import { ExcalidrawElement, NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, NonDeleted, } from "./types"; import { isInvisiblySmallElement } from "./sizeHelpers"; export { newElement, newTextElement, newLinearElement, duplicateElement, } from "./newElement"; export { getElementAbsoluteCoords, getElementBounds, getCommonBounds, getDiamondPoints, getArrowPoints, } from "./bounds"; export { OMIT_SIDES_FOR_MULTIPLE_ELEMENTS, handlerRectanglesFromCoords, handlerRectangles, } from "./handlerRectangles"; export { hitTest } from "./collision"; export { resizeTest, getCursorForResizingElement, normalizeResizeHandle, getElementWithResizeHandler, getResizeHandlerFromCoords, } from "./resizeTest"; export { resizeElements, canResizeMutlipleElements, getResizeOffsetXY, } from "./resizeElements"; export { isTextElement, isExcalidrawElement } from "./typeChecks"; export { textWysiwyg } from "./textWysiwyg"; export { redrawTextBoundingBox } from "./textElement"; export { getPerfectElementSize, isInvisiblySmallElement, resizePerfectLineForNWHandler, normalizeDimensions, } from "./sizeHelpers"; export { showSelectedShapeActions } from "./showSelectedShapeActions"; export function getSyncableElements(elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[]) { // There are places in Excalidraw where synthetic invisibly small elements are added and removed. // It's probably best to keep those local otherwise there might be a race condition that // gets the app into an invalid state. I've never seen it happen but I'm worried about it :) return elements.filter((el) => el.isDeleted || !isInvisiblySmallElement(el)); } export function getElementMap(elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[]) { return elements.reduce( (acc: { [key: string]: ExcalidrawElement }, element: ExcalidrawElement) => { acc[] = element; return acc; }, {}, ); } export function getDrawingVersion(elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[]) { return elements.reduce((acc, el) => acc + el.version, 0); } export function getNonDeletedElements(elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[]) { return elements.filter( (element) => !element.isDeleted, ) as readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[]; } export function isNonDeletedElement( element: T, ): element is NonDeleted { return !element.isDeleted; }