import React from "react"; import { Popover } from "./Popover"; import "./ColorPicker.scss"; import { isArrowKey, KEYS } from "../keys"; import { t, getLanguage } from "../i18n"; import { isWritableElement } from "../utils"; import colors from "../colors"; const isValidColor = (color: string) => { const style = new Option().style; style.color = color; return !!style.color; }; const getColor = (color: string): string | null => { if (color === "transparent") { return color; } return isValidColor(color) ? color : isValidColor(`#${color}`) ? `#${color}` : null; }; // This is a narrow reimplementation of the awesome react-color Twitter component // // Unfortunately, we can't detect keyboard layout in the browser. So this will // only work well for QWERTY but not AZERTY or others... const keyBindings = [ ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"], ["q", "w", "e", "r", "t"], ["a", "s", "d", "f", "g"], ].flat(); const Picker = ({ colors, color, onChange, onClose, label, showInput = true, type, }: { colors: string[]; color: string | null; onChange: (color: string) => void; onClose: () => void; label: string; showInput: boolean; type: "canvasBackground" | "elementBackground" | "elementStroke"; }) => { const firstItem = React.useRef<HTMLButtonElement>(); const activeItem = React.useRef<HTMLButtonElement>(); const gallery = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>(); const colorInput = React.useRef<HTMLInputElement>(); React.useEffect(() => { // After the component is first mounted focus on first input if (activeItem.current) { activeItem.current.focus(); } else if (colorInput.current) { colorInput.current.focus(); } else if (gallery.current) { gallery.current.focus(); } }, []); const handleKeyDown = (event: React.KeyboardEvent) => { if (event.key === KEYS.TAB) { const { activeElement } = document; if (event.shiftKey) { if (activeElement === firstItem.current) { colorInput.current?.focus(); event.preventDefault(); } } else if (activeElement === colorInput.current) { firstItem.current?.focus(); event.preventDefault(); } } else if (isArrowKey(event.key)) { const { activeElement } = document; const isRTL = getLanguage().rtl; const index = gallery!.current!.children, activeElement, ); if (index !== -1) { const length = gallery!.current!.children.length - (showInput ? 1 : 0); const nextIndex = event.key === (isRTL ? KEYS.ARROW_LEFT : KEYS.ARROW_RIGHT) ? (index + 1) % length : event.key === (isRTL ? KEYS.ARROW_RIGHT : KEYS.ARROW_LEFT) ? (length + index - 1) % length : event.key === KEYS.ARROW_DOWN ? (index + 5) % length : event.key === KEYS.ARROW_UP ? (length + index - 5) % length : index; (gallery!.current!.children![nextIndex] as any).focus(); } event.preventDefault(); } else if ( keyBindings.includes(event.key.toLowerCase()) && !isWritableElement( ) { const index = keyBindings.indexOf(event.key.toLowerCase()); (gallery!.current!.children![index] as any).focus(); event.preventDefault(); } else if (event.key === KEYS.ESCAPE || event.key === KEYS.ENTER) { event.preventDefault(); onClose(); } event.nativeEvent.stopImmediatePropagation(); event.stopPropagation(); }; return ( <div className={`color-picker color-picker-type-${type}`} role="dialog" aria-modal="true" aria-label={t("labels.colorPicker")} onKeyDown={handleKeyDown} > <div className="color-picker-triangle color-picker-triangle-shadow"></div> <div className="color-picker-triangle"></div> <div className="color-picker-content" ref={(el) => { if (el) { gallery.current = el; } }} tabIndex={0} > {, i) => ( <button className="color-picker-swatch" onClick={(event) => { (event.currentTarget as HTMLButtonElement).focus(); onChange(_color); }} title={`${_color} — ${keyBindings[i].toUpperCase()}`} aria-label={_color} aria-keyshortcuts={keyBindings[i]} style={{ color: _color }} key={_color} ref={(el) => { if (el && i === 0) { firstItem.current = el; } if (el && _color === color) { activeItem.current = el; } }} onFocus={() => { onChange(_color); }} > {_color === "transparent" ? ( <div className="color-picker-transparent"></div> ) : undefined} <span className="color-picker-keybinding">{keyBindings[i]}</span> </button> ))} {showInput && ( <ColorInput color={color} label={label} onChange={(color) => { onChange(color); }} ref={colorInput} /> )} </div> </div> ); }; const ColorInput = React.forwardRef( ( { color, onChange, label, }: { color: string | null; onChange: (color: string) => void; label: string; }, ref, ) => { const [innerValue, setInnerValue] = React.useState(color); const inputRef = React.useRef(null); React.useEffect(() => { setInnerValue(color); }, [color]); React.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => inputRef.current); const changeColor = React.useCallback( (inputValue: string) => { const value = inputValue.toLowerCase(); const color = getColor(value); if (color) { onChange(color); } setInnerValue(value); }, [onChange], ); return ( <label className="color-input-container"> <div className="color-picker-hash">#</div> <input spellCheck={false} className="color-picker-input" aria-label={label} onChange={(event) => changeColor(} value={(innerValue || "").replace(/^#/, "")} onBlur={() => setInnerValue(color)} ref={inputRef} /> </label> ); }, ); export const ColorPicker = ({ type, color, onChange, label, isActive, setActive, }: { type: "canvasBackground" | "elementBackground" | "elementStroke"; color: string | null; onChange: (color: string) => void; label: string; isActive: boolean; setActive: (active: boolean) => void; }) => { const pickerButton = React.useRef<HTMLButtonElement>(null); return ( <div> <div className="color-picker-control-container"> <button className="color-picker-label-swatch" aria-label={label} style={color ? { "--swatch-color": color } : undefined} onClick={() => setActive(!isActive)} ref={pickerButton} /> <ColorInput color={color} label={label} onChange={(color) => { onChange(color); }} /> </div> <React.Suspense fallback=""> {isActive ? ( <Popover onCloseRequest={(event) => !== pickerButton.current && setActive(false) } > <Picker colors={colors[type]} color={color || null} onChange={(changedColor) => { onChange(changedColor); }} onClose={() => { setActive(false); pickerButton.current?.focus(); }} label={label} showInput={false} type={type} /> </Popover> ) : null} </React.Suspense> </div> ); };