import { nanoid } from "nanoid"; import { cleanAppStateForExport } from "../appState"; import { ALLOWED_IMAGE_MIME_TYPES, EXPORT_DATA_TYPES, MIME_TYPES, } from "../constants"; import { clearElementsForExport } from "../element"; import { ExcalidrawElement, FileId } from "../element/types"; import { CanvasError } from "../errors"; import { t } from "../i18n"; import { calculateScrollCenter } from "../scene"; import { AppState, DataURL } from "../types"; import { bytesToHexString } from "../utils"; import { FileSystemHandle } from "./filesystem"; import { isValidExcalidrawData } from "./json"; import { restore } from "./restore"; import { ImportedLibraryData } from "./types"; const parseFileContents = async (blob: Blob | File) => { let contents: string; if (blob.type === MIME_TYPES.png) { try { return await ( await import(/* webpackChunkName: "image" */ "./image") ).decodePngMetadata(blob); } catch (error: any) { if (error.message === "INVALID") { throw new DOMException( t("alerts.imageDoesNotContainScene"), "EncodingError", ); } else { throw new DOMException( t("alerts.cannotRestoreFromImage"), "EncodingError", ); } } } else { if ("text" in Blob) { contents = await blob.text(); } else { contents = await new Promise((resolve) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsText(blob, "utf8"); reader.onloadend = () => { if (reader.readyState === FileReader.DONE) { resolve(reader.result as string); } }; }); } if (blob.type === MIME_TYPES.svg) { try { return await ( await import(/* webpackChunkName: "image" */ "./image") ).decodeSvgMetadata({ svg: contents, }); } catch (error: any) { if (error.message === "INVALID") { throw new DOMException( t("alerts.imageDoesNotContainScene"), "EncodingError", ); } else { throw new DOMException( t("alerts.cannotRestoreFromImage"), "EncodingError", ); } } } } return contents; }; export const getMimeType = (blob: Blob | string): string => { let name: string; if (typeof blob === "string") { name = blob; } else { if (blob.type) { return blob.type; } name = || ""; } if (/\.(excalidraw|json)$/.test(name)) { return MIME_TYPES.json; } else if (/\.png$/.test(name)) { return MIME_TYPES.png; } else if (/\.jpe?g$/.test(name)) { return MIME_TYPES.jpg; } else if (/\.svg$/.test(name)) { return MIME_TYPES.svg; } return ""; }; export const getFileHandleType = (handle: FileSystemHandle | null) => { if (!handle) { return null; } return\.(json|excalidraw|png|svg)$/)?.[1] || null; }; export const isImageFileHandleType = ( type: string | null, ): type is "png" | "svg" => { return type === "png" || type === "svg"; }; export const isImageFileHandle = (handle: FileSystemHandle | null) => { const type = getFileHandleType(handle); return type === "png" || type === "svg"; }; export const isSupportedImageFile = ( blob: Blob | null | undefined, ): blob is Blob & { type: typeof ALLOWED_IMAGE_MIME_TYPES[number] } => { const { type } = blob || {}; return ( !!type && (ALLOWED_IMAGE_MIME_TYPES as readonly string[]).includes(type) ); }; export const loadFromBlob = async ( blob: Blob, /** @see restore.localAppState */ localAppState: AppState | null, localElements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[] | null, ) => { const contents = await parseFileContents(blob); try { const data = JSON.parse(contents); if (!isValidExcalidrawData(data)) { throw new Error(t("alerts.couldNotLoadInvalidFile")); } const result = restore( { elements: clearElementsForExport(data.elements || []), appState: { theme: localAppState?.theme, fileHandle: blob.handle || null, ...cleanAppStateForExport(data.appState || {}), ...(localAppState ? calculateScrollCenter(data.elements || [], localAppState, null) : {}), }, files: data.files, }, localAppState, localElements, ); return result; } catch (error: any) { console.error(error.message); throw new Error(t("alerts.couldNotLoadInvalidFile")); } }; export const loadLibraryFromBlob = async (blob: Blob) => { const contents = await parseFileContents(blob); const data: ImportedLibraryData = JSON.parse(contents); if (data.type !== EXPORT_DATA_TYPES.excalidrawLibrary) { throw new Error(t("alerts.couldNotLoadInvalidFile")); } return data; }; export const canvasToBlob = async ( canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, ): Promise => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { canvas.toBlob((blob) => { if (!blob) { return reject( new CanvasError( t("canvasError.canvasTooBig"), "CANVAS_POSSIBLY_TOO_BIG", ), ); } resolve(blob); }); } catch (error: any) { reject(error); } }); }; /** generates SHA-1 digest from supplied file (if not supported, falls back to a 40-char base64 random id) */ export const generateIdFromFile = async (file: File): Promise => { try { const hashBuffer = await window.crypto.subtle.digest( "SHA-1", await file.arrayBuffer(), ); return bytesToHexString(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer)) as FileId; } catch (error: any) { console.error(error); // length 40 to align with the HEX length of SHA-1 (which is 160 bit) return nanoid(40) as FileId; } }; export const getDataURL = async (file: Blob | File): Promise => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = () => { const dataURL = reader.result as DataURL; resolve(dataURL); }; reader.onerror = (error) => reject(error); reader.readAsDataURL(file); }); }; export const dataURLToFile = (dataURL: DataURL, filename = "") => { const dataIndexStart = dataURL.indexOf(","); const byteString = atob(dataURL.slice(dataIndexStart + 1)); const mimeType = dataURL.slice(0, dataIndexStart).split(":")[1].split(";")[0]; const ab = new ArrayBuffer(byteString.length); const ia = new Uint8Array(ab); for (let i = 0; i < byteString.length; i++) { ia[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i); } return new File([ab], filename, { type: mimeType }); }; export const resizeImageFile = async ( file: File, maxWidthOrHeight: number, ): Promise => { // SVG files shouldn't a can't be resized if (file.type === MIME_TYPES.svg) { return file; } const [pica, imageBlobReduce] = await Promise.all([ import("pica").then((res) => res.default), // a wrapper for pica for better API import("image-blob-reduce").then((res) => res.default), ]); // CRA's minification settings break pica in WebWorkers, so let's disable // them for now // const reduce = imageBlobReduce({ pica: pica({ features: ["js", "wasm"] }), }); const fileType = file.type; if (!isSupportedImageFile(file)) { throw new Error(t("errors.unsupportedFileType")); } return new File( [await reduce.toBlob(file, { max: maxWidthOrHeight })],, { type: fileType }, ); }; export const SVGStringToFile = (SVGString: string, filename: string = "") => { return new File([new TextEncoder().encode(SVGString)], filename, { type: MIME_TYPES.svg, }) as File & { type: typeof MIME_TYPES.svg }; };