import ExcalidrawApp from "../../excalidraw-app"; import { mockBoundingClientRect, render, restoreOriginalGetBoundingClientRect, } from "../../src/tests/test-utils"; import { UI } from "../../src/tests/helpers/ui"; describe("Test MobileMenu", () => { const { h } = window; const dimensions = { height: 400, width: 800 }; beforeAll(() => { mockBoundingClientRect(dimensions); }); beforeEach(async () => { await render(<ExcalidrawApp />); // @ts-ignore; // @ts-ignore; }); afterAll(() => { restoreOriginalGetBoundingClientRect(); }); it("should set device correctly", () => { expect(` { "editor": { "canFitSidebar": false, "isMobile": true, }, "isTouchScreen": false, "viewport": { "isLandscape": false, "isMobile": true, }, } `); }); it("should initialize with welcome screen and hide once user interacts", async () => { expect(document.querySelector(".welcome-screen-center")).toMatchSnapshot(); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); expect(document.querySelector(".welcome-screen-center")).toBeNull(); }); });