import { fireEvent, GlobalTestState, render } from "../test-utils"; import Excalidraw from "../../packages/excalidraw/index"; import { queryByText, queryByTestId } from "@testing-library/react"; import { GRID_SIZE, THEME } from "../../constants"; import { t } from "../../i18n"; const { h } = window; describe("", () => { describe("Test zenModeEnabled prop", () => { it('should show exit zen mode button when zen mode is set and zen mode option in context menu when zenModeEnabled is "undefined"', async () => { const { container } = await render(); expect( container.getElementsByClassName("disable-zen-mode--visible").length, ).toBe(0); expect(h.state.zenModeEnabled).toBe(false); fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.canvas, { button: 2, clientX: 1, clientY: 1, }); const contextMenu = document.querySelector(".context-menu"); as HTMLElement, "Zen mode")!); expect(h.state.zenModeEnabled).toBe(true); expect( container.getElementsByClassName("disable-zen-mode--visible").length, ).toBe(1); }); it("should not show exit zen mode button and zen mode option in context menu when zenModeEnabled is set", async () => { const { container } = await render(); expect( container.getElementsByClassName("disable-zen-mode--visible").length, ).toBe(0); expect(h.state.zenModeEnabled).toBe(true); fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.canvas, { button: 2, clientX: 1, clientY: 1, }); const contextMenu = document.querySelector(".context-menu"); expect(queryByText(contextMenu as HTMLElement, "Zen mode")).toBe(null); expect(h.state.zenModeEnabled).toBe(true); expect( container.getElementsByClassName("disable-zen-mode--visible").length, ).toBe(0); }); }); describe("Test gridModeEnabled prop", () => { it('should show grid mode in context menu when gridModeEnabled is "undefined"', async () => { const { container } = await render(); expect(h.state.gridSize).toBe(null); expect( container.getElementsByClassName("disable-zen-mode--visible").length, ).toBe(0); fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.canvas, { button: 2, clientX: 1, clientY: 1, }); const contextMenu = document.querySelector(".context-menu"); as HTMLElement, "Show grid")!); expect(h.state.gridSize).toBe(GRID_SIZE); }); it('should not show grid mode in context menu when gridModeEnabled is not "undefined"', async () => { const { container } = await render( , ); expect(h.state.gridSize).toBe(null); expect( container.getElementsByClassName("disable-zen-mode--visible").length, ).toBe(0); fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.canvas, { button: 2, clientX: 1, clientY: 1, }); const contextMenu = document.querySelector(".context-menu"); expect(queryByText(contextMenu as HTMLElement, "Show grid")).toBe(null); expect(h.state.gridSize).toBe(null); }); }); describe("Test theme prop", () => { it('should show the dark mode toggle when the theme prop is "undefined"', async () => { const { container } = await render(); expect(h.state.theme).toBe(THEME.LIGHT); const darkModeToggle = queryByTestId(container, "toggle-dark-mode"); expect(darkModeToggle).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should not show the dark mode toggle when the theme prop is not "undefined"', async () => { const { container } = await render(); expect(h.state.theme).toBe(THEME.DARK); expect(queryByTestId(container, "toggle-dark-mode")).toBe(null); }); }); describe("Test name prop", () => { it('should allow editing name when the name prop is "undefined"', async () => { const { container } = await render();, "image-export-button")!); const textInput: HTMLInputElement | null = document.querySelector( ".ExportDialog .ProjectName .TextInput", ); expect(textInput?.value).toContain(`${t("labels.untitled")}`); expect(textInput?.nodeName).toBe("INPUT"); }); it('should set the name and not allow editing when the name prop is present"', async () => { const name = "test"; const { container } = await render(); await, "image-export-button")!); const textInput = document.querySelector( ".ExportDialog .ProjectName .TextInput--readonly", ); expect(textInput?.textContent).toEqual(name); expect(textInput?.nodeName).toBe("SPAN"); }); }); describe("Test UIOptions prop", () => { it('should not hide any UI element when the UIOptions prop is "undefined"', async () => { await render(); const canvasActions = document.querySelector( 'section[aria-labelledby="test-id-canvasActions-title"]', ); expect(canvasActions).toMatchSnapshot(); }); describe("Test canvasActions", () => { it('should not hide any UI element when canvasActions is "undefined"', async () => { await render(); const canvasActions = document.querySelector( 'section[aria-labelledby="test-id-canvasActions-title"]', ); expect(canvasActions).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("should hide clear canvas button when clearCanvas is false", async () => { const { container } = await render( , ); expect(queryByTestId(container, "clear-canvas-button")).toBeNull(); }); it("should hide export button when export is false", async () => { const { container } = await render( , ); expect(queryByTestId(container, "json-export-button")).toBeNull(); }); it("should hide 'Save as image' button when 'saveAsImage' is false", async () => { const { container } = await render( , ); expect(queryByTestId(container, "image-export-button")).toBeNull(); }); it("should hide load button when loadScene is false", async () => { const { container } = await render( , ); expect(queryByTestId(container, "load-button")).toBeNull(); }); it("should hide save as button when saveFileToDisk is false", async () => { const { container } = await render( , ); expect(queryByTestId(container, "save-as-button")).toBeNull(); }); it("should hide save button when saveToActiveFile is false", async () => { const { container } = await render( , ); expect(queryByTestId(container, "save-button")).toBeNull(); }); it("should hide the canvas background picker when changeViewBackgroundColor is false", async () => { const { container } = await render( , ); expect(queryByTestId(container, "canvas-background-picker")).toBeNull(); }); it("should hide the theme toggle when theme is false", async () => { const { container } = await render( , ); expect(queryByTestId(container, "toggle-dark-mode")).toBeNull(); }); }); }); describe("Test autoFocus prop", () => { it("should not focus when autoFocus is false", async () => { const { container } = await render(); expect( container.querySelector(".excalidraw") === document.activeElement, ).toBe(false); }); it("should focus when autoFocus is true", async () => { const { container } = await render(); expect( container.querySelector(".excalidraw") === document.activeElement, ).toBe(true); }); }); });