import { SHIFT_LOCKING_ANGLE } from "../constants"; import { rescalePoints } from "../points"; import { rotate, adjustXYWithRotation, centerPoint, rotatePoint, } from "../math"; import { ExcalidrawLinearElement, ExcalidrawTextElement, NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, NonDeleted, ExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer, ExcalidrawImageElement, } from "./types"; import type { Mutable } from "../utility-types"; import { getElementAbsoluteCoords, getCommonBounds, getResizedElementAbsoluteCoords, getCommonBoundingBox, getElementPointsCoords, } from "./bounds"; import { isArrowElement, isBoundToContainer, isFreeDrawElement, isImageElement, isLinearElement, isTextElement, } from "./typeChecks"; import { mutateElement } from "./mutateElement"; import { getFontString } from "../utils"; import { updateBoundElements } from "./binding"; import { TransformHandleType, MaybeTransformHandleType, TransformHandleDirection, } from "./transformHandles"; import { Point, PointerDownState } from "../types"; import Scene from "../scene/Scene"; import { getApproxMinLineWidth, getBoundTextElement, getBoundTextElementId, getContainerElement, handleBindTextResize, getBoundTextMaxWidth, getApproxMinLineHeight, measureText, getBoundTextMaxHeight, } from "./textElement"; import { LinearElementEditor } from "./linearElementEditor"; export const normalizeAngle = (angle: number): number => { if (angle < 0) { return angle + 2 * Math.PI; } if (angle >= 2 * Math.PI) { return angle - 2 * Math.PI; } return angle; }; // Returns true when transform (resizing/rotation) happened export const transformElements = ( pointerDownState: PointerDownState, transformHandleType: MaybeTransformHandleType, selectedElements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], resizeArrowDirection: "origin" | "end", shouldRotateWithDiscreteAngle: boolean, shouldResizeFromCenter: boolean, shouldMaintainAspectRatio: boolean, pointerX: number, pointerY: number, centerX: number, centerY: number, ) => { if (selectedElements.length === 1) { const [element] = selectedElements; if (transformHandleType === "rotation") { rotateSingleElement( element, pointerX, pointerY, shouldRotateWithDiscreteAngle, pointerDownState.originalElements, ); updateBoundElements(element); } else if ( isTextElement(element) && (transformHandleType === "nw" || transformHandleType === "ne" || transformHandleType === "sw" || transformHandleType === "se") ) { resizeSingleTextElement( element, transformHandleType, shouldResizeFromCenter, pointerX, pointerY, ); updateBoundElements(element); } else if (transformHandleType) { resizeSingleElement( pointerDownState.originalElements, shouldMaintainAspectRatio, element, transformHandleType, shouldResizeFromCenter, pointerX, pointerY, ); } return true; } else if (selectedElements.length > 1) { if (transformHandleType === "rotation") { rotateMultipleElements( pointerDownState, selectedElements, pointerX, pointerY, shouldRotateWithDiscreteAngle, centerX, centerY, ); return true; } else if ( transformHandleType === "nw" || transformHandleType === "ne" || transformHandleType === "sw" || transformHandleType === "se" ) { resizeMultipleElements( pointerDownState, selectedElements, transformHandleType, shouldResizeFromCenter, pointerX, pointerY, ); return true; } } return false; }; const rotateSingleElement = ( element: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, pointerX: number, pointerY: number, shouldRotateWithDiscreteAngle: boolean, originalElements: Map>, ) => { const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element); const cx = (x1 + x2) / 2; const cy = (y1 + y2) / 2; let angle = (5 * Math.PI) / 2 + Math.atan2(pointerY - cy, pointerX - cx); if (shouldRotateWithDiscreteAngle) { angle += SHIFT_LOCKING_ANGLE / 2; angle -= angle % SHIFT_LOCKING_ANGLE; } angle = normalizeAngle(angle); const boundTextElementId = getBoundTextElementId(element); mutateElement(element, { angle }); if (boundTextElementId) { const textElement = Scene.getScene(element)?.getElement( boundTextElementId, ); if (textElement && !isArrowElement(element)) { mutateElement(textElement, { angle }); } } }; const rescalePointsInElement = ( element: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, width: number, height: number, normalizePoints: boolean, ) => isLinearElement(element) || isFreeDrawElement(element) ? { points: rescalePoints( 0, width, rescalePoints(1, height, element.points, normalizePoints), normalizePoints, ), } : {}; const MIN_FONT_SIZE = 1; const measureFontSizeFromWidth = ( element: NonDeleted, nextWidth: number, nextHeight: number, ): { size: number; baseline: number } | null => { // We only use width to scale font on resize let width = element.width; const hasContainer = isBoundToContainer(element); if (hasContainer) { const container = getContainerElement(element); if (container) { width = getBoundTextMaxWidth(container); } } const nextFontSize = element.fontSize * (nextWidth / width); if (nextFontSize < MIN_FONT_SIZE) { return null; } const metrics = measureText( element.text, getFontString({ fontSize: nextFontSize, fontFamily: element.fontFamily }), element.lineHeight, ); return { size: nextFontSize, baseline: metrics.baseline + (nextHeight - metrics.height), }; }; const getSidesForTransformHandle = ( transformHandleType: TransformHandleType, shouldResizeFromCenter: boolean, ) => { return { n: /^(n|ne|nw)$/.test(transformHandleType) || (shouldResizeFromCenter && /^(s|se|sw)$/.test(transformHandleType)), s: /^(s|se|sw)$/.test(transformHandleType) || (shouldResizeFromCenter && /^(n|ne|nw)$/.test(transformHandleType)), w: /^(w|nw|sw)$/.test(transformHandleType) || (shouldResizeFromCenter && /^(e|ne|se)$/.test(transformHandleType)), e: /^(e|ne|se)$/.test(transformHandleType) || (shouldResizeFromCenter && /^(w|nw|sw)$/.test(transformHandleType)), }; }; const resizeSingleTextElement = ( element: NonDeleted, transformHandleType: "nw" | "ne" | "sw" | "se", shouldResizeFromCenter: boolean, pointerX: number, pointerY: number, ) => { const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element); const cx = (x1 + x2) / 2; const cy = (y1 + y2) / 2; // rotation pointer with reverse angle const [rotatedX, rotatedY] = rotate( pointerX, pointerY, cx, cy, -element.angle, ); let scale: number; switch (transformHandleType) { case "se": scale = Math.max( (rotatedX - x1) / (x2 - x1), (rotatedY - y1) / (y2 - y1), ); break; case "nw": scale = Math.max( (x2 - rotatedX) / (x2 - x1), (y2 - rotatedY) / (y2 - y1), ); break; case "ne": scale = Math.max( (rotatedX - x1) / (x2 - x1), (y2 - rotatedY) / (y2 - y1), ); break; case "sw": scale = Math.max( (x2 - rotatedX) / (x2 - x1), (rotatedY - y1) / (y2 - y1), ); break; } if (scale > 0) { const nextWidth = element.width * scale; const nextHeight = element.height * scale; const metrics = measureFontSizeFromWidth(element, nextWidth, nextHeight); if (metrics === null) { return; } const [nextX1, nextY1, nextX2, nextY2] = getResizedElementAbsoluteCoords( element, nextWidth, nextHeight, false, ); const deltaX1 = (x1 - nextX1) / 2; const deltaY1 = (y1 - nextY1) / 2; const deltaX2 = (x2 - nextX2) / 2; const deltaY2 = (y2 - nextY2) / 2; const [nextElementX, nextElementY] = adjustXYWithRotation( getSidesForTransformHandle(transformHandleType, shouldResizeFromCenter), element.x, element.y, element.angle, deltaX1, deltaY1, deltaX2, deltaY2, ); mutateElement(element, { fontSize: metrics.size, width: nextWidth, height: nextHeight, baseline: metrics.baseline, x: nextElementX, y: nextElementY, }); } }; export const resizeSingleElement = ( originalElements: PointerDownState["originalElements"], shouldMaintainAspectRatio: boolean, element: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, transformHandleDirection: TransformHandleDirection, shouldResizeFromCenter: boolean, pointerX: number, pointerY: number, ) => { const stateAtResizeStart = originalElements.get(!; // Gets bounds corners const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getResizedElementAbsoluteCoords( stateAtResizeStart, stateAtResizeStart.width, stateAtResizeStart.height, true, ); const startTopLeft: Point = [x1, y1]; const startBottomRight: Point = [x2, y2]; const startCenter: Point = centerPoint(startTopLeft, startBottomRight); // Calculate new dimensions based on cursor position const rotatedPointer = rotatePoint( [pointerX, pointerY], startCenter, -stateAtResizeStart.angle, ); // Get bounds corners rendered on screen const [esx1, esy1, esx2, esy2] = getResizedElementAbsoluteCoords( element, element.width, element.height, true, ); const boundsCurrentWidth = esx2 - esx1; const boundsCurrentHeight = esy2 - esy1; // It's important we set the initial scale value based on the width and height at resize start, // otherwise previous dimensions affected by modifiers will be taken into account. const atStartBoundsWidth = startBottomRight[0] - startTopLeft[0]; const atStartBoundsHeight = startBottomRight[1] - startTopLeft[1]; let scaleX = atStartBoundsWidth / boundsCurrentWidth; let scaleY = atStartBoundsHeight / boundsCurrentHeight; let boundTextFont: { fontSize?: number; baseline?: number } = {}; const boundTextElement = getBoundTextElement(element); if (transformHandleDirection.includes("e")) { scaleX = (rotatedPointer[0] - startTopLeft[0]) / boundsCurrentWidth; } if (transformHandleDirection.includes("s")) { scaleY = (rotatedPointer[1] - startTopLeft[1]) / boundsCurrentHeight; } if (transformHandleDirection.includes("w")) { scaleX = (startBottomRight[0] - rotatedPointer[0]) / boundsCurrentWidth; } if (transformHandleDirection.includes("n")) { scaleY = (startBottomRight[1] - rotatedPointer[1]) / boundsCurrentHeight; } // Linear elements dimensions differ from bounds dimensions const eleInitialWidth = stateAtResizeStart.width; const eleInitialHeight = stateAtResizeStart.height; // We have to use dimensions of element on screen, otherwise the scaling of the // dimensions won't match the cursor for linear elements. let eleNewWidth = element.width * scaleX; let eleNewHeight = element.height * scaleY; // adjust dimensions for resizing from center if (shouldResizeFromCenter) { eleNewWidth = 2 * eleNewWidth - eleInitialWidth; eleNewHeight = 2 * eleNewHeight - eleInitialHeight; } // adjust dimensions to keep sides ratio if (shouldMaintainAspectRatio) { const widthRatio = Math.abs(eleNewWidth) / eleInitialWidth; const heightRatio = Math.abs(eleNewHeight) / eleInitialHeight; if (transformHandleDirection.length === 1) { eleNewHeight *= widthRatio; eleNewWidth *= heightRatio; } if (transformHandleDirection.length === 2) { const ratio = Math.max(widthRatio, heightRatio); eleNewWidth = eleInitialWidth * ratio * Math.sign(eleNewWidth); eleNewHeight = eleInitialHeight * ratio * Math.sign(eleNewHeight); } } if (boundTextElement) { const stateOfBoundTextElementAtResize = originalElements.get(, ) as typeof boundTextElement | undefined; if (stateOfBoundTextElementAtResize) { boundTextFont = { fontSize: stateOfBoundTextElementAtResize.fontSize, baseline: stateOfBoundTextElementAtResize.baseline, }; } if (shouldMaintainAspectRatio) { const updatedElement = { ...element, width: eleNewWidth, height: eleNewHeight, }; const nextFont = measureFontSizeFromWidth( boundTextElement, getBoundTextMaxWidth(updatedElement), getBoundTextMaxHeight(updatedElement, boundTextElement), ); if (nextFont === null) { return; } boundTextFont = { fontSize: nextFont.size, baseline: nextFont.baseline, }; } else { const minWidth = getApproxMinLineWidth( getFontString(boundTextElement), boundTextElement.lineHeight, ); const minHeight = getApproxMinLineHeight( boundTextElement.fontSize, boundTextElement.lineHeight, ); eleNewWidth = Math.ceil(Math.max(eleNewWidth, minWidth)); eleNewHeight = Math.ceil(Math.max(eleNewHeight, minHeight)); } } const [newBoundsX1, newBoundsY1, newBoundsX2, newBoundsY2] = getResizedElementAbsoluteCoords( stateAtResizeStart, eleNewWidth, eleNewHeight, true, ); const newBoundsWidth = newBoundsX2 - newBoundsX1; const newBoundsHeight = newBoundsY2 - newBoundsY1; // Calculate new topLeft based on fixed corner during resize let newTopLeft = [...startTopLeft] as [number, number]; if (["n", "w", "nw"].includes(transformHandleDirection)) { newTopLeft = [ startBottomRight[0] - Math.abs(newBoundsWidth), startBottomRight[1] - Math.abs(newBoundsHeight), ]; } if (transformHandleDirection === "ne") { const bottomLeft = [startTopLeft[0], startBottomRight[1]]; newTopLeft = [bottomLeft[0], bottomLeft[1] - Math.abs(newBoundsHeight)]; } if (transformHandleDirection === "sw") { const topRight = [startBottomRight[0], startTopLeft[1]]; newTopLeft = [topRight[0] - Math.abs(newBoundsWidth), topRight[1]]; } // Keeps opposite handle fixed during resize if (shouldMaintainAspectRatio) { if (["s", "n"].includes(transformHandleDirection)) { newTopLeft[0] = startCenter[0] - newBoundsWidth / 2; } if (["e", "w"].includes(transformHandleDirection)) { newTopLeft[1] = startCenter[1] - newBoundsHeight / 2; } } // Flip horizontally if (eleNewWidth < 0) { if (transformHandleDirection.includes("e")) { newTopLeft[0] -= Math.abs(newBoundsWidth); } if (transformHandleDirection.includes("w")) { newTopLeft[0] += Math.abs(newBoundsWidth); } } // Flip vertically if (eleNewHeight < 0) { if (transformHandleDirection.includes("s")) { newTopLeft[1] -= Math.abs(newBoundsHeight); } if (transformHandleDirection.includes("n")) { newTopLeft[1] += Math.abs(newBoundsHeight); } } if (shouldResizeFromCenter) { newTopLeft[0] = startCenter[0] - Math.abs(newBoundsWidth) / 2; newTopLeft[1] = startCenter[1] - Math.abs(newBoundsHeight) / 2; } // adjust topLeft to new rotation point const angle = stateAtResizeStart.angle; const rotatedTopLeft = rotatePoint(newTopLeft, startCenter, angle); const newCenter: Point = [ newTopLeft[0] + Math.abs(newBoundsWidth) / 2, newTopLeft[1] + Math.abs(newBoundsHeight) / 2, ]; const rotatedNewCenter = rotatePoint(newCenter, startCenter, angle); newTopLeft = rotatePoint(rotatedTopLeft, rotatedNewCenter, -angle); // Readjust points for linear elements let rescaledElementPointsY; let rescaledPoints; if (isLinearElement(element) || isFreeDrawElement(element)) { rescaledElementPointsY = rescalePoints( 1, eleNewHeight, (stateAtResizeStart as ExcalidrawLinearElement).points, true, ); rescaledPoints = rescalePoints( 0, eleNewWidth, rescaledElementPointsY, true, ); } // For linear elements (x,y) are the coordinates of the first drawn point not the top-left corner // So we need to readjust (x,y) to be where the first point should be const newOrigin = [...newTopLeft]; newOrigin[0] += stateAtResizeStart.x - newBoundsX1; newOrigin[1] += stateAtResizeStart.y - newBoundsY1; const resizedElement = { width: Math.abs(eleNewWidth), height: Math.abs(eleNewHeight), x: newOrigin[0], y: newOrigin[1], points: rescaledPoints, }; if ("scale" in element && "scale" in stateAtResizeStart) { mutateElement(element, { scale: [ // defaulting because scaleX/Y can be 0/-0 (Math.sign(newBoundsX2 - stateAtResizeStart.x) || stateAtResizeStart.scale[0]) * stateAtResizeStart.scale[0], (Math.sign(newBoundsY2 - stateAtResizeStart.y) || stateAtResizeStart.scale[1]) * stateAtResizeStart.scale[1], ], }); } if ( resizedElement.width !== 0 && resizedElement.height !== 0 && Number.isFinite(resizedElement.x) && Number.isFinite(resizedElement.y) ) { updateBoundElements(element, { newSize: { width: resizedElement.width, height: resizedElement.height }, }); mutateElement(element, resizedElement); if (boundTextElement && boundTextFont != null) { mutateElement(boundTextElement, { fontSize: boundTextFont.fontSize, baseline: boundTextFont.baseline, }); } handleBindTextResize(element, transformHandleDirection); } }; export const resizeMultipleElements = ( pointerDownState: PointerDownState, selectedElements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], transformHandleType: "nw" | "ne" | "sw" | "se", shouldResizeFromCenter: boolean, pointerX: number, pointerY: number, ) => { // map selected elements to the original elements. While it never should // happen that pointerDownState.originalElements won't contain the selected // elements during resize, this coupling isn't guaranteed, so to ensure // type safety we need to transform only those elements we filter. const targetElements = selectedElements.reduce( ( acc: { /** element at resize start */ orig: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement; /** latest element */ latest: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement; }[], element, ) => { const origElement = pointerDownState.originalElements.get(; if (origElement) { acc.push({ orig: origElement, latest: element }); } return acc; }, [], ); // getCommonBoundingBox() uses getBoundTextElement() which returns null for // original elements from pointerDownState, so we have to find and add these // bound text elements manually. Additionally, the coordinates of bound text // elements aren't always up to date. const boundTextElements = targetElements.reduce((acc, { orig }) => { if (!isLinearElement(orig)) { return acc; } const textId = getBoundTextElementId(orig); if (!textId) { return acc; } const text = pointerDownState.originalElements.get(textId) ?? null; if (!isBoundToContainer(text)) { return acc; } const xy = LinearElementEditor.getBoundTextElementPosition(orig, text); return [...acc, { ...text, ...xy }]; }, [] as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer[]); const { minX, minY, maxX, maxY, midX, midY } = getCommonBoundingBox({ orig }) => orig).concat(boundTextElements), ); const direction = transformHandleType; const mapDirectionsToAnchors: Record = { ne: [minX, maxY], se: [minX, minY], sw: [maxX, minY], nw: [maxX, maxY], }; // anchor point must be on the opposite side of the dragged selection handle // or be the center of the selection if shouldResizeFromCenter const [anchorX, anchorY]: Point = shouldResizeFromCenter ? [midX, midY] : mapDirectionsToAnchors[direction]; const scale = Math.max( Math.abs(pointerX - anchorX) / (maxX - minX) || 0, Math.abs(pointerY - anchorY) / (maxY - minY) || 0, ) * (shouldResizeFromCenter ? 2 : 1); if (scale === 0) { return; } const mapDirectionsToPointerPositions: Record< typeof direction, [x: boolean, y: boolean] > = { ne: [pointerX >= anchorX, pointerY <= anchorY], se: [pointerX >= anchorX, pointerY >= anchorY], sw: [pointerX <= anchorX, pointerY >= anchorY], nw: [pointerX <= anchorX, pointerY <= anchorY], }; /** * to flip an element: * 1. determine over which axis is the element being flipped * (could be x, y, or both) indicated by `flipFactorX` & `flipFactorY` * 2. shift element's position by the amount of width or height (or both) or * mirror points in the case of linear & freedraw elemenets * 3. adjust element angle */ const [flipFactorX, flipFactorY] = mapDirectionsToPointerPositions[ direction ].map((condition) => (condition ? 1 : -1)); const isFlippedByX = flipFactorX < 0; const isFlippedByY = flipFactorY < 0; const elementsAndUpdates: { element: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement; update: Mutable< Pick > & { points?: ExcalidrawLinearElement["points"]; fontSize?: ExcalidrawTextElement["fontSize"]; baseline?: ExcalidrawTextElement["baseline"]; scale?: ExcalidrawImageElement["scale"]; }; boundText: { element: ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer; fontSize: ExcalidrawTextElement["fontSize"]; baseline: ExcalidrawTextElement["baseline"]; } | null; }[] = []; for (const { orig, latest } of targetElements) { // bounded text elements are updated along with their container elements if (isTextElement(orig) && isBoundToContainer(orig)) { continue; } const width = orig.width * scale; const height = orig.height * scale; const angle = normalizeAngle(orig.angle * flipFactorX * flipFactorY); const isLinearOrFreeDraw = isLinearElement(orig) || isFreeDrawElement(orig); const offsetX = orig.x - anchorX; const offsetY = orig.y - anchorY; const shiftX = isFlippedByX && !isLinearOrFreeDraw ? width : 0; const shiftY = isFlippedByY && !isLinearOrFreeDraw ? height : 0; const x = anchorX + flipFactorX * (offsetX * scale + shiftX); const y = anchorY + flipFactorY * (offsetY * scale + shiftY); const rescaledPoints = rescalePointsInElement( orig, width * flipFactorX, height * flipFactorY, false, ); const update: typeof elementsAndUpdates[0]["update"] = { x, y, width, height, angle, ...rescaledPoints, }; if (isImageElement(orig) && targetElements.length === 1) { update.scale = [orig.scale[0] * flipFactorX, orig.scale[1] * flipFactorY]; } if (isLinearElement(orig) && (isFlippedByX || isFlippedByY)) { const origBounds = getElementPointsCoords(orig, orig.points); const newBounds = getElementPointsCoords( { ...orig, x, y }, rescaledPoints.points!, ); const origXY = [orig.x, orig.y]; const newXY = [x, y]; const linearShift = (axis: "x" | "y") => { const i = axis === "x" ? 0 : 1; return ( (newBounds[i + 2] - newXY[i] - (origXY[i] - origBounds[i]) * scale + (origBounds[i + 2] - origXY[i]) * scale - (newXY[i] - newBounds[i])) / 2 ); }; if (isFlippedByX) { update.x -= linearShift("x"); } if (isFlippedByY) { update.y -= linearShift("y"); } } let boundText: typeof elementsAndUpdates[0]["boundText"] = null; const boundTextElement = getBoundTextElement(latest); if (boundTextElement || isTextElement(orig)) { const updatedElement = { ...latest, width, height, }; const metrics = measureFontSizeFromWidth( boundTextElement ?? (orig as ExcalidrawTextElement), boundTextElement ? getBoundTextMaxWidth(updatedElement) : updatedElement.width, boundTextElement ? getBoundTextMaxHeight(updatedElement, boundTextElement) : updatedElement.height, ); if (!metrics) { return; } if (isTextElement(orig)) { update.fontSize = metrics.size; update.baseline = metrics.baseline; } if (boundTextElement) { boundText = { element: boundTextElement, fontSize: metrics.size, baseline: metrics.baseline, }; } } elementsAndUpdates.push({ element: latest, update, boundText }); } const elementsToUpdate ={ element }) => element); for (const { element, update, boundText } of elementsAndUpdates) { const { width, height, angle } = update; mutateElement(element, update, false); updateBoundElements(element, { simultaneouslyUpdated: elementsToUpdate, newSize: { width, height }, }); if (boundText) { const { element: boundTextElement, ...boundTextUpdates } = boundText; mutateElement( boundTextElement, { ...boundTextUpdates, angle: isLinearElement(element) ? undefined : angle, }, false, ); handleBindTextResize(element, transformHandleType); } } Scene.getScene(elementsAndUpdates[0].element)?.informMutation(); }; const rotateMultipleElements = ( pointerDownState: PointerDownState, elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], pointerX: number, pointerY: number, shouldRotateWithDiscreteAngle: boolean, centerX: number, centerY: number, ) => { let centerAngle = (5 * Math.PI) / 2 + Math.atan2(pointerY - centerY, pointerX - centerX); if (shouldRotateWithDiscreteAngle) { centerAngle += SHIFT_LOCKING_ANGLE / 2; centerAngle -= centerAngle % SHIFT_LOCKING_ANGLE; } elements.forEach((element) => { const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element); const cx = (x1 + x2) / 2; const cy = (y1 + y2) / 2; const origAngle = pointerDownState.originalElements.get( ?? element.angle; const [rotatedCX, rotatedCY] = rotate( cx, cy, centerX, centerY, centerAngle + origAngle - element.angle, ); mutateElement(element, { x: element.x + (rotatedCX - cx), y: element.y + (rotatedCY - cy), angle: normalizeAngle(centerAngle + origAngle), }); const boundTextElementId = getBoundTextElementId(element); if (boundTextElementId) { const textElement = Scene.getScene(element)?.getElement( boundTextElementId, ); if (textElement && !isArrowElement(element)) { mutateElement(textElement, { x: textElement.x + (rotatedCX - cx), y: textElement.y + (rotatedCY - cy), angle: normalizeAngle(centerAngle + origAngle), }); } } }); }; export const getResizeOffsetXY = ( transformHandleType: MaybeTransformHandleType, selectedElements: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], x: number, y: number, ): [number, number] => { const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = selectedElements.length === 1 ? getElementAbsoluteCoords(selectedElements[0]) : getCommonBounds(selectedElements); const cx = (x1 + x2) / 2; const cy = (y1 + y2) / 2; const angle = selectedElements.length === 1 ? selectedElements[0].angle : 0; [x, y] = rotate(x, y, cx, cy, -angle); switch (transformHandleType) { case "n": return rotate(x - (x1 + x2) / 2, y - y1, 0, 0, angle); case "s": return rotate(x - (x1 + x2) / 2, y - y2, 0, 0, angle); case "w": return rotate(x - x1, y - (y1 + y2) / 2, 0, 0, angle); case "e": return rotate(x - x2, y - (y1 + y2) / 2, 0, 0, angle); case "nw": return rotate(x - x1, y - y1, 0, 0, angle); case "ne": return rotate(x - x2, y - y1, 0, 0, angle); case "sw": return rotate(x - x1, y - y2, 0, 0, angle); case "se": return rotate(x - x2, y - y2, 0, 0, angle); default: return [0, 0]; } }; export const getResizeArrowDirection = ( transformHandleType: MaybeTransformHandleType, element: NonDeleted, ): "origin" | "end" => { const [, [px, py]] = element.points; const isResizeEnd = (transformHandleType === "nw" && (px < 0 || py < 0)) || (transformHandleType === "ne" && px >= 0) || (transformHandleType === "sw" && px <= 0) || (transformHandleType === "se" && (px > 0 || py > 0)); return isResizeEnd ? "end" : "origin"; };