!this.contextValue) { this.contextValue = {} as CollabAPI; } this.contextValue.isCollaborating = () => this.isCollaborating; this.contextValue.username = this.state.username; this.contextValue.onPointerUpdate = this.onPointerUpdate; this.contextValue.initializeSocketClient = this.initializeSocketClient; this.contextValue.onCollabButtonClick = this.onCollabButtonClick; this.contextValue.broadcastElements = this.broadcastElements; return this.contextValue; }; render() { const { modalIsShown, username, errorMessage, activeRoomLink } = this.state; return ( <> {modalIsShown && ( { this.setState({ errorMessage }); }} theme={this.excalidrawAPI.getAppState().theme} /> )} {errorMessage && ( this.setState({ errorMessage: "" })} /> )} ); } } declare global { interface Window { collab: InstanceType; } } if ( process.env.NODE_ENV === ENV.TEST || process.env.NODE_ENV === ENV.DEVELOPMENT ) { window.collab = window.collab || ({} as Window["collab"]); } export default CollabWrapper;