import { reseed } from "../random"; import React from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import * as Renderer from "../renderer/renderScene"; import { waitFor, render, screen, fireEvent, GlobalTestState, } from "./test-utils"; import App from "../components/App"; import { setLanguage } from "../i18n"; import { setDateTimeForTests } from "../utils"; import { ExcalidrawElement } from "../element/types"; import { getTransformHandles as _getTransformHandles } from "../element"; import { queryByText } from "@testing-library/react"; import { copiedStyles } from "../actions/actionStyles"; import { UI, Pointer, Keyboard } from "./helpers/ui"; import { API } from "./helpers/api"; const { h } = window; const renderScene = jest.spyOn(Renderer, "renderScene"); const assertSelectedElements = (...elements: ExcalidrawElement[]) => { expect( API.getSelectedElements().map((element) => { return; }), ).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining( =>; }; const mouse = new Pointer("mouse"); const finger1 = new Pointer("touch", 1); const finger2 = new Pointer("touch", 2); const clickLabeledElement = (label: string) => { const element = document.querySelector(`[aria-label='${label}']`); if (!element) { throw new Error(`No labeled element found: ${label}`); }; }; type HandlerRectanglesRet = keyof ReturnType; const getTransformHandles = (pointerType: "mouse" | "touch" | "pen") => { const rects = _getTransformHandles( API.getSelectedElement(), h.state.zoom, pointerType, ) as { [T in HandlerRectanglesRet]: [number, number, number, number]; }; const rv: { [K in keyof typeof rects]: [number, number] } = {} as any; for (const handlePos in rects) { const [x, y, width, height] = rects[handlePos as keyof typeof rects]; rv[handlePos as keyof typeof rects] = [x + width / 2, y + height / 2]; } return rv; }; /** * This is always called at the end of your test, so usually you don't need to call it. * However, if you have a long test, you might want to call it during the test so it's easier * to debug where a test failure came from. */ const checkpoint = (name: string) => { expect(renderScene.mock.calls.length).toMatchSnapshot( `[${name}] number of renders`, ); expect(h.state).toMatchSnapshot(`[${name}] appState`); expect(h.history.getSnapshotForTest()).toMatchSnapshot(`[${name}] history`); expect(h.elements.length).toMatchSnapshot(`[${name}] number of elements`); h.elements.forEach((element, i) => expect(element).toMatchSnapshot(`[${name}] element ${i}`), ); }; beforeEach(async () => { // Unmount ReactDOM from root ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(document.getElementById("root")!); localStorage.clear(); renderScene.mockClear(); h.history.clear(); reseed(7); setDateTimeForTests("201933152653"); mouse.reset(); finger1.reset(); finger2.reset(); await setLanguage("en.json"); render(); }); afterEach(() => { checkpoint("end of test"); }); describe("regression tests", () => { it("draw every type of shape", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, -10); mouse.up(20, 10); UI.clickTool("diamond"); mouse.down(10, -10); mouse.up(20, 10); UI.clickTool("ellipse"); mouse.down(10, -10); mouse.up(20, 10); UI.clickTool("arrow"); mouse.down(40, -10); mouse.up(50, 10); UI.clickTool("line"); mouse.down(40, -10); mouse.up(50, 10); UI.clickTool("arrow");, -10);, 10);, 10); Keyboard.hotkeyPress("ENTER"); UI.clickTool("line");, -20);, 10);, 10); Keyboard.hotkeyPress("ENTER"); UI.clickTool("draw"); mouse.down(40, -20); mouse.up(50, 10); expect( => element.type)).toEqual([ "rectangle", "diamond", "ellipse", "arrow", "line", "arrow", "line", "draw", ]); }); it("click to select a shape", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(10, 10); const firstRectPos = mouse.getPosition(); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, -10); mouse.up(10, 10); const prevSelectedId = API.getSelectedElement().id; mouse.restorePosition(...firstRectPos);; expect(API.getSelectedElement().id).not.toEqual(prevSelectedId); }); for (const [keys, shape] of [ ["2r", "rectangle"], ["3d", "diamond"], ["4e", "ellipse"], ["5a", "arrow"], ["6l", "line"], ["7x", "draw"], ] as [string, ExcalidrawElement["type"]][]) { for (const key of keys) { it(`hotkey ${key} selects ${shape} tool`, () => { Keyboard.keyPress(key); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(10, 10); expect(API.getSelectedElement().type).toBe(shape); }); } } it("change the properties of a shape", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(10, 10); clickLabeledElement("Background"); clickLabeledElement("#fa5252"); clickLabeledElement("Stroke"); clickLabeledElement("#5f3dc4"); expect(API.getSelectedElement().backgroundColor).toBe("#fa5252"); expect(API.getSelectedElement().strokeColor).toBe("#5f3dc4"); }); it("resize an element, trying every resize handle", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(10, 10); const transformHandles = getTransformHandles("mouse"); // @ts-ignore delete transformHandles.rotation; // exclude rotation handle for (const handlePos in transformHandles) { const [x, y] = transformHandles[ handlePos as keyof typeof transformHandles ]; const { width: prevWidth, height: prevHeight } = API.getSelectedElement(); mouse.restorePosition(x, y); mouse.down(); mouse.up(-5, -5); const { width: nextWidthNegative, height: nextHeightNegative, } = API.getSelectedElement(); expect( prevWidth !== nextWidthNegative || prevHeight !== nextHeightNegative, ).toBeTruthy(); checkpoint(`resize handle ${handlePos} (-5, -5)`); mouse.down(); mouse.up(5, 5); const { width, height } = API.getSelectedElement(); expect(width).toBe(prevWidth); expect(height).toBe(prevHeight); checkpoint(`unresize handle ${handlePos} (-5, -5)`); mouse.restorePosition(x, y); mouse.down(); mouse.up(5, 5); const { width: nextWidthPositive, height: nextHeightPositive, } = API.getSelectedElement(); expect( prevWidth !== nextWidthPositive || prevHeight !== nextHeightPositive, ).toBeTruthy(); checkpoint(`resize handle ${handlePos} (+5, +5)`); mouse.down(); mouse.up(-5, -5); const { width: finalWidth, height: finalHeight, } = API.getSelectedElement(); expect(finalWidth).toBe(prevWidth); expect(finalHeight).toBe(prevHeight); checkpoint(`unresize handle ${handlePos} (+5, +5)`); } }); it("click on an element and drag it", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(10, 10); const { x: prevX, y: prevY } = API.getSelectedElement(); mouse.down(-10, -10); mouse.up(10, 10); const { x: nextX, y: nextY } = API.getSelectedElement(); expect(nextX).toBeGreaterThan(prevX); expect(nextY).toBeGreaterThan(prevY); checkpoint("dragged"); mouse.down(); mouse.up(-10, -10); const { x, y } = API.getSelectedElement(); expect(x).toBe(prevX); expect(y).toBe(prevY); }); it("alt-drag duplicates an element", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(10, 10); expect( h.elements.filter((element) => element.type === "rectangle").length, ).toBe(1); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ alt: true }, () => { mouse.down(-10, -10); mouse.up(10, 10); }); expect( h.elements.filter((element) => element.type === "rectangle").length, ).toBe(2); }); it("click-drag to select a group", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(10, 10); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, -10); mouse.up(10, 10); const finalPosition = mouse.getPosition(); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, -10); mouse.up(10, 10); mouse.restorePosition(0, 0); mouse.down(); mouse.restorePosition(...finalPosition); mouse.up(5, 5); expect( h.elements.filter((element) => h.state.selectedElementIds[]) .length, ).toBe(2); }); it("shift-click to multiselect, then drag", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(10, 10); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, -10); mouse.up(10, 10); const prevRectsXY = h.elements .filter((element) => element.type === "rectangle") .map((element) => ({ x: element.x, y: element.y })); mouse.reset();, 10); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => {, 0); }); mouse.down(); mouse.up(10, 10); h.elements .filter((element) => element.type === "rectangle") .forEach((element, i) => { expect(element.x).toBeGreaterThan(prevRectsXY[i].x); expect(element.y).toBeGreaterThan(prevRectsXY[i].y); }); }); it("pinch-to-zoom works", () => { expect(h.state.zoom).toBe(1); finger1.down(50, 50); finger2.down(60, 50); finger1.move(-10, 0); expect(h.state.zoom).toBeGreaterThan(1); const zoomed = h.state.zoom; finger1.move(5, 0); finger2.move(-5, 0); expect(h.state.zoom).toBeLessThan(zoomed); }); it("two-finger scroll works", () => { const startScrollY = h.state.scrollY; finger1.down(50, 50); finger2.down(60, 50); finger1.up(0, -10); finger2.up(0, -10); expect(h.state.scrollY).toBeLessThan(startScrollY); const startScrollX = h.state.scrollX; finger1.restorePosition(50, 50); finger2.restorePosition(50, 60); finger1.down(); finger2.down(); finger1.up(10, 0); finger2.up(10, 0); expect(h.state.scrollX).toBeGreaterThan(startScrollX); }); it("spacebar + drag scrolls the canvas", () => { const { scrollX: startScrollX, scrollY: startScrollY } = h.state; Keyboard.hotkeyDown("SPACE"); mouse.down(50, 50); mouse.up(60, 60); Keyboard.hotkeyUp("SPACE"); const { scrollX, scrollY } = h.state; expect(scrollX).not.toEqual(startScrollX); expect(scrollY).not.toEqual(startScrollY); }); it("arrow keys", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(10, 10); Keyboard.hotkeyPress("ARROW_LEFT"); Keyboard.hotkeyPress("ARROW_LEFT"); Keyboard.hotkeyPress("ARROW_RIGHT"); Keyboard.hotkeyPress("ARROW_UP"); Keyboard.hotkeyPress("ARROW_UP"); Keyboard.hotkeyPress("ARROW_DOWN"); expect(h.elements[0].x).toBe(9); expect(h.elements[0].y).toBe(9); }); it("undo/redo drawing an element", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, -10); mouse.up(20, 10); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 0); mouse.up(30, 20); UI.clickTool("arrow");, -10);, 10);, 10); Keyboard.hotkeyPress("ENTER"); expect(h.elements.filter((element) => !element.isDeleted).length).toBe(3); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true }, () => { Keyboard.keyPress("z"); Keyboard.keyPress("z"); }); expect(h.elements.filter((element) => !element.isDeleted).length).toBe(2); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true }, () => { Keyboard.keyPress("z"); }); expect(h.elements.filter((element) => !element.isDeleted).length).toBe(1); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true, shift: true }, () => { Keyboard.keyPress("z"); }); expect(h.elements.filter((element) => !element.isDeleted).length).toBe(2); }); it("noop interaction after undo shouldn't create history entry", () => { expect(API.getStateHistory().length).toBe(1); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(10, 10); const firstElementEndPoint = mouse.getPosition(); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, -10); mouse.up(10, 10); const secondElementEndPoint = mouse.getPosition(); expect(API.getStateHistory().length).toBe(3); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true }, () => { Keyboard.keyPress("z"); }); expect(API.getStateHistory().length).toBe(2); // clicking an element shouldn't add to history mouse.restorePosition(...firstElementEndPoint);; expect(API.getStateHistory().length).toBe(2); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true, ctrl: true }, () => { Keyboard.keyPress("z"); }); expect(API.getStateHistory().length).toBe(3); // clicking an element shouldn't add to history; expect(API.getStateHistory().length).toBe(3); const firstSelectedElementId = API.getSelectedElement().id; // same for clicking the element just redo-ed mouse.restorePosition(...secondElementEndPoint);; expect(API.getStateHistory().length).toBe(3); expect(API.getSelectedElement().id).not.toEqual(firstSelectedElementId); }); it("zoom hotkeys", () => { expect(h.state.zoom).toBe(1); fireEvent.keyDown(document, { code: "Equal", ctrlKey: true }); fireEvent.keyUp(document, { code: "Equal", ctrlKey: true }); expect(h.state.zoom).toBeGreaterThan(1); fireEvent.keyDown(document, { code: "Minus", ctrlKey: true }); fireEvent.keyUp(document, { code: "Minus", ctrlKey: true }); expect(h.state.zoom).toBe(1); }); it("rerenders UI on language change", async () => { // select rectangle tool to show properties menu UI.clickTool("rectangle"); // english lang should display `hachure` label expect(screen.queryByTitle(/hachure/i)).not.toBeNull(); fireEvent.change(document.querySelector(".dropdown-select__language")!, { target: { value: "de-DE" }, }); // switching to german, `hachure` label should no longer exist await waitFor(() => expect(screen.queryByTitle(/hachure/i)).toBeNull()); // reset language fireEvent.change(document.querySelector(".dropdown-select__language")!, { target: { value: "en" }, }); // switching back to English await waitFor(() => expect(screen.queryByTitle(/hachure/i)).not.toBeNull()); }); it("make a group and duplicate it", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(10, 10); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, -10); mouse.up(10, 10); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, -10); mouse.up(10, 10); const end = mouse.getPosition(); mouse.reset(); mouse.down(); mouse.restorePosition(...end); mouse.up(); expect(h.elements.length).toBe(3); for (const element of h.elements) { expect(element.groupIds.length).toBe(0); expect(h.state.selectedElementIds[]).toBe(true); } Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true }, () => { Keyboard.keyPress("g"); }); for (const element of h.elements) { expect(element.groupIds.length).toBe(1); } Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ alt: true }, () => { mouse.restorePosition(...end); mouse.down(); mouse.up(10, 10); }); expect(h.elements.length).toBe(6); const groups = new Set(); for (const element of h.elements) { for (const groupId of element.groupIds) { groups.add(groupId); } } expect(groups.size).toBe(2); }); it("double click to edit a group", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(10, 10); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, -10); mouse.up(10, 10); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, -10); mouse.up(10, 10); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true }, () => { Keyboard.keyPress("a"); Keyboard.keyPress("g"); }); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(3); expect(h.state.editingGroupId).toBe(null); mouse.doubleClick(); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(1); expect(h.state.editingGroupId).not.toBe(null); }); it("adjusts z order when grouping", () => { const positions = []; UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(10, 10); positions.push(mouse.getPosition()); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, -10); mouse.up(10, 10); positions.push(mouse.getPosition()); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, -10); mouse.up(10, 10); positions.push(mouse.getPosition()); const ids = =>; mouse.restorePosition(...positions[0]);; mouse.restorePosition(...positions[2]); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => {; }); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true }, () => { Keyboard.keyPress("g"); }); expect( =>[ ids[1], ids[0], ids[2], ]); }); it("supports nested groups", () => { const positions: number[][] = []; UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(10, 10); positions.push(mouse.getPosition()); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, -10); mouse.up(10, 10); positions.push(mouse.getPosition()); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, -10); mouse.up(10, 10); positions.push(mouse.getPosition()); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true }, () => { Keyboard.keyPress("a"); Keyboard.keyPress("g"); }); mouse.doubleClick(); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => { mouse.restorePosition(...positions[0]);; }); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true }, () => { Keyboard.keyPress("g"); }); const groupIds = h.elements[2].groupIds; expect(groupIds.length).toBe(2); expect(h.elements[1].groupIds).toEqual(groupIds); expect(h.elements[0].groupIds).toEqual(groupIds.slice(1));, 50); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(0); mouse.restorePosition(...positions[0]);; expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(3); expect(h.state.editingGroupId).toBe(null); mouse.doubleClick(); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(2); expect(h.state.editingGroupId).toBe(groupIds[1]); mouse.doubleClick(); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(1); expect(h.state.editingGroupId).toBe(groupIds[0]); // click out of the group mouse.restorePosition(...positions[1]);; expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(0);; expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(3); mouse.doubleClick(); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(1); }); it("updates fontSize & fontFamily appState", () => { UI.clickTool("text"); expect(h.state.currentItemFontFamily).toEqual(1); // Virgil; expect(h.state.currentItemFontFamily).toEqual(3); // Cascadia }); it("shows context menu for canvas", () => { fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.canvas, { button: 2, clientX: 1, clientY: 1, }); const contextMenu = document.querySelector(".context-menu"); const options = contextMenu?.querySelectorAll(".context-menu-option"); const expectedOptions = ["Select all", "Toggle grid mode"]; expect(contextMenu).not.toBeNull(); expect(options?.length).toBe(2); expect(options?.item(0).textContent).toBe(expectedOptions[0]); }); it("shows context menu for element", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.canvas, { button: 2, clientX: 1, clientY: 1, }); const contextMenu = document.querySelector(".context-menu"); const options = contextMenu?.querySelectorAll(".context-menu-option"); const expectedOptions = [ "Copy styles", "Paste styles", "Delete", "Add to library", "Send backward", "Bring forward", "Send to back", "Bring to front", "Duplicate", ]; expect(contextMenu).not.toBeNull(); expect(contextMenu?.children.length).toBe(9); options?.forEach((opt, i) => { expect(opt.textContent).toBe(expectedOptions[i]); }); }); it("shows 'Group selection' in context menu for multiple selected elements", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(10, 10); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, -10); mouse.up(10, 10); mouse.reset();, 10); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => {, 0); }); fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.canvas, { button: 2, clientX: 1, clientY: 1, }); const contextMenu = document.querySelector(".context-menu"); const options = contextMenu?.querySelectorAll(".context-menu-option"); const expectedOptions = [ "Copy styles", "Paste styles", "Delete", "Group selection", "Add to library", "Send backward", "Bring forward", "Send to back", "Bring to front", "Duplicate", ]; expect(contextMenu).not.toBeNull(); expect(contextMenu?.children.length).toBe(10); options?.forEach((opt, i) => { expect(opt.textContent).toBe(expectedOptions[i]); }); }); it("shows 'Ungroup selection' in context menu for group inside selected elements", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(10, 10); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, -10); mouse.up(10, 10); mouse.reset();, 10); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => {, 0); }); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true }, () => { Keyboard.keyPress("g"); }); fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.canvas, { button: 2, clientX: 1, clientY: 1, }); const contextMenu = document.querySelector(".context-menu"); const options = contextMenu?.querySelectorAll(".context-menu-option"); const expectedOptions = [ "Copy styles", "Paste styles", "Delete", "Ungroup selection", "Add to library", "Send backward", "Bring forward", "Send to back", "Bring to front", "Duplicate", ]; expect(contextMenu).not.toBeNull(); expect(contextMenu?.children.length).toBe(10); options?.forEach((opt, i) => { expect(opt.textContent).toBe(expectedOptions[i]); }); }); it("selecting 'Copy styles' in context menu copies styles", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.canvas, { button: 2, clientX: 1, clientY: 1, }); const contextMenu = document.querySelector(".context-menu"); expect(copiedStyles).toBe("{}"); as HTMLElement, "Copy styles")!); expect(copiedStyles).not.toBe("{}"); const element = JSON.parse(copiedStyles); expect(element).toEqual(API.getSelectedElement()); }); it("selecting 'Paste styles' in context menu pastes styles", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); // Change some styles of second rectangle clickLabeledElement("Stroke"); clickLabeledElement("#c92a2a"); clickLabeledElement("Background"); clickLabeledElement("#e64980"); // Fill style"Cross-hatch")); // Stroke width"Bold")); // Stroke style"Dotted")); // Roughness"Cartoonist")); // Opacity fireEvent.change(screen.getByLabelText("Opacity"), { target: { value: "60" }, }); mouse.reset(); // Copy styles of second rectangle fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.canvas, { button: 2, clientX: 40, clientY: 40, }); let contextMenu = document.querySelector(".context-menu"); as HTMLElement, "Copy styles")!); const secondRect = JSON.parse(copiedStyles); expect([1].id); mouse.reset(); // Paste styles to first rectangle fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.canvas, { button: 2, clientX: 10, clientY: 10, }); contextMenu = document.querySelector(".context-menu"); as HTMLElement, "Paste styles")!); const firstRect = API.getSelectedElement(); expect([0].id); expect(firstRect.strokeColor).toBe("#c92a2a"); expect(firstRect.backgroundColor).toBe("#e64980"); expect(firstRect.fillStyle).toBe("cross-hatch"); expect(firstRect.strokeWidth).toBe(2); // Bold: 2 expect(firstRect.strokeStyle).toBe("dotted"); expect(firstRect.roughness).toBe(2); // Cartoonist: 2 expect(firstRect.opacity).toBe(60); }); it("selecting 'Delete' in context menu deletes element", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.canvas, { button: 2, clientX: 1, clientY: 1, }); const contextMenu = document.querySelector(".context-menu"); as HTMLElement, "Delete")!); expect(API.getSelectedElements()).toHaveLength(0); expect(h.elements[0].isDeleted).toBe(true); }); it("selecting 'Add to library' in context menu adds element to library", async () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.canvas, { button: 2, clientX: 1, clientY: 1, }); const contextMenu = document.querySelector(".context-menu"); as HTMLElement, "Add to library")!); await waitFor(() => { const library = localStorage.getItem("excalidraw-library"); expect(library).not.toBeNull(); const addedElement = JSON.parse(library!)[0][0]; expect(addedElement).toEqual(h.elements[0]); }); }); it("selecting 'Duplicate' in context menu duplicates element", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.canvas, { button: 2, clientX: 1, clientY: 1, }); const contextMenu = document.querySelector(".context-menu"); as HTMLElement, "Duplicate")!); expect(h.elements).toHaveLength(2); const { id: _id0, seed: _seed0, x: _x0, y: _y0, ...rect1 } = h.elements[0]; const { id: _id1, seed: _seed1, x: _x1, y: _y1, ...rect2 } = h.elements[1]; expect(rect1).toEqual(rect2); }); it("selecting 'Send backward' in context menu sends element backward", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); mouse.reset(); fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.canvas, { button: 2, clientX: 40, clientY: 40, }); const contextMenu = document.querySelector(".context-menu"); const elementsBefore = h.elements; as HTMLElement, "Send backward")!); expect(elementsBefore[0].id).toEqual(h.elements[1].id); expect(elementsBefore[1].id).toEqual(h.elements[0].id); }); it("selecting 'Bring forward' in context menu brings element forward", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); mouse.reset(); fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.canvas, { button: 2, clientX: 10, clientY: 10, }); const contextMenu = document.querySelector(".context-menu"); const elementsBefore = h.elements; as HTMLElement, "Bring forward")!); expect(elementsBefore[0].id).toEqual(h.elements[1].id); expect(elementsBefore[1].id).toEqual(h.elements[0].id); }); it("selecting 'Send to back' in context menu sends element to back", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); mouse.reset(); fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.canvas, { button: 2, clientX: 40, clientY: 40, }); const contextMenu = document.querySelector(".context-menu"); const elementsBefore = h.elements; as HTMLElement, "Send to back")!); expect(elementsBefore[1].id).toEqual(h.elements[0].id); }); it("selecting 'Bring to front' in context menu brings element to front", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); mouse.reset(); fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.canvas, { button: 2, clientX: 10, clientY: 10, }); const contextMenu = document.querySelector(".context-menu"); const elementsBefore = h.elements; as HTMLElement, "Bring to front")!); expect(elementsBefore[0].id).toEqual(h.elements[1].id); }); it("selecting 'Group selection' in context menu groups selected elements", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); mouse.reset(); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => {, 10); }); fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.canvas, { button: 2, clientX: 1, clientY: 1, }); const contextMenu = document.querySelector(".context-menu"); queryByText(contextMenu as HTMLElement, "Group selection")!, ); const selectedGroupIds = Object.keys(h.state.selectedGroupIds); expect(h.elements[0].groupIds).toEqual(selectedGroupIds); expect(h.elements[1].groupIds).toEqual(selectedGroupIds); }); it("selecting 'Ungroup selection' in context menu ungroups selected group", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); mouse.reset(); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => {, 10); }); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true }, () => { Keyboard.keyPress("g"); }); fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.canvas, { button: 2, clientX: 1, clientY: 1, }); const contextMenu = document.querySelector(".context-menu"); queryByText(contextMenu as HTMLElement, "Ungroup selection")!, ); const selectedGroupIds = Object.keys(h.state.selectedGroupIds); expect(selectedGroupIds).toHaveLength(0); expect(h.elements[0].groupIds).toHaveLength(0); expect(h.elements[1].groupIds).toHaveLength(0); }); it("deselects selected element, on pointer up, when click hits element bounding box but doesn't hit the element", () => { UI.clickTool("ellipse"); mouse.down(); mouse.up(100, 100); // hits bounding box without hitting element mouse.down(); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(1); mouse.up(); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(0); }); it("switches selected element on pointer down", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(); mouse.up(10, 10); UI.clickTool("ellipse"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(10, 10); expect(API.getSelectedElement().type).toBe("ellipse"); // pointer down on rectangle mouse.reset(); mouse.down(); expect(API.getSelectedElement().type).toBe("rectangle"); }); it("can drag element that covers another element, while another elem is selected", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(100, 100); mouse.up(200, 200); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.reset(); mouse.down(100, 100); mouse.up(200, 200); UI.clickTool("ellipse"); mouse.reset(); mouse.down(300, 300); mouse.up(350, 350); expect(API.getSelectedElement().type).toBe("ellipse"); // pointer down on rectangle mouse.reset(); mouse.down(100, 100); mouse.up(200, 200); expect(API.getSelectedElement().type).toBe("rectangle"); }); it("deselects selected element on pointer down when pointer doesn't hit any element", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(); mouse.up(10, 10); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(1); // pointer down on space without elements mouse.down(100, 100); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(0); }); it("Drags selected element when hitting only bounding box and keeps element selected", () => { UI.clickTool("ellipse"); mouse.down(); mouse.up(10, 10); const { x: prevX, y: prevY } = API.getSelectedElement(); // drag element from point on bounding box that doesn't hit element mouse.reset(); mouse.down(); mouse.up(25, 25); expect(API.getSelectedElement().x).toEqual(prevX + 25); expect(API.getSelectedElement().y).toEqual(prevY + 25); }); it( "given selected element A with lower z-index than unselected element B and given B is partially over A " + "when clicking intersection between A and B " + "B should be selected on pointer up", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); // change background color since default is transparent // and transparent elements can't be selected by clicking inside of them clickLabeledElement("Background"); clickLabeledElement("#fa5252"); mouse.down(); mouse.up(1000, 1000); // draw ellipse partially over rectangle. // since ellipse was created after rectangle it has an higher z-index. // we don't need to change background color again since change above // affects next drawn elements. UI.clickTool("ellipse"); mouse.reset(); mouse.down(500, 500); mouse.up(1000, 1000); // select rectangle mouse.reset();; // pointer down on intersection between ellipse and rectangle mouse.down(900, 900); expect(API.getSelectedElement().type).toBe("rectangle"); mouse.up(); expect(API.getSelectedElement().type).toBe("ellipse"); }, ); it( "given selected element A with lower z-index than unselected element B and given B is partially over A " + "when dragging on intersection between A and B " + "A should be dragged and keep being selected", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); // change background color since default is transparent // and transparent elements can't be selected by clicking inside of them clickLabeledElement("Background"); clickLabeledElement("#fa5252"); mouse.down(); mouse.up(1000, 1000); // draw ellipse partially over rectangle. // since ellipse was created after rectangle it has an higher z-index. // we don't need to change background color again since change above // affects next drawn elements. UI.clickTool("ellipse"); mouse.reset(); mouse.down(500, 500); mouse.up(1000, 1000); // select rectangle mouse.reset();; const { x: prevX, y: prevY } = API.getSelectedElement(); // pointer down on intersection between ellipse and rectangle mouse.down(900, 900); mouse.up(100, 100); expect(API.getSelectedElement().type).toBe("rectangle"); expect(API.getSelectedElement().x).toEqual(prevX + 100); expect(API.getSelectedElement().y).toEqual(prevY + 100); }, ); it("deselects group of selected elements on pointer down when pointer doesn't hit any element", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(); mouse.up(10, 10); UI.clickTool("ellipse"); mouse.down(100, 100); mouse.up(10, 10); // Selects first element without deselecting the second element // Second element is already selected because creating it was our last action mouse.reset(); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => {, 5); }); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(2); // pointer down on space without elements mouse.reset(); mouse.down(500, 500); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(0); }); it("switches from group of selected elements to another element on pointer down", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(); mouse.up(10, 10); UI.clickTool("ellipse"); mouse.down(100, 100); mouse.up(100, 100); UI.clickTool("diamond"); mouse.down(100, 100); mouse.up(100, 100); // Selects ellipse without deselecting the diamond // Diamond is already selected because creating it was our last action mouse.reset(); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => {, 160); }); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(2); // select rectangle mouse.reset(); mouse.down(); expect(API.getSelectedElement().type).toBe("rectangle"); }); it("deselects group of selected elements on pointer up when pointer hits common bounding box without hitting any element", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(); mouse.up(10, 10); UI.clickTool("ellipse"); mouse.down(100, 100); mouse.up(10, 10); // Selects first element without deselecting the second element // Second element is already selected because creating it was our last action mouse.reset(); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => {, 5); }); // pointer down on common bounding box without hitting any of the elements mouse.reset(); mouse.down(50, 50); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(2); mouse.up(); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(0); }); it( "drags selected elements from point inside common bounding box that doesn't hit any element " + "and keeps elements selected after dragging", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(); mouse.up(10, 10); UI.clickTool("ellipse"); mouse.down(100, 100); mouse.up(10, 10); // Selects first element without deselecting the second element // Second element is already selected because creating it was our last action mouse.reset(); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => {, 5); }); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(2); const { x: firstElementPrevX, y: firstElementPrevY, } = API.getSelectedElements()[0]; const { x: secondElementPrevX, y: secondElementPrevY, } = API.getSelectedElements()[1]; // drag elements from point on common bounding box that doesn't hit any of the elements mouse.reset(); mouse.down(50, 50); mouse.up(25, 25); expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].x).toEqual(firstElementPrevX + 25); expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].y).toEqual(firstElementPrevY + 25); expect(API.getSelectedElements()[1].x).toEqual(secondElementPrevX + 25); expect(API.getSelectedElements()[1].y).toEqual(secondElementPrevY + 25); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(2); }, ); it( "given a group of selected elements with an element that is not selected inside the group common bounding box " + "when element that is not selected is clicked " + "should switch selection to not selected element on pointer up", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(); mouse.up(10, 10); UI.clickTool("ellipse"); mouse.down(100, 100); mouse.up(100, 100); UI.clickTool("diamond"); mouse.down(100, 100); mouse.up(100, 100); // Selects rectangle without deselecting the diamond // Diamond is already selected because creating it was our last action mouse.reset(); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => {; }); // pointer down on ellipse mouse.down(110, 160); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(2); mouse.up(); expect(API.getSelectedElement().type).toBe("ellipse"); }, ); it( "given a selected element A and a not selected element B with higher z-index than A " + "and given B partialy overlaps A " + "when there's a shift-click on the overlapped section B is added to the selection", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); // change background color since default is transparent // and transparent elements can't be selected by clicking inside of them clickLabeledElement("Background"); clickLabeledElement("#fa5252"); mouse.down(); mouse.up(1000, 1000); // draw ellipse partially over rectangle. // since ellipse was created after rectangle it has an higher z-index. // we don't need to change background color again since change above // affects next drawn elements. UI.clickTool("ellipse"); mouse.reset(); mouse.down(500, 500); mouse.up(1000, 1000); // select rectangle mouse.reset();; // click on intersection between ellipse and rectangle Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => {, 900); }); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(2); }, ); it("shift click on selected element should deselect it on pointer up", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(); mouse.up(10, 10); // Rectangle is already selected since creating // it was our last action Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => { mouse.down(); }); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(1); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => { mouse.up(); }); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(0); }); it("single-clicking on a subgroup of a selected group should not alter selection", () => { const rect1 = UI.createElement("rectangle", { x: 10 }); const rect2 = UI.createElement("rectangle", { x: 50 });[rect1, rect2]); const rect3 = UI.createElement("rectangle", { x: 10, y: 50 }); const rect4 = UI.createElement("rectangle", { x: 50, y: 50 });[rect3, rect4]); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true }, () => { Keyboard.keyPress("a"); Keyboard.keyPress("g"); }); const selectedGroupIds_prev = h.state.selectedGroupIds; const selectedElements_prev = API.getSelectedElements(); mouse.clickOn(rect3); expect(h.state.selectedGroupIds).toEqual(selectedGroupIds_prev); expect(API.getSelectedElements()).toEqual(selectedElements_prev); }); it("Cmd/Ctrl-click exclusively select element under pointer", () => { const rect1 = UI.createElement("rectangle", { x: 0 }); const rect2 = UI.createElement("rectangle", { x: 30 });[rect1, rect2]); assertSelectedElements(rect1, rect2); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true }, () => { mouse.clickOn(rect1); }); assertSelectedElements(rect1); API.clearSelection(); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true }, () => { mouse.clickOn(rect1); }); assertSelectedElements(rect1); const rect3 = UI.createElement("rectangle", { x: 60 });[rect1, rect3]); assertSelectedElements(rect1, rect2, rect3); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true }, () => { mouse.clickOn(rect1); }); assertSelectedElements(rect1); API.clearSelection(); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true }, () => { mouse.clickOn(rect3); }); assertSelectedElements(rect3); }); }); it( "given element A and group of elements B and given both are selected " + "when user clicks on B, on pointer up " + "only elements from B should be selected", () => { const rect1 = UI.createElement("rectangle", { y: 0 }); const rect2 = UI.createElement("rectangle", { y: 30 }); const rect3 = UI.createElement("rectangle", { y: 60 });[rect1, rect3]); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(2); expect(Object.keys(h.state.selectedGroupIds).length).toBe(1); // Select second rectangle without deselecting group Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => { mouse.clickOn(rect2); }); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(3); // clicking on first rectangle that is part of the group should select // that group (exclusively) mouse.clickOn(rect1); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(2); expect(Object.keys(h.state.selectedGroupIds).length).toBe(1); }, ); it( "given element A and group of elements B and given both are selected " + "when user shift-clicks on B, on pointer up " + "only element A should be selected", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(); mouse.up(100, 100); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(100, 100); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(100, 100); // Select first rectangle while keeping third one selected. // Third rectangle is selected because it was the last element // to be created. mouse.reset(); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => {; }); // Create group with first and third rectangle Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true }, () => { Keyboard.keyPress("g"); }); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(2); const selectedGroupIds = Object.keys(h.state.selectedGroupIds); expect(selectedGroupIds.length).toBe(1); // Select second rectangle without deselecting group Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => {, 110); }); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(3); // pointer down o first rectangle that is // part of the group mouse.reset(); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => { mouse.down(); }); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(3); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => { mouse.up(); }); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(1); }, );