import React from "react"; import socketIOClient from ""; import rough from "roughjs/bin/rough"; import { RoughCanvas } from "roughjs/bin/canvas"; import { FlooredNumber } from "../types"; import { newElement, newTextElement, duplicateElement, resizeTest, normalizeResizeHandle, isInvisiblySmallElement, isTextElement, textWysiwyg, getCommonBounds, getCursorForResizingElement, getPerfectElementSize, normalizeDimensions, getElementMap, getDrawingVersion, getSyncableElements, hasNonDeletedElements, newLinearElement, } from "../element"; import { deleteSelectedElements, getElementsWithinSelection, isOverScrollBars, getElementAtPosition, getElementContainingPosition, getNormalizedZoom, getSelectedElements, globalSceneState, isSomeElementSelected, } from "../scene"; import { decryptAESGEM, encryptAESGEM, saveToLocalStorage, loadScene, loadFromBlob, SOCKET_SERVER, SocketUpdateDataSource, exportCanvas, } from "../data"; import { restore } from "../data/restore"; import { renderScene } from "../renderer"; import { AppState, GestureEvent, Gesture } from "../types"; import { ExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawLinearElement } from "../element/types"; import { isWritableElement, isInputLike, isToolIcon, debounce, distance, distance2d, resetCursor, viewportCoordsToSceneCoords, sceneCoordsToViewportCoords, } from "../utils"; import { KEYS, isArrowKey } from "../keys"; import { findShapeByKey, shapesShortcutKeys } from "../shapes"; import { createHistory, SceneHistory } from "../history"; import ContextMenu from "./ContextMenu"; import { getElementWithResizeHandler } from "../element/resizeTest"; import { ActionManager } from "../actions/manager"; import "../actions"; import { actions } from "../actions/register"; import { ActionResult } from "../actions/types"; import { getDefaultAppState } from "../appState"; import { t, getLanguage } from "../i18n"; import { copyToAppClipboard, getClipboardContent, probablySupportsClipboardBlob, } from "../clipboard"; import { normalizeScroll } from "../scene"; import { getCenter, getDistance } from "../gesture"; import { createUndoAction, createRedoAction } from "../actions/actionHistory"; import { CURSOR_TYPE, ELEMENT_SHIFT_TRANSLATE_AMOUNT, ELEMENT_TRANSLATE_AMOUNT, POINTER_BUTTON, DRAGGING_THRESHOLD, TEXT_TO_CENTER_SNAP_THRESHOLD, ARROW_CONFIRM_THRESHOLD, } from "../constants"; import { LayerUI } from "./LayerUI"; import { ScrollBars } from "../scene/types"; import { generateCollaborationLink, getCollaborationLinkData } from "../data"; import { mutateElement, newElementWith } from "../element/mutateElement"; import { invalidateShapeForElement } from "../renderer/renderElement"; import { unstable_batchedUpdates } from "react-dom"; import { SceneStateCallbackRemover } from "../scene/globalScene"; import { isLinearElement } from "../element/typeChecks"; import { rescalePoints } from "../points"; import { actionFinalize } from "../actions"; /** * @param func handler taking at most single parameter (event). */ function withBatchedUpdates< TFunction extends ((event: any) => void) | (() => void) >(func: Parameters["length"] extends 0 | 1 ? TFunction : never) { return ((event) => { unstable_batchedUpdates(func as TFunction, event); }) as TFunction; } const { history } = createHistory(); let cursorX = 0; let cursorY = 0; let isHoldingSpace: boolean = false; let isPanning: boolean = false; let isDraggingScrollBar: boolean = false; let currentScrollBars: ScrollBars = { horizontal: null, vertical: null }; let lastPointerUp: ((event: any) => void) | null = null; const gesture: Gesture = { pointers: new Map(), lastCenter: null, initialDistance: null, initialScale: null, }; function setCursorForShape(shape: string) { if (shape === "selection") { resetCursor(); } else { = shape === "text" ? CURSOR_TYPE.TEXT : CURSOR_TYPE.CROSSHAIR; } } export class App extends React.Component { canvas: HTMLCanvasElement | null = null; rc: RoughCanvas | null = null; socket: SocketIOClient.Socket | null = null; socketInitialized: boolean = false; // we don't want the socket to emit any updates until it is fully initalized roomID: string | null = null; roomKey: string | null = null; lastBroadcastedOrReceivedSceneVersion: number = -1; removeSceneCallback: SceneStateCallbackRemover | null = null; actionManager: ActionManager; canvasOnlyActions = ["selectAll"]; public state: AppState = { ...getDefaultAppState(), isLoading: true, }; constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.actionManager = new ActionManager( this.syncActionResult, () => this.state, () => globalSceneState.getAllElements(), ); this.actionManager.registerAll(actions); this.actionManager.registerAction(createUndoAction(history)); this.actionManager.registerAction(createRedoAction(history)); } public render() { const canvasDOMWidth = window.innerWidth; const canvasDOMHeight = window.innerHeight; const canvasScale = window.devicePixelRatio; const canvasWidth = canvasDOMWidth * canvasScale; const canvasHeight = canvasDOMHeight * canvasScale; return (
{ return !element.isDeleted; })} setElements={this.setElements} language={getLanguage()} onRoomCreate={this.createRoom} onRoomDestroy={this.destroyRoom} onLockToggle={this.toggleLock} />
{ // canvas is null when unmounting if (canvas !== null) { this.canvas = canvas; this.rc = rough.canvas(this.canvas); this.canvas.addEventListener("wheel", this.handleWheel, { passive: false, }); } else { this.canvas?.removeEventListener("wheel", this.handleWheel); } }} onContextMenu={this.handleCanvasContextMenu} onPointerDown={this.handleCanvasPointerDown} onDoubleClick={this.handleCanvasDoubleClick} onPointerMove={this.handleCanvasPointerMove} onPointerUp={this.removePointer} onPointerCancel={this.removePointer} onDrop={(event) => { const file = event.dataTransfer.files[0]; if ( file?.type === "application/json" || file?.name.endsWith(".excalidraw") ) { this.setState({ isLoading: true }); loadFromBlob(file) .then(({ elements, appState }) => this.syncActionResult({ elements, appState: { ...(appState || this.state), isLoading: false, }, commitToHistory: false, }), ) .catch((error) => { console.error(error); this.setState({ isLoading: false }); }); } }} > {t("labels.drawingCanvas")}
); } private syncActionResult = withBatchedUpdates((res: ActionResult) => { if (this.unmounted) { return; } if (res.elements) { globalSceneState.replaceAllElements(res.elements); if (res.commitToHistory) { history.resumeRecording(); } } if (res.appState) { if (res.commitToHistory) { history.resumeRecording(); } this.setState((state) => ({ ...res.appState, isCollaborating: state.isCollaborating, collaborators: state.collaborators, })); } }); // Lifecycle private onBlur = withBatchedUpdates(() => { isHoldingSpace = false; this.saveDebounced(); this.saveDebounced.flush(); }); private onUnload = () => { this.destroySocketClient(); this.onBlur(); }; private disableEvent: EventHandlerNonNull = (event) => { event.preventDefault(); }; private initializeScene = async () => { const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(; const id = searchParams.get("id"); const jsonMatch = window.location.hash.match( /^#json=([0-9]+),([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$/, ); const isCollaborationScene = getCollaborationLinkData(window.location.href); if (!isCollaborationScene) { let scene: ResolutionType | undefined; // Backwards compatibility with legacy url format if (id) { scene = await loadScene(id); } else if (jsonMatch) { scene = await loadScene(jsonMatch[1], jsonMatch[2]); } else { scene = await loadScene(null); } if (scene) { this.syncActionResult(scene); } } if (this.state.isLoading) { this.setState({ isLoading: false }); } // run this last else the `isLoading` state if (isCollaborationScene) { this.initializeSocketClient({ showLoadingState: true }); } }; private unmounted = false; public async componentDidMount() { if ( process.env.NODE_ENV === "test" || process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ) { const setState = this.setState.bind(this); Object.defineProperties(window.h, { state: { configurable: true, get: () => { return this.state; }, }, setState: { configurable: true, value: (...args: Parameters) => { return this.setState(...args); }, }, app: { configurable: true, value: this, }, }); } this.removeSceneCallback = globalSceneState.addCallback( this.onSceneUpdated, ); document.addEventListener("copy", this.onCopy); document.addEventListener("paste", this.pasteFromClipboard); document.addEventListener("cut", this.onCut); document.addEventListener("keydown", this.onKeyDown, false); document.addEventListener("keyup", this.onKeyUp, { passive: true }); document.addEventListener("mousemove", this.updateCurrentCursorPosition); window.addEventListener("resize", this.onResize, false); window.addEventListener("unload", this.onUnload, false); window.addEventListener("blur", this.onBlur, false); window.addEventListener("dragover", this.disableEvent, false); window.addEventListener("drop", this.disableEvent, false); // Safari-only desktop pinch zoom document.addEventListener( "gesturestart", this.onGestureStart as any, false, ); document.addEventListener( "gesturechange", this.onGestureChange as any, false, ); document.addEventListener("gestureend", this.onGestureEnd as any, false); window.addEventListener("beforeunload", this.beforeUnload); this.initializeScene(); } public componentWillUnmount() { this.unmounted = true; this.removeSceneCallback!(); document.removeEventListener("copy", this.onCopy); document.removeEventListener("paste", this.pasteFromClipboard); document.removeEventListener("cut", this.onCut); document.removeEventListener("keydown", this.onKeyDown, false); document.removeEventListener( "mousemove", this.updateCurrentCursorPosition, false, ); document.removeEventListener("keyup", this.onKeyUp); window.removeEventListener("resize", this.onResize, false); window.removeEventListener("unload", this.onUnload, false); window.removeEventListener("blur", this.onBlur, false); window.removeEventListener("dragover", this.disableEvent, false); window.removeEventListener("drop", this.disableEvent, false); document.removeEventListener( "gesturestart", this.onGestureStart as any, false, ); document.removeEventListener( "gesturechange", this.onGestureChange as any, false, ); document.removeEventListener("gestureend", this.onGestureEnd as any, false); window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", this.beforeUnload); } private onResize = withBatchedUpdates(() => { globalSceneState .getAllElements() .forEach((element) => invalidateShapeForElement(element)); this.setState({}); }); private beforeUnload = withBatchedUpdates((event: BeforeUnloadEvent) => { if ( this.state.isCollaborating && hasNonDeletedElements(globalSceneState.getAllElements()) ) { event.preventDefault(); // NOTE: modern browsers no longer allow showing a custom message here event.returnValue = ""; } }); componentDidUpdate() { if (this.state.isCollaborating && !this.socket) { this.initializeSocketClient({ showLoadingState: true }); } const pointerViewportCoords: { [id: string]: { x: number; y: number }; } = {}; this.state.collaborators.forEach((user, socketID) => { if (!user.pointer) { return; } pointerViewportCoords[socketID] = sceneCoordsToViewportCoords( { sceneX: user.pointer.x, sceneY: user.pointer.y, }, this.state, this.canvas, window.devicePixelRatio, ); }); const { atLeastOneVisibleElement, scrollBars } = renderScene( globalSceneState.getAllElements(), this.state, this.state.selectionElement, window.devicePixelRatio, this.rc!, this.canvas!, { scrollX: this.state.scrollX, scrollY: this.state.scrollY, viewBackgroundColor: this.state.viewBackgroundColor, zoom: this.state.zoom, remotePointerViewportCoords: pointerViewportCoords, shouldCacheIgnoreZoom: this.state.shouldCacheIgnoreZoom, }, { renderOptimizations: true, }, ); if (scrollBars) { currentScrollBars = scrollBars; } const scrolledOutside = !atLeastOneVisibleElement && hasNonDeletedElements(globalSceneState.getAllElements()); if (this.state.scrolledOutside !== scrolledOutside) { this.setState({ scrolledOutside: scrolledOutside }); } this.saveDebounced(); if ( getDrawingVersion(globalSceneState.getAllElements()) > this.lastBroadcastedOrReceivedSceneVersion ) { this.broadcastScene("SCENE_UPDATE"); } history.record(this.state, globalSceneState.getAllElements()); } // Copy/paste private onCut = withBatchedUpdates((event: ClipboardEvent) => { if (isWritableElement( { return; } this.copyAll(); const { elements: nextElements, appState } = deleteSelectedElements( globalSceneState.getAllElements(), this.state, ); globalSceneState.replaceAllElements(nextElements); history.resumeRecording(); this.setState({ ...appState }); event.preventDefault(); }); private onCopy = withBatchedUpdates((event: ClipboardEvent) => { if (isWritableElement( { return; } this.copyAll(); event.preventDefault(); }); private copyAll = () => { copyToAppClipboard(globalSceneState.getAllElements(), this.state); }; private copyToClipboardAsPng = () => { const selectedElements = getSelectedElements( globalSceneState.getAllElements(), this.state, ); exportCanvas( "clipboard", selectedElements.length ? selectedElements : globalSceneState.getAllElements(), this.state, this.canvas!, this.state, ); }; private pasteFromClipboard = withBatchedUpdates( async (event: ClipboardEvent | null) => { // #686 const target = document.activeElement; const elementUnderCursor = document.elementFromPoint(cursorX, cursorY); if ( // if no ClipboardEvent supplied, assume we're pasting via contextMenu // thus these checks don't make sense event && (!(elementUnderCursor instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) || isWritableElement(target)) ) { return; } const data = await getClipboardContent(event); if (data.elements) { this.addElementsFromPaste(data.elements); } else if (data.text) { this.addTextFromPaste(data.text); } this.selectShapeTool("selection"); event?.preventDefault(); }, ); private addElementsFromPaste = ( clipboardElements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], ) => { const [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] = getCommonBounds(clipboardElements); const elementsCenterX = distance(minX, maxX) / 2; const elementsCenterY = distance(minY, maxY) / 2; const { x, y } = viewportCoordsToSceneCoords( { clientX: cursorX, clientY: cursorY }, this.state, this.canvas, window.devicePixelRatio, ); const dx = x - elementsCenterX; const dy = y - elementsCenterY; const newElements = => duplicateElement(element, { x: element.x + dx - minX, y: element.y + dy - minY, }), ); globalSceneState.replaceAllElements([ ...globalSceneState.getAllElements(), ...newElements, ]); history.resumeRecording(); this.setState({ selectedElementIds: newElements.reduce((map, element) => { map[] = true; return map; }, {} as any), }); }; private addTextFromPaste(text: any) { const { x, y } = viewportCoordsToSceneCoords( { clientX: cursorX, clientY: cursorY }, this.state, this.canvas, window.devicePixelRatio, ); const element = newTextElement({ x: x, y: y, strokeColor: this.state.currentItemStrokeColor, backgroundColor: this.state.currentItemBackgroundColor, fillStyle: this.state.currentItemFillStyle, strokeWidth: this.state.currentItemStrokeWidth, roughness: this.state.currentItemRoughness, opacity: this.state.currentItemOpacity, text: text, font: this.state.currentItemFont, }); globalSceneState.replaceAllElements([ ...globalSceneState.getAllElements(), element, ]); this.setState({ selectedElementIds: { []: true } }); history.resumeRecording(); } // Collaboration setAppState = (obj: any) => { this.setState(obj); }; removePointer = (event: React.PointerEvent) => { gesture.pointers.delete(event.pointerId); }; createRoom = async () => { window.history.pushState( {}, "Excalidraw", await generateCollaborationLink(), ); this.initializeSocketClient({ showLoadingState: false }); }; destroyRoom = () => { window.history.pushState({}, "Excalidraw", window.location.origin); this.destroySocketClient(); }; toggleLock = () => { this.setState((prevState) => ({ elementLocked: !prevState.elementLocked, elementType: prevState.elementLocked ? "selection" : prevState.elementType, })); }; private destroySocketClient = () => { this.setState({ isCollaborating: false, collaborators: new Map(), }); if (this.socket) { this.socket.close(); this.socket = null; this.roomID = null; this.roomKey = null; } }; private initializeSocketClient = (opts: { showLoadingState: boolean }) => { if (this.socket) { return; } const roomMatch = getCollaborationLinkData(window.location.href); if (roomMatch) { const initialize = () => { this.socketInitialized = true; clearTimeout(initializationTimer); if (this.state.isLoading && !this.unmounted) { this.setState({ isLoading: false }); } }; // fallback in case you're not alone in the room but still don't receive // initial SCENE_UPDATE message const initializationTimer = setTimeout(initialize, 5000); const updateScene = ( decryptedData: SocketUpdateDataSource["SCENE_INIT" | "SCENE_UPDATE"], ) => { const { elements: remoteElements } = decryptedData.payload; const restoredState = restore(remoteElements || [], null, { scrollToContent: true, }); // Perform reconciliation - in collaboration, if we encounter // elements with more staler versions than ours, ignore them // and keep ours. if ( globalSceneState.getAllElements() == null || globalSceneState.getAllElements().length === 0 ) { globalSceneState.replaceAllElements(restoredState.elements); } else { // create a map of ids so we don't have to iterate // over the array more than once. const localElementMap = getElementMap( globalSceneState.getAllElements(), ); // Reconcile const newElements = restoredState.elements .reduce((elements, element) => { // if the remote element references one that's currently // edited on local, skip it (it'll be added in the next // step) if ( === this.state.editingElement?.id || === this.state.resizingElement?.id || === this.state.draggingElement?.id ) { return elements; } if ( localElementMap.hasOwnProperty( && localElementMap[].version > element.version ) { elements.push(localElementMap[]); delete localElementMap[]; } else if ( localElementMap.hasOwnProperty( && localElementMap[].version === element.version && localElementMap[].versionNonce !== element.versionNonce ) { // resolve conflicting edits deterministically by taking the one with the lowest versionNonce if ( localElementMap[].versionNonce < element.versionNonce ) { elements.push(localElementMap[]); } else { // it should be highly unlikely that the two versionNonces are the same. if we are // really worried about this, we can replace the versionNonce with the socket id. elements.push(element); } delete localElementMap[]; } else { elements.push(element); delete localElementMap[]; } return elements; }, [] as Mutable) // add local elements that weren't deleted or on remote .concat(...Object.values(localElementMap)); // Avoid broadcasting to the rest of the collaborators the scene // we just received! // Note: this needs to be set before replaceAllElements as it // syncronously calls render. this.lastBroadcastedOrReceivedSceneVersion = getDrawingVersion( newElements, ); globalSceneState.replaceAllElements(newElements); } // We haven't yet implemented multiplayer undo functionality, so we clear the undo stack // when we receive any messages from another peer. This UX can be pretty rough -- if you // undo, a user makes a change, and then try to redo, your element(s) will be lost. However, // right now we think this is the right tradeoff. history.clear(); if (this.socketInitialized === false) { initialize(); } }; this.socket = socketIOClient(SOCKET_SERVER); this.roomID = roomMatch[1]; this.roomKey = roomMatch[2]; this.socket.on("init-room", () => { this.socket && this.socket.emit("join-room", this.roomID); }); this.socket.on( "client-broadcast", async (encryptedData: ArrayBuffer, iv: Uint8Array) => { if (!this.roomKey) { return; } const decryptedData = await decryptAESGEM( encryptedData, this.roomKey, iv, ); switch (decryptedData.type) { case "INVALID_RESPONSE": return; case "SCENE_INIT": { if (!this.socketInitialized) { updateScene(decryptedData); } break; } case "SCENE_UPDATE": updateScene(decryptedData); break; case "MOUSE_LOCATION": { const { socketID, pointerCoords } = decryptedData.payload; this.setState((state) => { if (!state.collaborators.has(socketID)) { state.collaborators.set(socketID, {}); } const user = state.collaborators.get(socketID)!; user.pointer = pointerCoords; state.collaborators.set(socketID, user); return state; }); break; } } }, ); this.socket.on("first-in-room", () => { if (this.socket) {"first-in-room"); } initialize(); }); this.socket.on("room-user-change", (clients: string[]) => { this.setState((state) => { const collaborators: typeof state.collaborators = new Map(); for (const socketID of clients) { if (state.collaborators.has(socketID)) { collaborators.set(socketID, state.collaborators.get(socketID)!); } else { collaborators.set(socketID, {}); } } return { ...state, collaborators, }; }); }); this.socket.on("new-user", async (socketID: string) => { this.broadcastScene("SCENE_INIT"); }); this.setState({ isCollaborating: true, isLoading: opts.showLoadingState ? true : this.state.isLoading, }); } }; private broadcastMouseLocation = (payload: { pointerCoords: SocketUpdateDataSource["MOUSE_LOCATION"]["payload"]["pointerCoords"]; }) => { if (this.socket?.id) { const data: SocketUpdateDataSource["MOUSE_LOCATION"] = { type: "MOUSE_LOCATION", payload: { socketID:, pointerCoords: payload.pointerCoords, }, }; return this._broadcastSocketData( data as typeof data & { _brand: "socketUpdateData" }, ); } }; private broadcastScene = (sceneType: "SCENE_INIT" | "SCENE_UPDATE") => { const data: SocketUpdateDataSource[typeof sceneType] = { type: sceneType, payload: { elements: getSyncableElements(globalSceneState.getAllElements()), }, }; this.lastBroadcastedOrReceivedSceneVersion = Math.max( this.lastBroadcastedOrReceivedSceneVersion, getDrawingVersion(globalSceneState.getAllElements()), ); return this._broadcastSocketData( data as typeof data & { _brand: "socketUpdateData" }, ); }; // Low-level. Use type-specific broadcast* method. private async _broadcastSocketData( data: SocketUpdateDataSource[keyof SocketUpdateDataSource] & { _brand: "socketUpdateData"; }, ) { if (this.socketInitialized && this.socket && this.roomID && this.roomKey) { const json = JSON.stringify(data); const encoded = new TextEncoder().encode(json); const encrypted = await encryptAESGEM(encoded, this.roomKey); this.socket.emit( "server-broadcast", this.roomID,, encrypted.iv, ); } } private onSceneUpdated = () => { this.setState({}); }; private updateCurrentCursorPosition = withBatchedUpdates( (event: MouseEvent) => { cursorX = event.x; cursorY = event.y; }, ); // Input handling private onKeyDown = withBatchedUpdates((event: KeyboardEvent) => { if ( (isWritableElement( && event.key !== KEYS.ESCAPE) || // case: using arrows to move between buttons (isArrowKey(event.key) && isInputLike( ) { return; } if (event.code === "KeyC" && event.altKey && event.shiftKey) { this.copyToClipboardAsPng(); event.preventDefault(); return; } if (this.actionManager.handleKeyDown(event)) { return; } const shape = findShapeByKey(event.key); if (isArrowKey(event.key)) { const step = event.shiftKey ? ELEMENT_SHIFT_TRANSLATE_AMOUNT : ELEMENT_TRANSLATE_AMOUNT; globalSceneState.replaceAllElements( globalSceneState.getAllElements().map((el) => { if (this.state.selectedElementIds[]) { const update: { x?: number; y?: number } = {}; if (event.key === KEYS.ARROW_LEFT) { update.x = el.x - step; } else if (event.key === KEYS.ARROW_RIGHT) { update.x = el.x + step; } else if (event.key === KEYS.ARROW_UP) { update.y = el.y - step; } else if (event.key === KEYS.ARROW_DOWN) { update.y = el.y + step; } return newElementWith(el, update); } return el; }), ); event.preventDefault(); } else if (event.key === KEYS.ENTER) { const selectedElements = getSelectedElements( globalSceneState.getAllElements(), this.state, ); if ( selectedElements.length === 1 && !isLinearElement(selectedElements[0]) ) { const selectedElement = selectedElements[0]; const x = selectedElement.x + selectedElement.width / 2; const y = selectedElement.y + selectedElement.height / 2; this.startTextEditing({ x: x, y: y, }); event.preventDefault(); return; } } else if ( !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.metaKey && this.state.draggingElement === null ) { if (shapesShortcutKeys.includes(event.key.toLowerCase())) { this.selectShapeTool(shape); } else if (event.key === "q") { this.toggleLock(); } } if (event.key === KEYS.SPACE && gesture.pointers.size === 0) { isHoldingSpace = true; = CURSOR_TYPE.GRABBING; } }); private onKeyUp = withBatchedUpdates((event: KeyboardEvent) => { if (event.key === KEYS.SPACE) { if (this.state.elementType === "selection") { resetCursor(); } else { = this.state.elementType === "text" ? CURSOR_TYPE.TEXT : CURSOR_TYPE.CROSSHAIR; this.setState({ selectedElementIds: {} }); } isHoldingSpace = false; } }); private selectShapeTool(elementType: AppState["elementType"]) { if (!isHoldingSpace) { setCursorForShape(elementType); } if (isToolIcon(document.activeElement)) { document.activeElement.blur(); } if (elementType !== "selection") { this.setState({ elementType, selectedElementIds: {} }); } else { this.setState({ elementType }); } } private onGestureStart = withBatchedUpdates((event: GestureEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); gesture.initialScale = this.state.zoom; }); private onGestureChange = withBatchedUpdates((event: GestureEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); this.setState({ zoom: getNormalizedZoom(gesture.initialScale! * event.scale), }); }); private onGestureEnd = withBatchedUpdates((event: GestureEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); gesture.initialScale = null; }); private setElements = (elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[]) => { globalSceneState.replaceAllElements(elements); }; private startTextEditing = ({ x, y, clientX, clientY, centerIfPossible = true, }: { x: number; y: number; clientX?: number; clientY?: number; centerIfPossible?: boolean; }) => { const elementAtPosition = getElementAtPosition( globalSceneState.getAllElements(), this.state, x, y, this.state.zoom, ); const element = elementAtPosition && isTextElement(elementAtPosition) ? elementAtPosition : newTextElement({ x: x, y: y, strokeColor: this.state.currentItemStrokeColor, backgroundColor: this.state.currentItemBackgroundColor, fillStyle: this.state.currentItemFillStyle, strokeWidth: this.state.currentItemStrokeWidth, roughness: this.state.currentItemRoughness, opacity: this.state.currentItemOpacity, text: "", font: this.state.currentItemFont, }); this.setState({ editingElement: element }); let textX = clientX || x; let textY = clientY || y; if (elementAtPosition && isTextElement(elementAtPosition)) { globalSceneState.replaceAllElements( globalSceneState .getAllElements() .filter((element) => !==, ); const centerElementX = elementAtPosition.x + elementAtPosition.width / 2; const centerElementY = elementAtPosition.y + elementAtPosition.height / 2; const { x: centerElementXInViewport, y: centerElementYInViewport, } = sceneCoordsToViewportCoords( { sceneX: centerElementX, sceneY: centerElementY }, this.state, this.canvas, window.devicePixelRatio, ); textX = centerElementXInViewport; textY = centerElementYInViewport; // x and y will change after calling newTextElement function mutateElement(element, { x: centerElementX, y: centerElementY, }); } else if (centerIfPossible) { const snappedToCenterPosition = this.getTextWysiwygSnappedToCenterPosition( x, y, this.state, this.canvas, window.devicePixelRatio, ); if (snappedToCenterPosition) { mutateElement(element, { x: snappedToCenterPosition.elementCenterX, y: snappedToCenterPosition.elementCenterY, }); textX = snappedToCenterPosition.wysiwygX; textY = snappedToCenterPosition.wysiwygY; } } const resetSelection = () => { this.setState({ draggingElement: null, editingElement: null, }); }; // deselect all other elements when inserting text this.setState({ selectedElementIds: {} }); textWysiwyg({ initText: element.text, x: textX, y: textY, strokeColor: element.strokeColor, font: element.font, opacity: this.state.currentItemOpacity, zoom: this.state.zoom, onSubmit: (text) => { if (text) { globalSceneState.replaceAllElements([ ...globalSceneState.getAllElements(), // we need to recreate the element to update dimensions & position newTextElement({ ...element, text, font: element.font }), ]); } this.setState((prevState) => ({ selectedElementIds: { ...prevState.selectedElementIds, []: true, }, })); history.resumeRecording(); resetSelection(); }, onCancel: () => { resetSelection(); }, }); }; private handleCanvasDoubleClick = ( event: React.MouseEvent, ) => { // case: double-clicking with arrow/line tool selected would both create // text and enter multiElement mode if (this.state.multiElement) { return; } resetCursor(); const { x, y } = viewportCoordsToSceneCoords( event, this.state, this.canvas, window.devicePixelRatio, ); this.startTextEditing({ x: x, y: y, clientX: event.clientX, clientY: event.clientY, centerIfPossible: !event.altKey, }); }; private handleCanvasPointerMove = ( event: React.PointerEvent, ) => { const pointerCoords = viewportCoordsToSceneCoords( event, this.state, this.canvas, window.devicePixelRatio, ); this.savePointer(pointerCoords); if (gesture.pointers.has(event.pointerId)) { gesture.pointers.set(event.pointerId, { x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY, }); } if (gesture.pointers.size === 2) { const center = getCenter(gesture.pointers); const deltaX = center.x - gesture.lastCenter!.x; const deltaY = center.y - gesture.lastCenter!.y; gesture.lastCenter = center; const distance = getDistance(Array.from(gesture.pointers.values())); const scaleFactor = distance / gesture.initialDistance!; this.setState({ scrollX: normalizeScroll(this.state.scrollX + deltaX / this.state.zoom), scrollY: normalizeScroll(this.state.scrollY + deltaY / this.state.zoom), zoom: getNormalizedZoom(gesture.initialScale! * scaleFactor), shouldCacheIgnoreZoom: true, }); this.resetShouldCacheIgnoreZoomDebounced(); } else { gesture.lastCenter = gesture.initialDistance = gesture.initialScale = null; } if (isHoldingSpace || isPanning || isDraggingScrollBar) { return; } const { isOverHorizontalScrollBar, isOverVerticalScrollBar, } = isOverScrollBars(currentScrollBars, event.clientX, event.clientY); const isOverScrollBar = isOverVerticalScrollBar || isOverHorizontalScrollBar; if (!this.state.draggingElement && !this.state.multiElement) { if (isOverScrollBar) { resetCursor(); } else { setCursorForShape(this.state.elementType); } } const { x, y } = viewportCoordsToSceneCoords( event, this.state, this.canvas, window.devicePixelRatio, ); if (this.state.multiElement) { const { multiElement } = this.state; const { x: rx, y: ry } = multiElement; const { points, lastCommittedPoint } = multiElement; const lastPoint = points[points.length - 1]; setCursorForShape(this.state.elementType); if (lastPoint === lastCommittedPoint) { // if we haven't yet created a temp point and we're beyond commit-zone // threshold, add a point if ( distance2d(x - rx, y - ry, lastPoint[0], lastPoint[1]) >= ARROW_CONFIRM_THRESHOLD ) { mutateElement(multiElement, { points: [...points, [x - rx, y - ry]], }); } else { = CURSOR_TYPE.POINTER; // in this branch, we're inside the commit zone, and no uncommitted // point exists. Thus do nothing (don't add/remove points). } } else { // cursor moved inside commit zone, and there's uncommitted point, // thus remove it if ( points.length > 2 && lastCommittedPoint && distance2d( x - rx, y - ry, lastCommittedPoint[0], lastCommittedPoint[1], ) < ARROW_CONFIRM_THRESHOLD ) { = CURSOR_TYPE.POINTER; mutateElement(multiElement, { points: points.slice(0, -1), }); } else { // update last uncommitted point mutateElement(multiElement, { points: [...points.slice(0, -1), [x - rx, y - ry]], }); } } return; } const hasDeselectedButton = Boolean(event.buttons); if (hasDeselectedButton || this.state.elementType !== "selection") { return; } const selectedElements = getSelectedElements( globalSceneState.getAllElements(), this.state, ); if (selectedElements.length === 1 && !isOverScrollBar) { const resizeElement = getElementWithResizeHandler( globalSceneState.getAllElements(), this.state, { x, y }, this.state.zoom, event.pointerType, ); if (resizeElement && resizeElement.resizeHandle) { = getCursorForResizingElement( resizeElement, ); return; } } const hitElement = getElementAtPosition( globalSceneState.getAllElements(), this.state, x, y, this.state.zoom, ); = hitElement && !isOverScrollBar ? "move" : ""; }; private handleCanvasPointerDown = ( event: React.PointerEvent, ) => { if (lastPointerUp !== null) { // Unfortunately, sometimes we don't get a pointerup after a pointerdown, // this can happen when a contextual menu or alert is triggered. In order to avoid // being in a weird state, we clean up on the next pointerdown lastPointerUp(event); } if (isPanning) { return; } this.setState({ lastPointerDownWith: event.pointerType }); // pan canvas on wheel button drag or space+drag if ( gesture.pointers.size === 0 && (event.button === POINTER_BUTTON.WHEEL || (event.button === POINTER_BUTTON.MAIN && isHoldingSpace)) ) { isPanning = true; = CURSOR_TYPE.GRABBING; let { clientX: lastX, clientY: lastY } = event; const onPointerMove = withBatchedUpdates((event: PointerEvent) => { const deltaX = lastX - event.clientX; const deltaY = lastY - event.clientY; lastX = event.clientX; lastY = event.clientY; this.setState({ scrollX: normalizeScroll( this.state.scrollX - deltaX / this.state.zoom, ), scrollY: normalizeScroll( this.state.scrollY - deltaY / this.state.zoom, ), }); }); const teardown = withBatchedUpdates( (lastPointerUp = () => { lastPointerUp = null; isPanning = false; if (!isHoldingSpace) { setCursorForShape(this.state.elementType); } window.removeEventListener("pointermove", onPointerMove); window.removeEventListener("pointerup", teardown); window.removeEventListener("blur", teardown); }), ); window.addEventListener("blur", teardown); window.addEventListener("pointermove", onPointerMove, { passive: true, }); window.addEventListener("pointerup", teardown); return; } // only handle left mouse button or touch if ( event.button !== POINTER_BUTTON.MAIN && event.button !== POINTER_BUTTON.TOUCH ) { return; } gesture.pointers.set(event.pointerId, { x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY, }); if (gesture.pointers.size === 2) { gesture.lastCenter = getCenter(gesture.pointers); gesture.initialScale = this.state.zoom; gesture.initialDistance = getDistance( Array.from(gesture.pointers.values()), ); } // fixes pointermove causing selection of UI texts #32 event.preventDefault(); // Preventing the event above disables default behavior // of defocusing potentially focused element, which is what we // want when clicking inside the canvas. if (document.activeElement instanceof HTMLElement) { document.activeElement.blur(); } // don't select while panning if (gesture.pointers.size > 1) { return; } // Handle scrollbars dragging const { isOverHorizontalScrollBar, isOverVerticalScrollBar, } = isOverScrollBars(currentScrollBars, event.clientX, event.clientY); const { x, y } = viewportCoordsToSceneCoords( event, this.state, this.canvas, window.devicePixelRatio, ); let lastX = x; let lastY = y; if ( (isOverHorizontalScrollBar || isOverVerticalScrollBar) && !this.state.multiElement ) { isDraggingScrollBar = true; lastX = event.clientX; lastY = event.clientY; const onPointerMove = withBatchedUpdates((event: PointerEvent) => { const target =; if (!(target instanceof HTMLElement)) { return; } if (isOverHorizontalScrollBar) { const x = event.clientX; const dx = x - lastX; this.setState({ scrollX: normalizeScroll(this.state.scrollX - dx / this.state.zoom), }); lastX = x; return; } if (isOverVerticalScrollBar) { const y = event.clientY; const dy = y - lastY; this.setState({ scrollY: normalizeScroll(this.state.scrollY - dy / this.state.zoom), }); lastY = y; } }); const onPointerUp = withBatchedUpdates(() => { isDraggingScrollBar = false; setCursorForShape(this.state.elementType); lastPointerUp = null; window.removeEventListener("pointermove", onPointerMove); window.removeEventListener("pointerup", onPointerUp); }); lastPointerUp = onPointerUp; window.addEventListener("pointermove", onPointerMove); window.addEventListener("pointerup", onPointerUp); return; } const originX = x; const originY = y; type ResizeTestType = ReturnType; let resizeHandle: ResizeTestType = false; let isResizingElements = false; let draggingOccurred = false; let hitElement: ExcalidrawElement | null = null; let hitElementWasAddedToSelection = false; if (this.state.elementType === "selection") { const resizeElement = getElementWithResizeHandler( globalSceneState.getAllElements(), this.state, { x, y }, this.state.zoom, event.pointerType, ); const selectedElements = getSelectedElements( globalSceneState.getAllElements(), this.state, ); if (selectedElements.length === 1 && resizeElement) { this.setState({ resizingElement: resizeElement ? resizeElement.element : null, }); resizeHandle = resizeElement.resizeHandle; = getCursorForResizingElement( resizeElement, ); isResizingElements = true; } else { hitElement = getElementAtPosition( globalSceneState.getAllElements(), this.state, x, y, this.state.zoom, ); // clear selection if shift is not clicked if ( !(hitElement && this.state.selectedElementIds[]) && !event.shiftKey ) { this.setState({ selectedElementIds: {} }); } // If we click on something if (hitElement) { // deselect if item is selected // if shift is not clicked, this will always return true // otherwise, it will trigger selection based on current // state of the box if (!this.state.selectedElementIds[]) { this.setState((prevState) => ({ selectedElementIds: { ...prevState.selectedElementIds, [hitElement!.id]: true, }, })); globalSceneState.replaceAllElements( globalSceneState.getAllElements(), ); hitElementWasAddedToSelection = true; } // We duplicate the selected element if alt is pressed on pointer down if (event.altKey) { // Move the currently selected elements to the top of the z index stack, and // put the duplicates where the selected elements used to be. const nextElements = []; const elementsToAppend = []; for (const element of globalSceneState.getAllElements()) { if ( this.state.selectedElementIds[] || ( === && hitElementWasAddedToSelection) ) { nextElements.push(duplicateElement(element)); elementsToAppend.push(element); } else { nextElements.push(element); } } globalSceneState.replaceAllElements([ ...nextElements, ...elementsToAppend, ]); } } } } else { this.setState({ selectedElementIds: {} }); } if (this.state.elementType === "text") { // if we're currently still editing text, clicking outside // should only finalize it, not create another (irrespective // of state.elementLocked) if (this.state.editingElement?.type === "text") { return; } const snappedToCenterPosition = event.altKey ? null : this.getTextWysiwygSnappedToCenterPosition( x, y, this.state, this.canvas, window.devicePixelRatio, ); const element = newTextElement({ x: snappedToCenterPosition?.elementCenterX ?? x, y: snappedToCenterPosition?.elementCenterY ?? y, strokeColor: this.state.currentItemStrokeColor, backgroundColor: this.state.currentItemBackgroundColor, fillStyle: this.state.currentItemFillStyle, strokeWidth: this.state.currentItemStrokeWidth, roughness: this.state.currentItemRoughness, opacity: this.state.currentItemOpacity, text: "", font: this.state.currentItemFont, }); const resetSelection = () => { this.setState({ draggingElement: null, editingElement: null, }); }; textWysiwyg({ initText: "", x: snappedToCenterPosition?.wysiwygX ?? event.clientX, y: snappedToCenterPosition?.wysiwygY ?? event.clientY, strokeColor: this.state.currentItemStrokeColor, opacity: this.state.currentItemOpacity, font: this.state.currentItemFont, zoom: this.state.zoom, onSubmit: (text) => { if (text) { globalSceneState.replaceAllElements([ ...globalSceneState.getAllElements(), newTextElement({ ...element, text, font: this.state.currentItemFont, }), ]); } this.setState((prevState) => ({ selectedElementIds: { ...prevState.selectedElementIds, []: true, }, })); if (this.state.elementLocked) { setCursorForShape(this.state.elementType); } history.resumeRecording(); resetSelection(); }, onCancel: () => { resetSelection(); }, }); resetCursor(); if (!this.state.elementLocked) { this.setState({ editingElement: element, elementType: "selection", }); } else { this.setState({ editingElement: element, }); } return; } else if ( this.state.elementType === "arrow" || this.state.elementType === "line" ) { if (this.state.multiElement) { const { multiElement } = this.state; const { x: rx, y: ry, lastCommittedPoint } = multiElement; // clicking inside commit zone → finalize arrow if ( multiElement.points.length > 1 && lastCommittedPoint && distance2d( x - rx, y - ry, lastCommittedPoint[0], lastCommittedPoint[1], ) < ARROW_CONFIRM_THRESHOLD ) { this.actionManager.executeAction(actionFinalize); return; } this.setState((prevState) => ({ selectedElementIds: { ...prevState.selectedElementIds, []: true, }, })); // clicking outside commit zone → update reference for last committed // point mutateElement(multiElement, { lastCommittedPoint: multiElement.points[multiElement.points.length - 1], }); = CURSOR_TYPE.POINTER; } else { const element = newLinearElement({ type: this.state.elementType, x: x, y: y, strokeColor: this.state.currentItemStrokeColor, backgroundColor: this.state.currentItemBackgroundColor, fillStyle: this.state.currentItemFillStyle, strokeWidth: this.state.currentItemStrokeWidth, roughness: this.state.currentItemRoughness, opacity: this.state.currentItemOpacity, }); this.setState((prevState) => ({ selectedElementIds: { ...prevState.selectedElementIds, []: false, }, })); mutateElement(element, { points: [...element.points, [0, 0]], }); globalSceneState.replaceAllElements([ ...globalSceneState.getAllElements(), element, ]); this.setState({ draggingElement: element, editingElement: element, }); } } else { const element = newElement({ type: this.state.elementType, x: x, y: y, strokeColor: this.state.currentItemStrokeColor, backgroundColor: this.state.currentItemBackgroundColor, fillStyle: this.state.currentItemFillStyle, strokeWidth: this.state.currentItemStrokeWidth, roughness: this.state.currentItemRoughness, opacity: this.state.currentItemOpacity, }); if (element.type === "selection") { this.setState({ selectionElement: element, draggingElement: element, }); } else { globalSceneState.replaceAllElements([ ...globalSceneState.getAllElements(), element, ]); this.setState({ multiElement: null, draggingElement: element, editingElement: element, }); } } let resizeArrowFn: | (( element: ExcalidrawLinearElement, pointIndex: number, deltaX: number, deltaY: number, pointerX: number, pointerY: number, perfect: boolean, ) => void) | null = null; const arrowResizeOrigin = ( element: ExcalidrawLinearElement, pointIndex: number, deltaX: number, deltaY: number, pointerX: number, pointerY: number, perfect: boolean, ) => { const p1 = element.points[pointIndex]; if (perfect) { const absPx = p1[0] + element.x; const absPy = p1[1] + element.y; const { width, height } = getPerfectElementSize( element.type, pointerX - element.x - p1[0], pointerY - element.y - p1[1], ); const dx = element.x + width + p1[0]; const dy = element.y + height + p1[1]; mutateElement(element, { x: dx, y: dy, points:, i) => i === pointIndex ? ([absPx - element.x, absPy - element.y] as const) : point, ), }); } else { mutateElement(element, { x: element.x + deltaX, y: element.y + deltaY, points:, i) => i === pointIndex ? ([p1[0] - deltaX, p1[1] - deltaY] as const) : point, ), }); } }; const arrowResizeEnd = ( element: ExcalidrawLinearElement, pointIndex: number, deltaX: number, deltaY: number, pointerX: number, pointerY: number, perfect: boolean, ) => { const p1 = element.points[pointIndex]; if (perfect) { const { width, height } = getPerfectElementSize( element.type, pointerX - element.x, pointerY - element.y, ); mutateElement(element, { points:, i) => i === pointIndex ? ([width, height] as const) : point, ), }); } else { mutateElement(element, { points:, i) => i === pointIndex ? ([p1[0] + deltaX, p1[1] + deltaY] as const) : point, ), }); } }; const onPointerMove = withBatchedUpdates((event: PointerEvent) => { const target =; if (!(target instanceof HTMLElement)) { return; } if (isOverHorizontalScrollBar) { const x = event.clientX; const dx = x - lastX; this.setState({ scrollX: normalizeScroll(this.state.scrollX - dx / this.state.zoom), }); lastX = x; return; } if (isOverVerticalScrollBar) { const y = event.clientY; const dy = y - lastY; this.setState({ scrollY: normalizeScroll(this.state.scrollY - dy / this.state.zoom), }); lastY = y; return; } // for arrows, don't start dragging until a given threshold // to ensure we don't create a 2-point arrow by mistake when // user clicks mouse in a way that it moves a tiny bit (thus // triggering pointermove) if ( !draggingOccurred && (this.state.elementType === "arrow" || this.state.elementType === "line") ) { const { x, y } = viewportCoordsToSceneCoords( event, this.state, this.canvas, window.devicePixelRatio, ); if (distance2d(x, y, originX, originY) < DRAGGING_THRESHOLD) { return; } } if (isResizingElements && this.state.resizingElement) { this.setState({ isResizing: true }); const el = this.state.resizingElement; const selectedElements = getSelectedElements( globalSceneState.getAllElements(), this.state, ); if (selectedElements.length === 1) { const { x, y } = viewportCoordsToSceneCoords( event, this.state, this.canvas, window.devicePixelRatio, ); const deltaX = x - lastX; const deltaY = y - lastY; const element = selectedElements[0]; switch (resizeHandle) { case "nw": if (isLinearElement(element) && element.points.length === 2) { const [, p1] = element.points; if (!resizeArrowFn) { if (p1[0] < 0 || p1[1] < 0) { resizeArrowFn = arrowResizeEnd; } else { resizeArrowFn = arrowResizeOrigin; } } resizeArrowFn(element, 1, deltaX, deltaY, x, y, event.shiftKey); } else { const width = element.width - deltaX; const height = event.shiftKey ? element.width : element.height - deltaY; mutateElement(element, { x: element.x + deltaX, y: event.shiftKey ? element.y + element.height - element.width : element.y + deltaY, width, height, ...(isLinearElement(element) && width >= 0 && height >= 0 ? { points: rescalePoints( 0, width, rescalePoints(1, height, element.points), ), } : {}), }); } break; case "ne": if (isLinearElement(element) && element.points.length === 2) { const [, p1] = element.points; if (!resizeArrowFn) { if (p1[0] >= 0) { resizeArrowFn = arrowResizeEnd; } else { resizeArrowFn = arrowResizeOrigin; } } resizeArrowFn(element, 1, deltaX, deltaY, x, y, event.shiftKey); } else { const width = element.width + deltaX; const height = event.shiftKey ? width : element.height - deltaY; mutateElement(element, { y: event.shiftKey ? element.y + element.height - width : element.y + deltaY, width, height, ...(isLinearElement(element) && width >= 0 && height >= 0 ? { points: rescalePoints( 0, width, rescalePoints(1, height, element.points), ), } : {}), }); } break; case "sw": if (isLinearElement(element) && element.points.length === 2) { const [, p1] = element.points; if (!resizeArrowFn) { if (p1[0] <= 0) { resizeArrowFn = arrowResizeEnd; } else { resizeArrowFn = arrowResizeOrigin; } } resizeArrowFn(element, 1, deltaX, deltaY, x, y, event.shiftKey); } else { const width = element.width - deltaX; const height = event.shiftKey ? element.width : element.height + deltaY; mutateElement(element, { x: element.x + deltaX, width, height, ...(isLinearElement(element) && width >= 0 && height >= 0 ? { points: rescalePoints( 0, width, rescalePoints(1, height, element.points), ), } : {}), }); } break; case "se": if (isLinearElement(element) && element.points.length === 2) { const [, p1] = element.points; if (!resizeArrowFn) { if (p1[0] > 0 || p1[1] > 0) { resizeArrowFn = arrowResizeEnd; } else { resizeArrowFn = arrowResizeOrigin; } } resizeArrowFn(element, 1, deltaX, deltaY, x, y, event.shiftKey); } else { const width = element.width + deltaX; const height = event.shiftKey ? element.width : element.height + deltaY; mutateElement(element, { width, height, ...(isLinearElement(element) && width >= 0 && height >= 0 ? { points: rescalePoints( 0, width, rescalePoints(1, height, element.points), ), } : {}), }); } break; case "n": { const height = element.height - deltaY; if (isLinearElement(element)) { if (element.points.length > 2 && height <= 0) { // Someday we should implement logic to flip the shape. // But for now, just stop. break; } mutateElement(element, { height, y: element.y + deltaY, points: rescalePoints(1, height, element.points), }); } else { mutateElement(element, { height, y: element.y + deltaY, }); } break; } case "w": { const width = element.width - deltaX; if (isLinearElement(element)) { if (element.points.length > 2 && width <= 0) { // Someday we should implement logic to flip the shape. // But for now, just stop. break; } mutateElement(element, { width, x: element.x + deltaX, points: rescalePoints(0, width, element.points), }); } else { mutateElement(element, { width, x: element.x + deltaX, }); } break; } case "s": { const height = element.height + deltaY; if (isLinearElement(element)) { if (element.points.length > 2 && height <= 0) { // Someday we should implement logic to flip the shape. // But for now, just stop. break; } mutateElement(element, { height, points: rescalePoints(1, height, element.points), }); } else { mutateElement(element, { height, }); } break; } case "e": { const width = element.width + deltaX; if (isLinearElement(element)) { if (element.points.length > 2 && width <= 0) { // Someday we should implement logic to flip the shape. // But for now, just stop. break; } mutateElement(element, { width, points: rescalePoints(0, width, element.points), }); } else { mutateElement(element, { width, }); } break; } } if (resizeHandle) { resizeHandle = normalizeResizeHandle(element, resizeHandle); } normalizeDimensions(element); = getCursorForResizingElement({ element, resizeHandle, }); mutateElement(el, { x: element.x, y: element.y, }); lastX = x; lastY = y; return; } } if (hitElement && this.state.selectedElementIds[]) { // Marking that click was used for dragging to check // if elements should be deselected on pointerup draggingOccurred = true; const selectedElements = getSelectedElements( globalSceneState.getAllElements(), this.state, ); if (selectedElements.length > 0) { const { x, y } = viewportCoordsToSceneCoords( event, this.state, this.canvas, window.devicePixelRatio, ); selectedElements.forEach((element) => { mutateElement(element, { x: element.x + x - lastX, y: element.y + y - lastY, }); }); lastX = x; lastY = y; return; } } // It is very important to read this.state within each move event, // otherwise we would read a stale one! const draggingElement = this.state.draggingElement; if (!draggingElement) { return; } const { x, y } = viewportCoordsToSceneCoords( event, this.state, this.canvas, window.devicePixelRatio, ); let width = distance(originX, x); let height = distance(originY, y); if (isLinearElement(draggingElement)) { draggingOccurred = true; const points = draggingElement.points; let dx = x - draggingElement.x; let dy = y - draggingElement.y; if (event.shiftKey && points.length === 2) { ({ width: dx, height: dy } = getPerfectElementSize( this.state.elementType, dx, dy, )); } if (points.length === 1) { mutateElement(draggingElement, { points: [...points, [dx, dy]] }); } else if (points.length > 1) { mutateElement(draggingElement, { points: [...points.slice(0, -1), [dx, dy]], }); } } else { if (event.shiftKey) { ({ width, height } = getPerfectElementSize( this.state.elementType, width, y < originY ? -height : height, )); if (height < 0) { height = -height; } } mutateElement(draggingElement, { x: x < originX ? originX - width : originX, y: y < originY ? originY - height : originY, width: width, height: height, }); } if (this.state.elementType === "selection") { if ( !event.shiftKey && isSomeElementSelected(globalSceneState.getAllElements(), this.state) ) { this.setState({ selectedElementIds: {} }); } const elementsWithinSelection = getElementsWithinSelection( globalSceneState.getAllElements(), draggingElement, ); this.setState((prevState) => ({ selectedElementIds: { ...prevState.selectedElementIds, ...elementsWithinSelection.reduce((map, element) => { map[] = true; return map; }, {} as any), }, })); } }); const onPointerUp = withBatchedUpdates((event: PointerEvent) => { const { draggingElement, resizingElement, multiElement, elementType, elementLocked, } = this.state; this.setState({ isResizing: false, resizingElement: null, selectionElement: null, editingElement: multiElement ? this.state.editingElement : null, }); resizeArrowFn = null; lastPointerUp = null; window.removeEventListener("pointermove", onPointerMove); window.removeEventListener("pointerup", onPointerUp); if (isLinearElement(draggingElement)) { if (draggingElement!.points.length > 1) { history.resumeRecording(); } if (!draggingOccurred && draggingElement && !multiElement) { const { x, y } = viewportCoordsToSceneCoords( event, this.state, this.canvas, window.devicePixelRatio, ); mutateElement(draggingElement, { points: [ ...draggingElement.points, [x - draggingElement.x, y - draggingElement.y], ], }); this.setState({ multiElement: draggingElement, editingElement: this.state.draggingElement, }); } else if (draggingOccurred && !multiElement) { if (!elementLocked) { resetCursor(); this.setState((prevState) => ({ draggingElement: null, elementType: "selection", selectedElementIds: { ...prevState.selectedElementIds, [this.state.draggingElement!.id]: true, }, })); } else { this.setState((prevState) => ({ draggingElement: null, selectedElementIds: { ...prevState.selectedElementIds, [this.state.draggingElement!.id]: true, }, })); } } return; } if ( elementType !== "selection" && draggingElement && isInvisiblySmallElement(draggingElement) ) { // remove invisible element which was added in onPointerDown globalSceneState.replaceAllElements( globalSceneState.getAllElements().slice(0, -1), ); this.setState({ draggingElement: null, }); return; } normalizeDimensions(draggingElement); if (resizingElement) { history.resumeRecording(); } if (resizingElement && isInvisiblySmallElement(resizingElement)) { globalSceneState.replaceAllElements( globalSceneState .getAllElements() .filter((el) => !==, ); } // If click occurred on already selected element // it is needed to remove selection from other elements // or if SHIFT or META key pressed remove selection // from hitted element // // If click occurred and elements were dragged or some element // was added to selection (on pointerdown phase) we need to keep // selection unchanged if (hitElement && !draggingOccurred && !hitElementWasAddedToSelection) { if (event.shiftKey) { this.setState((prevState) => ({ selectedElementIds: { ...prevState.selectedElementIds, [hitElement!.id]: false, }, })); } else { this.setState((prevState) => ({ selectedElementIds: { [hitElement!.id]: true }, })); } } if (draggingElement === null) { // if no element is clicked, clear the selection and redraw this.setState({ selectedElementIds: {} }); return; } if (!elementLocked) { this.setState((prevState) => ({ selectedElementIds: { ...prevState.selectedElementIds, []: true, }, })); } if ( elementType !== "selection" || isSomeElementSelected(globalSceneState.getAllElements(), this.state) ) { history.resumeRecording(); } if (!elementLocked) { resetCursor(); this.setState({ draggingElement: null, elementType: "selection", }); } else { this.setState({ draggingElement: null, }); } }); lastPointerUp = onPointerUp; window.addEventListener("pointermove", onPointerMove); window.addEventListener("pointerup", onPointerUp); }; private handleCanvasContextMenu = ( event: React.PointerEvent, ) => { event.preventDefault(); const { x, y } = viewportCoordsToSceneCoords( event, this.state, this.canvas, window.devicePixelRatio, ); const element = getElementAtPosition( globalSceneState.getAllElements(), this.state, x, y, this.state.zoom, ); if (!element) { ContextMenu.push({ options: [ navigator.clipboard && { label: t("labels.paste"), action: () => this.pasteFromClipboard(null), }, probablySupportsClipboardBlob && hasNonDeletedElements(globalSceneState.getAllElements()) && { label: t("labels.copyAsPng"), action: this.copyToClipboardAsPng, }, ...this.actionManager.getContextMenuItems((action) => this.canvasOnlyActions.includes(, ), ], top: event.clientY, left: event.clientX, }); return; } if (!this.state.selectedElementIds[]) { this.setState({ selectedElementIds: { []: true } }); } ContextMenu.push({ options: [ navigator.clipboard && { label: t("labels.copy"), action: this.copyAll, }, navigator.clipboard && { label: t("labels.paste"), action: () => this.pasteFromClipboard(null), }, probablySupportsClipboardBlob && { label: t("labels.copyAsPng"), action: this.copyToClipboardAsPng, }, ...this.actionManager.getContextMenuItems( (action) => !this.canvasOnlyActions.includes(, ), ], top: event.clientY, left: event.clientX, }); }; private handleWheel = withBatchedUpdates((event: WheelEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); const { deltaX, deltaY } = event; // note that event.ctrlKey is necessary to handle pinch zooming if (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) { const sign = Math.sign(deltaY); const MAX_STEP = 10; let delta = Math.abs(deltaY); if (delta > MAX_STEP) { delta = MAX_STEP; } delta *= sign; this.setState(({ zoom }) => ({ zoom: getNormalizedZoom(zoom - delta / 100), })); return; } this.setState(({ zoom, scrollX, scrollY }) => ({ scrollX: normalizeScroll(scrollX - deltaX / zoom), scrollY: normalizeScroll(scrollY - deltaY / zoom), })); }); private getTextWysiwygSnappedToCenterPosition( x: number, y: number, state: { scrollX: FlooredNumber; scrollY: FlooredNumber; zoom: number; }, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement | null, scale: number, ) { const elementClickedInside = getElementContainingPosition( globalSceneState.getAllElements(), x, y, ); if (elementClickedInside) { const elementCenterX = elementClickedInside.x + elementClickedInside.width / 2; const elementCenterY = elementClickedInside.y + elementClickedInside.height / 2; const distanceToCenter = Math.hypot( x - elementCenterX, y - elementCenterY, ); const isSnappedToCenter = distanceToCenter < TEXT_TO_CENTER_SNAP_THRESHOLD; if (isSnappedToCenter) { const { x: wysiwygX, y: wysiwygY } = sceneCoordsToViewportCoords( { sceneX: elementCenterX, sceneY: elementCenterY }, state, canvas, scale, ); return { wysiwygX, wysiwygY, elementCenterX, elementCenterY }; } } } private savePointer = (pointerCoords: { x: number; y: number }) => { if (isNaN(pointerCoords.x) || isNaN(pointerCoords.y)) { // sometimes the pointer goes off screen return; } this.socket && this.broadcastMouseLocation({ pointerCoords }); }; private resetShouldCacheIgnoreZoomDebounced = debounce(() => { this.setState({ shouldCacheIgnoreZoom: false }); }, 1000); private saveDebounced = debounce(() => { saveToLocalStorage(globalSceneState.getAllElements(), this.state); }, 300); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TEST HOOKS // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- declare global { interface Window { h: { elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[]; state: AppState; setState: React.Component["setState"]; history: SceneHistory; app: InstanceType; }; } } if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "test" || process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") { window.h = {} as Window["h"]; Object.defineProperties(window.h, { elements: { get() { return globalSceneState.getAllElements(); }, set(elements: ExcalidrawElement[]) { return globalSceneState.replaceAllElements(elements); }, }, history: { get() { return history; }, }, }); } // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------