Aakansha Doshi 4cb6f09559
fix: set the dimensions of bound text correctly ()
* fix: set the dimensions of bound text correctly

* use original Text when wrapping

* fix text align

* fix specs

* fix

* newline
2022-09-22 15:40:38 +05:30

490 lines
15 KiB

import { getFontString, arrayToMap, isTestEnv } from "../utils";
import {
} from "./types";
import { mutateElement } from "./mutateElement";
import { BOUND_TEXT_PADDING, TEXT_ALIGN, VERTICAL_ALIGN } from "../constants";
import { MaybeTransformHandleType } from "./transformHandles";
import Scene from "../scene/Scene";
import { isTextElement } from ".";
import { getMaxContainerHeight, getMaxContainerWidth } from "./newElement";
export const redrawTextBoundingBox = (
textElement: ExcalidrawTextElement,
container: ExcalidrawElement | null,
) => {
let maxWidth = undefined;
let text = textElement.text;
if (container) {
maxWidth = getMaxContainerWidth(container);
text = wrapText(
const metrics = measureText(
let coordY = textElement.y;
let coordX = textElement.x;
// Resize container and vertically center align the text
if (container) {
const containerDims = getContainerDims(container);
let nextHeight = containerDims.height;
if (textElement.verticalAlign === VERTICAL_ALIGN.TOP) {
coordY = container.y + BOUND_TEXT_PADDING;
} else if (textElement.verticalAlign === VERTICAL_ALIGN.BOTTOM) {
coordY =
container.y +
containerDims.height -
metrics.height -
} else {
coordY = container.y + containerDims.height / 2 - metrics.height / 2;
if (metrics.height > getMaxContainerHeight(container)) {
nextHeight = metrics.height + BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2;
coordY = container.y + nextHeight / 2 - metrics.height / 2;
if (textElement.textAlign === TEXT_ALIGN.LEFT) {
coordX = container.x + BOUND_TEXT_PADDING;
} else if (textElement.textAlign === TEXT_ALIGN.RIGHT) {
coordX =
container.x + containerDims.width - metrics.width - BOUND_TEXT_PADDING;
} else {
coordX = container.x + container.width / 2 - metrics.width / 2;
mutateElement(container, { height: nextHeight });
mutateElement(textElement, {
width: metrics.width,
height: metrics.height,
baseline: metrics.baseline,
y: coordY,
x: coordX,
export const bindTextToShapeAfterDuplication = (
sceneElements: ExcalidrawElement[],
oldElements: ExcalidrawElement[],
oldIdToDuplicatedId: Map<ExcalidrawElement["id"], ExcalidrawElement["id"]>,
): void => {
const sceneElementMap = arrayToMap(sceneElements) as Map<
oldElements.forEach((element) => {
const newElementId = oldIdToDuplicatedId.get(element.id) as string;
const boundTextElementId = getBoundTextElementId(element);
if (boundTextElementId) {
const newTextElementId = oldIdToDuplicatedId.get(boundTextElementId);
if (newTextElementId) {
const newContainer = sceneElementMap.get(newElementId);
if (newContainer) {
mutateElement(newContainer, {
boundElements: element.boundElements?.concat({
type: "text",
id: newTextElementId,
const newTextElement = sceneElementMap.get(newTextElementId);
if (newTextElement && isTextElement(newTextElement)) {
mutateElement(newTextElement, {
containerId: newContainer ? newElementId : null,
export const handleBindTextResize = (
element: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement,
transformHandleType: MaybeTransformHandleType,
) => {
const boundTextElementId = getBoundTextElementId(element);
if (boundTextElementId) {
const textElement = Scene.getScene(element)!.getElement(
) as ExcalidrawTextElement;
if (textElement && textElement.text) {
if (!element) {
let text = textElement.text;
let nextHeight = textElement.height;
let nextWidth = textElement.width;
let containerHeight = element.height;
let nextBaseLine = textElement.baseline;
if (transformHandleType !== "n" && transformHandleType !== "s") {
if (text) {
text = wrapText(
const dimensions = measureText(
nextHeight = dimensions.height;
nextWidth = dimensions.width;
nextBaseLine = dimensions.baseline;
// increase height in case text element height exceeds
if (nextHeight > element.height - BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2) {
containerHeight = nextHeight + BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2;
const diff = containerHeight - element.height;
// fix the y coord when resizing from ne/nw/n
const updatedY =
transformHandleType === "ne" ||
transformHandleType === "nw" ||
transformHandleType === "n"
? element.y - diff
: element.y;
mutateElement(element, {
height: containerHeight,
y: updatedY,
let updatedY;
if (textElement.verticalAlign === VERTICAL_ALIGN.TOP) {
updatedY = element.y + BOUND_TEXT_PADDING;
} else if (textElement.verticalAlign === VERTICAL_ALIGN.BOTTOM) {
updatedY = element.y + element.height - nextHeight - BOUND_TEXT_PADDING;
} else {
updatedY = element.y + element.height / 2 - nextHeight / 2;
const updatedX = element.x + element.width / 2 - nextWidth / 2;
mutateElement(textElement, {
width: nextWidth,
height: nextHeight,
x: updatedX,
y: updatedY,
baseline: nextBaseLine,
// https://github.com/grassator/canvas-text-editor/blob/master/lib/FontMetrics.js
export const measureText = (
text: string,
font: FontString,
maxWidth?: number | null,
) => {
text = text
// replace empty lines with single space because leading/trailing empty
// lines would be stripped from computation
.map((x) => x || " ")
const container = document.createElement("div");
container.style.position = "absolute";
container.style.whiteSpace = "pre";
container.style.font = font;
container.style.minHeight = "1em";
if (maxWidth) {
const lineHeight = getApproxLineHeight(font);
container.style.maxWidth = `${String(maxWidth)}px`;
container.style.overflow = "hidden";
container.style.wordBreak = "break-word";
container.style.lineHeight = `${String(lineHeight)}px`;
container.style.whiteSpace = "pre-wrap";
container.innerText = text;
const span = document.createElement("span");
span.style.display = "inline-block";
span.style.overflow = "hidden";
span.style.width = "1px";
span.style.height = "1px";
// Baseline is important for positioning text on canvas
const baseline = span.offsetTop + span.offsetHeight;
// Since span adds 1px extra width to the container
const width = container.offsetWidth + 1;
const height = container.offsetHeight;
return { width, height, baseline };
const DUMMY_TEXT = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789".toLocaleUpperCase();
const cacheApproxLineHeight: { [key: FontString]: number } = {};
export const getApproxLineHeight = (font: FontString) => {
if (cacheApproxLineHeight[font]) {
return cacheApproxLineHeight[font];
cacheApproxLineHeight[font] = measureText(DUMMY_TEXT, font, null).height;
return cacheApproxLineHeight[font];
let canvas: HTMLCanvasElement | undefined;
const getTextWidth = (text: string, font: FontString) => {
if (!canvas) {
canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
const canvas2dContext = canvas.getContext("2d")!;
canvas2dContext.font = font;
const metrics = canvas2dContext.measureText(text);
// since in test env the canvas measureText algo
// doesn't measure text and instead just returns number of
// characters hence we assume that each letteris 10px
if (isTestEnv()) {
return metrics.width * 10;
return metrics.width;
export const wrapText = (text: string, font: FontString, maxWidth: number) => {
const lines: Array<string> = [];
const originalLines = text.split("\n");
const spaceWidth = getTextWidth(" ", font);
originalLines.forEach((originalLine) => {
const words = originalLine.split(" ");
// This means its newline so push it
if (words.length === 1 && words[0] === "") {
} else {
let currentLine = "";
let currentLineWidthTillNow = 0;
let index = 0;
while (index < words.length) {
const currentWordWidth = getTextWidth(words[index], font);
// Start breaking longer words exceeding max width
if (currentWordWidth >= maxWidth) {
// push current line since the current word exceeds the max width
// so will be appended in next line
if (currentLine) {
currentLine = "";
currentLineWidthTillNow = 0;
while (words[index].length > 0) {
const currentChar = words[index][0];
const width = charWidth.calculate(currentChar, font);
currentLineWidthTillNow += width;
words[index] = words[index].slice(1);
if (currentLineWidthTillNow >= maxWidth) {
// only remove last trailing space which we have added when joining words
if (currentLine.slice(-1) === " ") {
currentLine = currentLine.slice(0, -1);
currentLine = currentChar;
currentLineWidthTillNow = width;
if (currentLineWidthTillNow === maxWidth) {
currentLine = "";
currentLineWidthTillNow = 0;
} else {
currentLine += currentChar;
// push current line if appending space exceeds max width
if (currentLineWidthTillNow + spaceWidth >= maxWidth) {
currentLine = "";
currentLineWidthTillNow = 0;
} else {
// space needs to be appended before next word
// as currentLine contains chars which couldn't be appended
// to previous line
currentLine += " ";
currentLineWidthTillNow += spaceWidth;
} else {
// Start appending words in a line till max width reached
while (currentLineWidthTillNow < maxWidth && index < words.length) {
const word = words[index];
currentLineWidthTillNow = getTextWidth(currentLine + word, font);
if (currentLineWidthTillNow >= maxWidth) {
currentLineWidthTillNow = 0;
currentLine = "";
currentLine += `${word} `;
// Push the word if appending space exceeds max width
if (currentLineWidthTillNow + spaceWidth >= maxWidth) {
lines.push(currentLine.slice(0, -1));
currentLine = "";
currentLineWidthTillNow = 0;
if (currentLineWidthTillNow === maxWidth) {
currentLine = "";
currentLineWidthTillNow = 0;
if (currentLine) {
// only remove last trailing space which we have added when joining words
if (currentLine.slice(-1) === " ") {
currentLine = currentLine.slice(0, -1);
return lines.join("\n");
export const charWidth = (() => {
const cachedCharWidth: { [key: FontString]: Array<number> } = {};
const calculate = (char: string, font: FontString) => {
const ascii = char.charCodeAt(0);
if (!cachedCharWidth[font]) {
cachedCharWidth[font] = [];
if (!cachedCharWidth[font][ascii]) {
const width = getTextWidth(char, font);
cachedCharWidth[font][ascii] = width;
return cachedCharWidth[font][ascii];
const getCache = (font: FontString) => {
return cachedCharWidth[font];
return {
export const getApproxMinLineWidth = (font: FontString) => {
const maxCharWidth = getMaxCharWidth(font);
if (maxCharWidth === 0) {
return (
measureText(DUMMY_TEXT.split("").join("\n"), font).width +
return maxCharWidth + BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2;
export const getApproxMinLineHeight = (font: FontString) => {
return getApproxLineHeight(font) + BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2;
export const getMinCharWidth = (font: FontString) => {
const cache = charWidth.getCache(font);
if (!cache) {
return 0;
const cacheWithOutEmpty = cache.filter((val) => val !== undefined);
return Math.min(...cacheWithOutEmpty);
export const getMaxCharWidth = (font: FontString) => {
const cache = charWidth.getCache(font);
if (!cache) {
return 0;
const cacheWithOutEmpty = cache.filter((val) => val !== undefined);
return Math.max(...cacheWithOutEmpty);
export const getApproxCharsToFitInWidth = (font: FontString, width: number) => {
// Generally lower case is used so converting to lower case
const dummyText = DUMMY_TEXT.toLocaleLowerCase();
const batchLength = 6;
let index = 0;
let widthTillNow = 0;
let str = "";
while (widthTillNow <= width) {
const batch = dummyText.substr(index, index + batchLength);
str += batch;
widthTillNow += getTextWidth(str, font);
if (index === dummyText.length - 1) {
index = 0;
index = index + batchLength;
while (widthTillNow > width) {
str = str.substr(0, str.length - 1);
widthTillNow = getTextWidth(str, font);
return str.length;
export const getBoundTextElementId = (container: ExcalidrawElement | null) => {
return container?.boundElements?.length
? container?.boundElements?.filter((ele) => ele.type === "text")[0]?.id ||
: null;
export const getBoundTextElement = (element: ExcalidrawElement | null) => {
if (!element) {
return null;
const boundTextElementId = getBoundTextElementId(element);
if (boundTextElementId) {
return (
) as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer) || null
return null;
export const getContainerElement = (
| (ExcalidrawElement & { containerId: ExcalidrawElement["id"] | null })
| null,
) => {
if (!element) {
return null;
if (element.containerId) {
return Scene.getScene(element)?.getElement(element.containerId) || null;
return null;
export const getContainerDims = (element: ExcalidrawElement) => {
return { width: element.width, height: element.height };