import { render, waitFor } from "./test-utils"; import ExcalidrawApp from "../excalidraw-app"; import { API } from "./helpers/api"; import { MIME_TYPES } from "../constants"; import { LibraryItem } from "../types"; import { UI } from "./helpers/ui"; const { h } = window; describe("library", () => { beforeEach(async () => { await render();; }); it("import library via drag&drop", async () => { expect(await[]); await API.drop( await API.loadFile("./fixtures/fixture_library.excalidrawlib"), ); await waitFor(async () => { expect(await[ { status: "unpublished", elements: [expect.objectContaining({ id: "A" })], id: "id0", created: expect.any(Number), }, ]); }); }); // NOTE: mocked to test logic, not actual drag&drop via UI it("drop library item onto canvas", async () => { expect(h.elements).toEqual([]); const libraryItems: LibraryItem = JSON.parse( await API.readFile("./fixtures/fixture_library.excalidrawlib", "utf8"), ).library[0]; await API.drop( new Blob([JSON.stringify(libraryItems)], { type: MIME_TYPES.excalidrawlib, }), ); await waitFor(() => { expect(h.elements).toEqual([expect.objectContaining({ id: "A_copy" })]); }); }); it("inserting library item should revert to selection tool", async () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); expect(h.elements).toEqual([]); const libraryItems: LibraryItem = JSON.parse( await API.readFile("./fixtures/fixture_library.excalidrawlib", "utf8"), ).library[0]; await API.drop( new Blob([JSON.stringify(libraryItems)], { type: MIME_TYPES.excalidrawlib, }), ); await waitFor(() => { expect(h.elements).toEqual([expect.objectContaining({ id: "A_copy" })]); }); expect(h.state.activeTool.type).toBe("selection"); }); });