import { RoughCanvas } from "roughjs/bin/canvas"; import { RoughSVG } from "roughjs/bin/svg"; import oc from "open-color"; import { FlooredNumber, AppState } from "../types"; import { ExcalidrawElement, NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, GroupId, } from "../element/types"; import { getElementAbsoluteCoords, OMIT_SIDES_FOR_MULTIPLE_ELEMENTS, handlerRectanglesFromCoords, handlerRectangles, getCommonBounds, canResizeMutlipleElements, } from "../element"; import { roundRect } from "./roundRect"; import { SceneState } from "../scene/types"; import { getScrollBars, SCROLLBAR_COLOR, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, } from "../scene/scrollbars"; import { getSelectedElements } from "../scene/selection"; import { renderElement, renderElementToSvg } from "./renderElement"; import colors from "../colors"; import { isSelectedViaGroup, getSelectedGroupIds, getElementsInGroup, } from "../groups"; type HandlerRectanglesRet = keyof ReturnType; const colorsForClientId = (clientId: string) => { // Naive way of getting an integer out of the clientId const sum = clientId.split("").reduce((a, str) => a + str.charCodeAt(0), 0); // Skip transparent background. const backgrounds = colors.elementBackground.slice(1); const strokes = colors.elementStroke.slice(1); return { background: backgrounds[sum % backgrounds.length], stroke: strokes[sum % strokes.length], }; }; const strokeRectWithRotation = ( context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, cx: number, cy: number, angle: number, fill?: boolean, ) => { context.translate(cx, cy); context.rotate(angle); if (fill) { context.fillRect(x - cx, y - cy, width, height); } context.strokeRect(x - cx, y - cy, width, height); context.rotate(-angle); context.translate(-cx, -cy); }; const strokeCircle = ( context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, ) => { context.beginPath(); context.arc(x + width / 2, y + height / 2, width / 2, 0, Math.PI * 2); context.fill(); context.stroke(); }; export const renderScene = ( elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], appState: AppState, selectionElement: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement | null, scale: number, rc: RoughCanvas, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, sceneState: SceneState, // extra options, currently passed by export helper { renderScrollbars = true, renderSelection = true, // Whether to employ render optimizations to improve performance. // Should not be turned on for export operations and similar, because it // doesn't guarantee pixel-perfect output. renderOptimizations = false, }: { renderScrollbars?: boolean; renderSelection?: boolean; renderOptimizations?: boolean; } = {}, ) => { if (!canvas) { return { atLeastOneVisibleElement: false }; } const context = canvas.getContext("2d")!; context.scale(scale, scale); // When doing calculations based on canvas width we should used normalized one const normalizedCanvasWidth = canvas.width / scale; const normalizedCanvasHeight = canvas.height / scale; // Paint background if (typeof sceneState.viewBackgroundColor === "string") { const hasTransparence = sceneState.viewBackgroundColor === "transparent" || sceneState.viewBackgroundColor.length === 5 || // #RGBA sceneState.viewBackgroundColor.length === 9 || // #RRGGBBA /(hsla|rgba)\(/.test(sceneState.viewBackgroundColor); if (hasTransparence) { context.clearRect(0, 0, normalizedCanvasWidth, normalizedCanvasHeight); } const fillStyle = context.fillStyle; context.fillStyle = sceneState.viewBackgroundColor; context.fillRect(0, 0, normalizedCanvasWidth, normalizedCanvasHeight); context.fillStyle = fillStyle; } else { context.clearRect(0, 0, normalizedCanvasWidth, normalizedCanvasHeight); } // Apply zoom const zoomTranslationX = (-normalizedCanvasWidth * (sceneState.zoom - 1)) / 2; const zoomTranslationY = (-normalizedCanvasHeight * (sceneState.zoom - 1)) / 2; context.translate(zoomTranslationX, zoomTranslationY); context.scale(sceneState.zoom, sceneState.zoom); // Paint visible elements const visibleElements = elements.filter((element) => isVisibleElement( element, normalizedCanvasWidth, normalizedCanvasHeight, sceneState, ), ); visibleElements.forEach((element) => { renderElement(element, rc, context, renderOptimizations, sceneState); }); // Pain selection element if (selectionElement) { renderElement( selectionElement, rc, context, renderOptimizations, sceneState, ); } // Paint selected elements if (renderSelection) { context.translate(sceneState.scrollX, sceneState.scrollY); const selections = elements.reduce((acc, element) => { const selectionColors = []; // local user if ( appState.selectedElementIds[] && !isSelectedViaGroup(appState, element) ) { selectionColors.push(; } // remote users if (sceneState.remoteSelectedElementIds[]) { selectionColors.push( ...sceneState.remoteSelectedElementIds[].map((socketId) => { const { background } = colorsForClientId(socketId); return background; }), ); } if (selectionColors.length) { const [ elementX1, elementY1, elementX2, elementY2, ] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element); acc.push({ angle: element.angle, elementX1, elementY1, elementX2, elementY2, selectionColors, }); } return acc; }, [] as { angle: number; elementX1: number; elementY1: number; elementX2: number; elementY2: number; selectionColors: string[] }[]); function addSelectionForGroupId(groupId: GroupId) { const groupElements = getElementsInGroup(elements, groupId); const [elementX1, elementY1, elementX2, elementY2] = getCommonBounds( groupElements, ); selections.push({ angle: 0, elementX1, elementX2, elementY1, elementY2, selectionColors: [], }); } for (const groupId of getSelectedGroupIds(appState)) { // TODO: support multiplayer selected group IDs addSelectionForGroupId(groupId); } if (appState.editingGroupId) { addSelectionForGroupId(appState.editingGroupId); } selections.forEach( ({ angle, elementX1, elementY1, elementX2, elementY2, selectionColors, }) => { const elementWidth = elementX2 - elementX1; const elementHeight = elementY2 - elementY1; const initialLineDash = context.getLineDash(); const lineWidth = context.lineWidth; const lineDashOffset = context.lineDashOffset; const strokeStyle = context.strokeStyle; const dashedLinePadding = 4 / sceneState.zoom; const dashWidth = 8 / sceneState.zoom; const spaceWidth = 4 / sceneState.zoom; context.lineWidth = 1 / sceneState.zoom; const count = selectionColors.length; for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { context.strokeStyle = selectionColors[i]; context.setLineDash([ dashWidth, spaceWidth + (dashWidth + spaceWidth) * (count - 1), ]); context.lineDashOffset = (dashWidth + spaceWidth) * i; strokeRectWithRotation( context, elementX1 - dashedLinePadding, elementY1 - dashedLinePadding, elementWidth + dashedLinePadding * 2, elementHeight + dashedLinePadding * 2, elementX1 + elementWidth / 2, elementY1 + elementHeight / 2, angle, ); } context.lineDashOffset = lineDashOffset; context.strokeStyle = strokeStyle; context.lineWidth = lineWidth; context.setLineDash(initialLineDash); }, ); context.translate(-sceneState.scrollX, -sceneState.scrollY); const locallySelectedElements = getSelectedElements(elements, appState); // Paint resize handlers if (locallySelectedElements.length === 1) { context.translate(sceneState.scrollX, sceneState.scrollY); context.fillStyle = oc.white; const handlers = handlerRectangles( locallySelectedElements[0], sceneState.zoom, ); Object.keys(handlers).forEach((key) => { const handler = handlers[key as HandlerRectanglesRet]; if (handler !== undefined) { const lineWidth = context.lineWidth; context.lineWidth = 1 / sceneState.zoom; if (key === "rotation") { strokeCircle( context, handler[0], handler[1], handler[2], handler[3], ); } else { strokeRectWithRotation( context, handler[0], handler[1], handler[2], handler[3], handler[0] + handler[2] / 2, handler[1] + handler[3] / 2, locallySelectedElements[0].angle, true, // fill before stroke ); } context.lineWidth = lineWidth; } }); context.translate(-sceneState.scrollX, -sceneState.scrollY); } else if (locallySelectedElements.length > 1) { if (canResizeMutlipleElements(locallySelectedElements)) { const dashedLinePadding = 4 / sceneState.zoom; context.translate(sceneState.scrollX, sceneState.scrollY); context.fillStyle = oc.white; const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getCommonBounds(locallySelectedElements); const initialLineDash = context.getLineDash(); context.setLineDash([2 / sceneState.zoom]); const lineWidth = context.lineWidth; context.lineWidth = 1 / sceneState.zoom; strokeRectWithRotation( context, x1 - dashedLinePadding, y1 - dashedLinePadding, x2 - x1 + dashedLinePadding * 2, y2 - y1 + dashedLinePadding * 2, (x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2, 0, ); context.lineWidth = lineWidth; context.setLineDash(initialLineDash); const handlers = handlerRectanglesFromCoords( [x1, y1, x2, y2], 0, sceneState.zoom, undefined, OMIT_SIDES_FOR_MULTIPLE_ELEMENTS, ); Object.keys(handlers).forEach((key) => { const handler = handlers[key as HandlerRectanglesRet]; if (handler !== undefined) { const lineWidth = context.lineWidth; context.lineWidth = 1 / sceneState.zoom; strokeRectWithRotation( context, handler[0], handler[1], handler[2], handler[3], handler[0] + handler[2] / 2, handler[1] + handler[3] / 2, 0, true, // fill before stroke ); context.lineWidth = lineWidth; } }); context.translate(-sceneState.scrollX, -sceneState.scrollY); } } } // Reset zoom context.scale(1 / sceneState.zoom, 1 / sceneState.zoom); context.translate(-zoomTranslationX, -zoomTranslationY); // Paint remote pointers for (const clientId in sceneState.remotePointerViewportCoords) { let { x, y } = sceneState.remotePointerViewportCoords[clientId]; const username = sceneState.remotePointerUsernames[clientId]; const width = 9; const height = 14; const isOutOfBounds = x < 0 || x > normalizedCanvasWidth - width || y < 0 || y > normalizedCanvasHeight - height; x = Math.max(x, 0); x = Math.min(x, normalizedCanvasWidth - width); y = Math.max(y, 0); y = Math.min(y, normalizedCanvasHeight - height); const { background, stroke } = colorsForClientId(clientId); const strokeStyle = context.strokeStyle; const fillStyle = context.fillStyle; const globalAlpha = context.globalAlpha; context.strokeStyle = stroke; context.fillStyle = background; if (isOutOfBounds) { context.globalAlpha = 0.2; } if ( sceneState.remotePointerButton && sceneState.remotePointerButton[clientId] === "down" ) { context.beginPath(); context.arc(x, y, 15, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); context.lineWidth = 3; context.strokeStyle = "#ffffff88"; context.stroke(); context.closePath(); context.beginPath(); context.arc(x, y, 15, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); context.lineWidth = 1; context.strokeStyle = stroke; context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y); context.lineTo(x + 1, y + 14); context.lineTo(x + 4, y + 9); context.lineTo(x + 9, y + 10); context.lineTo(x, y); context.fill(); context.stroke(); if (!isOutOfBounds && username) { const offsetX = x + width; const offsetY = y + height; const paddingHorizontal = 4; const paddingVertical = 4; const measure = context.measureText(username); const measureHeight = measure.actualBoundingBoxDescent + measure.actualBoundingBoxAscent; // Border context.fillStyle = stroke; context.globalAlpha = globalAlpha; context.fillRect( offsetX - 1, offsetY - 1, measure.width + 2 * paddingHorizontal + 2, measureHeight + 2 * paddingVertical + 2, ); // Background context.fillStyle = background; context.fillRect( offsetX, offsetY, measure.width + 2 * paddingHorizontal, measureHeight + 2 * paddingVertical, ); context.fillStyle = oc.white; context.fillText( username, offsetX + paddingHorizontal, offsetY + paddingVertical + measure.actualBoundingBoxAscent, ); } context.strokeStyle = strokeStyle; context.fillStyle = fillStyle; context.globalAlpha = globalAlpha; context.closePath(); } // Paint scrollbars let scrollBars; if (renderScrollbars) { scrollBars = getScrollBars( elements, normalizedCanvasWidth, normalizedCanvasHeight, sceneState, ); const fillStyle = context.fillStyle; const strokeStyle = context.strokeStyle; context.fillStyle = SCROLLBAR_COLOR; context.strokeStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,0.8)"; [scrollBars.horizontal, scrollBars.vertical].forEach((scrollBar) => { if (scrollBar) { roundRect( context, scrollBar.x, scrollBar.y, scrollBar.width, scrollBar.height, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH / 2, ); } }); context.fillStyle = fillStyle; context.strokeStyle = strokeStyle; } context.scale(1 / scale, 1 / scale); return { atLeastOneVisibleElement: visibleElements.length > 0, scrollBars }; }; const isVisibleElement = ( element: ExcalidrawElement, viewportWidth: number, viewportHeight: number, { scrollX, scrollY, zoom, }: { scrollX: FlooredNumber; scrollY: FlooredNumber; zoom: number; }, ) => { const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element); // Apply zoom const viewportWidthWithZoom = viewportWidth / zoom; const viewportHeightWithZoom = viewportHeight / zoom; const viewportWidthDiff = viewportWidth - viewportWidthWithZoom; const viewportHeightDiff = viewportHeight - viewportHeightWithZoom; return ( x2 + scrollX - viewportWidthDiff / 2 >= 0 && x1 + scrollX - viewportWidthDiff / 2 <= viewportWidthWithZoom && y2 + scrollY - viewportHeightDiff / 2 >= 0 && y1 + scrollY - viewportHeightDiff / 2 <= viewportHeightWithZoom ); }; // This should be only called for exporting purposes export const renderSceneToSvg = ( elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], rsvg: RoughSVG, svgRoot: SVGElement, { offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0, }: { offsetX?: number; offsetY?: number; } = {}, ) => { if (!svgRoot) { return; } // render elements elements.forEach((element) => { if (!element.isDeleted) { renderElementToSvg( element, rsvg, svgRoot, element.x + offsetX, element.y + offsetY, ); } }); };