import { ExcalidrawElement } from "./element/types"; export type AppState = { draggingElement: ExcalidrawElement | null; resizingElement: ExcalidrawElement | null; multiElement: ExcalidrawElement | null; selectionElement: ExcalidrawElement | null; // element being edited, but not necessarily added to elements array yet // (e.g. text element when typing into the input) editingElement: ExcalidrawElement | null; elementType: string; elementLocked: boolean; exportBackground: boolean; currentItemStrokeColor: string; currentItemBackgroundColor: string; currentItemFillStyle: string; currentItemStrokeWidth: number; currentItemRoughness: number; currentItemOpacity: number; currentItemFont: string; viewBackgroundColor: string; scrollX: number; scrollY: number; cursorX: number; cursorY: number; scrolledOutside: boolean; name: string; selectedId?: string; isResizing: boolean; lng: string; };