import { NonDeleted, ExcalidrawLinearElement, ExcalidrawElement, PointBinding, ExcalidrawBindableElement, } from "./types"; import { distance2d, rotate, isPathALoop, getGridPoint } from "../math"; import { getElementAbsoluteCoords } from "."; import { getElementPointsCoords } from "./bounds"; import { Point, AppState } from "../types"; import { mutateElement } from "./mutateElement"; import History from "../history"; import Scene from "../scene/Scene"; import { bindOrUnbindLinearElement, getHoveredElementForBinding, isBindingEnabled, } from "./binding"; import { tupleToCoors } from "../utils"; import { isBindingElement } from "./typeChecks"; export class LinearElementEditor { public elementId: ExcalidrawElement["id"] & { _brand: "excalidrawLinearElementId"; }; public activePointIndex: number | null; /** whether you're dragging a point */ public isDragging: boolean; public lastUncommittedPoint: Point | null; public pointerOffset: { x: number; y: number }; public startBindingElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement | null | "keep"; public endBindingElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement | null | "keep"; constructor(element: NonDeleted, scene: Scene) { this.elementId = as string & { _brand: "excalidrawLinearElementId"; }; Scene.mapElementToScene(this.elementId, scene); LinearElementEditor.normalizePoints(element); this.activePointIndex = null; this.lastUncommittedPoint = null; this.isDragging = false; this.pointerOffset = { x: 0, y: 0 }; this.startBindingElement = "keep"; this.endBindingElement = "keep"; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static POINT_HANDLE_SIZE = 20; /** * @param id the `elementId` from the instance of this class (so that we can * statically guarantee this method returns an ExcalidrawLinearElement) */ static getElement(id: InstanceType["elementId"]) { const element = Scene.getScene(id)?.getNonDeletedElement(id); if (element) { return element as NonDeleted; } return null; } /** @returns whether point was dragged */ static handlePointDragging( appState: AppState, setState: React.Component["setState"], scenePointerX: number, scenePointerY: number, maybeSuggestBinding: ( element: NonDeleted, startOrEnd: "start" | "end", ) => void, ): boolean { if (!appState.editingLinearElement) { return false; } const { editingLinearElement } = appState; const { activePointIndex, elementId, isDragging } = editingLinearElement; const element = LinearElementEditor.getElement(elementId); if (!element) { return false; } if (activePointIndex != null && activePointIndex > -1) { if (isDragging === false) { setState({ editingLinearElement: { ...editingLinearElement, isDragging: true, }, }); } const newPoint = LinearElementEditor.createPointAt( element, scenePointerX - editingLinearElement.pointerOffset.x, scenePointerY - editingLinearElement.pointerOffset.y, appState.gridSize, ); LinearElementEditor.movePoint(element, activePointIndex, newPoint); if (isBindingElement(element)) { maybeSuggestBinding(element, activePointIndex === 0 ? "start" : "end"); } return true; } return false; } static handlePointerUp( event: PointerEvent, editingLinearElement: LinearElementEditor, appState: AppState, ): LinearElementEditor { const { elementId, activePointIndex, isDragging } = editingLinearElement; const element = LinearElementEditor.getElement(elementId); if (!element) { return editingLinearElement; } let binding = {}; if ( isDragging && (activePointIndex === 0 || activePointIndex === element.points.length - 1) ) { if (isPathALoop(element.points, appState.zoom.value)) { LinearElementEditor.movePoint( element, activePointIndex, activePointIndex === 0 ? element.points[element.points.length - 1] : element.points[0], ); } const bindingElement = isBindingEnabled(appState) ? getHoveredElementForBinding( tupleToCoors( LinearElementEditor.getPointAtIndexGlobalCoordinates( element, activePointIndex!, ), ), Scene.getScene(element)!, ) : null; binding = { [activePointIndex === 0 ? "startBindingElement" : "endBindingElement"]: bindingElement, }; } return { ...editingLinearElement, ...binding, isDragging: false, pointerOffset: { x: 0, y: 0 }, }; } static handlePointerDown( event: React.PointerEvent, appState: AppState, setState: React.Component["setState"], history: History, scenePointer: { x: number; y: number }, ): { didAddPoint: boolean; hitElement: NonDeleted | null; } { const ret: ReturnType = { didAddPoint: false, hitElement: null, }; if (!appState.editingLinearElement) { return ret; } const { elementId } = appState.editingLinearElement; const element = LinearElementEditor.getElement(elementId); if (!element) { return ret; } if (event.altKey) { if (appState.editingLinearElement.lastUncommittedPoint == null) { mutateElement(element, { points: [ ...element.points, LinearElementEditor.createPointAt( element, scenePointer.x, scenePointer.y, appState.gridSize, ), ], }); } history.resumeRecording(); setState({ editingLinearElement: { ...appState.editingLinearElement, activePointIndex: element.points.length - 1, lastUncommittedPoint: null, endBindingElement: getHoveredElementForBinding( scenePointer, Scene.getScene(element)!, ), }, }); ret.didAddPoint = true; return ret; } const clickedPointIndex = LinearElementEditor.getPointIndexUnderCursor( element, appState.zoom, scenePointer.x, scenePointer.y, ); // if we clicked on a point, set the element as hitElement otherwise // it would get deselected if the point is outside the hitbox area if (clickedPointIndex > -1) { ret.hitElement = element; } else { // You might be wandering why we are storing the binding elements on // LinearElementEditor and passing them in, insted of calculating them // from the end points of the `linearElement` - this is to allow disabling // binding (which needs to happen at the point the user finishes moving // the point). const { startBindingElement, endBindingElement } = appState.editingLinearElement; if (isBindingEnabled(appState) && isBindingElement(element)) { bindOrUnbindLinearElement( element, startBindingElement, endBindingElement, ); } } const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element); const cx = (x1 + x2) / 2; const cy = (y1 + y2) / 2; const targetPoint = clickedPointIndex > -1 && rotate( element.x + element.points[clickedPointIndex][0], element.y + element.points[clickedPointIndex][1], cx, cy, element.angle, ); setState({ editingLinearElement: { ...appState.editingLinearElement, activePointIndex: clickedPointIndex > -1 ? clickedPointIndex : null, pointerOffset: targetPoint ? { x: scenePointer.x - targetPoint[0], y: scenePointer.y - targetPoint[1], } : { x: 0, y: 0 }, }, }); return ret; } static handlePointerMove( event: React.PointerEvent, scenePointerX: number, scenePointerY: number, editingLinearElement: LinearElementEditor, gridSize: number | null, ): LinearElementEditor { const { elementId, lastUncommittedPoint } = editingLinearElement; const element = LinearElementEditor.getElement(elementId); if (!element) { return editingLinearElement; } const { points } = element; const lastPoint = points[points.length - 1]; if (!event.altKey) { if (lastPoint === lastUncommittedPoint) { LinearElementEditor.movePoint(element, points.length - 1, "delete"); } return { ...editingLinearElement, lastUncommittedPoint: null }; } const newPoint = LinearElementEditor.createPointAt( element, scenePointerX - editingLinearElement.pointerOffset.x, scenePointerY - editingLinearElement.pointerOffset.y, gridSize, ); if (lastPoint === lastUncommittedPoint) { LinearElementEditor.movePoint( element, element.points.length - 1, newPoint, ); } else { LinearElementEditor.movePoint(element, "new", newPoint); } return { ...editingLinearElement, lastUncommittedPoint: element.points[element.points.length - 1], }; } static getPointsGlobalCoordinates( element: NonDeleted, ) { const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element); const cx = (x1 + x2) / 2; const cy = (y1 + y2) / 2; return => { let { x, y } = element; [x, y] = rotate(x + point[0], y + point[1], cx, cy, element.angle); return [x, y]; }); } static getPointAtIndexGlobalCoordinates( element: NonDeleted, indexMaybeFromEnd: number, // -1 for last element ): Point { const index = indexMaybeFromEnd < 0 ? element.points.length + indexMaybeFromEnd : indexMaybeFromEnd; const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element); const cx = (x1 + x2) / 2; const cy = (y1 + y2) / 2; const point = element.points[index]; const { x, y } = element; return rotate(x + point[0], y + point[1], cx, cy, element.angle); } static pointFromAbsoluteCoords( element: NonDeleted, absoluteCoords: Point, ): Point { const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element); const cx = (x1 + x2) / 2; const cy = (y1 + y2) / 2; const [x, y] = rotate( absoluteCoords[0], absoluteCoords[1], cx, cy, -element.angle, ); return [x - element.x, y - element.y]; } static getPointIndexUnderCursor( element: NonDeleted, zoom: AppState["zoom"], x: number, y: number, ) { const pointHandles = this.getPointsGlobalCoordinates(element); let idx = pointHandles.length; // loop from right to left because points on the right are rendered over // points on the left, thus should take precedence when clicking, if they // overlap while (--idx > -1) { const point = pointHandles[idx]; if ( distance2d(x, y, point[0], point[1]) * zoom.value < // +1px to account for outline stroke this.POINT_HANDLE_SIZE / 2 + 1 ) { return idx; } } return -1; } static createPointAt( element: NonDeleted, scenePointerX: number, scenePointerY: number, gridSize: number | null, ): Point { const pointerOnGrid = getGridPoint(scenePointerX, scenePointerY, gridSize); const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element); const cx = (x1 + x2) / 2; const cy = (y1 + y2) / 2; const [rotatedX, rotatedY] = rotate( pointerOnGrid[0], pointerOnGrid[1], cx, cy, -element.angle, ); return [rotatedX - element.x, rotatedY - element.y]; } /** * Normalizes line points so that the start point is at [0,0]. This is * expected in various parts of the codebase. Also returns new x/y to account * for the potential normalization. */ static getNormalizedPoints(element: ExcalidrawLinearElement) { const { points } = element; const offsetX = points[0][0]; const offsetY = points[0][1]; return { points:, _idx) => { return [point[0] - offsetX, point[1] - offsetY] as const; }), x: element.x + offsetX, y: element.y + offsetY, }; } // element-mutating methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static normalizePoints(element: NonDeleted) { mutateElement(element, LinearElementEditor.getNormalizedPoints(element)); } static movePointByOffset( element: NonDeleted, pointIndex: number, offset: { x: number; y: number }, ) { const [x, y] = element.points[pointIndex]; LinearElementEditor.movePoint(element, pointIndex, [ x + offset.x, y + offset.y, ]); } static movePoint( element: NonDeleted, pointIndex: number | "new", targetPosition: Point | "delete", otherUpdates?: { startBinding?: PointBinding; endBinding?: PointBinding }, ) { const { points } = element; // in case we're moving start point, instead of modifying its position // which would break the invariant of it being at [0,0], we move // all the other points in the opposite direction by delta to // offset it. We do the same with actual element.x/y position, so // this hacks are completely transparent to the user. let offsetX = 0; let offsetY = 0; let nextPoints: (readonly [number, number])[]; if (targetPosition === "delete") { // remove point if (pointIndex === "new") { throw new Error("invalid args in movePoint"); } nextPoints = points.slice(); nextPoints.splice(pointIndex, 1); if (pointIndex === 0) { // if deleting first point, make the next to be [0,0] and recalculate // positions of the rest with respect to it offsetX = nextPoints[0][0]; offsetY = nextPoints[0][1]; nextPoints =, idx) => { if (idx === 0) { return [0, 0]; } return [point[0] - offsetX, point[1] - offsetY]; }); } } else if (pointIndex === "new") { nextPoints = [...points, targetPosition]; } else { const deltaX = targetPosition[0] - points[pointIndex][0]; const deltaY = targetPosition[1] - points[pointIndex][1]; nextPoints =, idx) => { if (idx === pointIndex) { if (idx === 0) { offsetX = deltaX; offsetY = deltaY; return point; } offsetX = 0; offsetY = 0; return [point[0] + deltaX, point[1] + deltaY] as const; } return offsetX || offsetY ? ([point[0] - offsetX, point[1] - offsetY] as const) : point; }); } const nextCoords = getElementPointsCoords( element, nextPoints, element.strokeSharpness || "round", ); const prevCoords = getElementPointsCoords( element, points, element.strokeSharpness || "round", ); const nextCenterX = (nextCoords[0] + nextCoords[2]) / 2; const nextCenterY = (nextCoords[1] + nextCoords[3]) / 2; const prevCenterX = (prevCoords[0] + prevCoords[2]) / 2; const prevCenterY = (prevCoords[1] + prevCoords[3]) / 2; const dX = prevCenterX - nextCenterX; const dY = prevCenterY - nextCenterY; const rotated = rotate(offsetX, offsetY, dX, dY, element.angle); mutateElement(element, { ...otherUpdates, points: nextPoints, x: element.x + rotated[0], y: element.y + rotated[1], }); } }