754 lines
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754 lines
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import React from "react";
import {
} from "./element/types";
import { Action } from "./actions/types";
import { Point as RoughPoint } from "roughjs/bin/geometry";
import { LinearElementEditor } from "./element/linearElementEditor";
import { SuggestedBinding } from "./element/binding";
import { ImportedDataState } from "./data/types";
import type App from "./components/App";
import type { throttleRAF } from "./utils";
import { Spreadsheet } from "./charts";
import { Language } from "./i18n";
import { ClipboardData } from "./clipboard";
import { isOverScrollBars } from "./scene";
import { MaybeTransformHandleType } from "./element/transformHandles";
import Library from "./data/library";
import type { FileSystemHandle } from "./data/filesystem";
import type { IMAGE_MIME_TYPES, MIME_TYPES } from "./constants";
import { ContextMenuItems } from "./components/ContextMenu";
import { SnapLine } from "./snapping";
import { Merge, ValueOf } from "./utility-types";
export type Point = Readonly<RoughPoint>;
export type SocketId = string & { _brand: "SocketId" };
export type Collaborator = Readonly<{
pointer?: CollaboratorPointer;
button?: "up" | "down";
selectedElementIds?: AppState["selectedElementIds"];
username?: string | null;
userState?: UserIdleState;
color?: {
background: string;
stroke: string;
// The url of the collaborator's avatar, defaults to username initials
// if not present
avatarUrl?: string;
// user id. If supplied, we'll filter out duplicates when rendering user avatars.
id?: string;
socketId?: SocketId;
isCurrentUser?: boolean;
export type CollaboratorPointer = {
x: number;
y: number;
tool: "pointer" | "laser";
export type DataURL = string & { _brand: "DataURL" };
export type BinaryFileData = {
| ValueOf<typeof IMAGE_MIME_TYPES>
// future user or unknown file type
| typeof MIME_TYPES.binary;
id: FileId;
dataURL: DataURL;
* Epoch timestamp in milliseconds
created: number;
* Indicates when the file was last retrieved from storage to be loaded
* onto the scene. We use this flag to determine whether to delete unused
* files from storage.
* Epoch timestamp in milliseconds.
lastRetrieved?: number;
export type BinaryFileMetadata = Omit<BinaryFileData, "dataURL">;
export type BinaryFiles = Record<ExcalidrawElement["id"], BinaryFileData>;
export type ToolType =
| "selection"
| "rectangle"
| "diamond"
| "ellipse"
| "arrow"
| "line"
| "freedraw"
| "text"
| "image"
| "eraser"
| "hand"
| "frame"
| "magicframe"
| "embeddable"
| "laser";
export type ElementOrToolType = ExcalidrawElementType | ToolType | "custom";
export type ActiveTool =
| {
type: ToolType;
customType: null;
| {
type: "custom";
customType: string;
export type SidebarName = string;
export type SidebarTabName = string;
export type UserToFollow = {
socketId: SocketId;
username: string;
type _CommonCanvasAppState = {
zoom: AppState["zoom"];
scrollX: AppState["scrollX"];
scrollY: AppState["scrollY"];
width: AppState["width"];
height: AppState["height"];
viewModeEnabled: AppState["viewModeEnabled"];
editingGroupId: AppState["editingGroupId"]; // TODO: move to interactive canvas if possible
selectedElementIds: AppState["selectedElementIds"]; // TODO: move to interactive canvas if possible
frameToHighlight: AppState["frameToHighlight"]; // TODO: move to interactive canvas if possible
offsetLeft: AppState["offsetLeft"];
offsetTop: AppState["offsetTop"];
theme: AppState["theme"];
pendingImageElementId: AppState["pendingImageElementId"];
export type StaticCanvasAppState = Readonly<
_CommonCanvasAppState & {
shouldCacheIgnoreZoom: AppState["shouldCacheIgnoreZoom"];
/** null indicates transparent bg */
viewBackgroundColor: AppState["viewBackgroundColor"] | null;
exportScale: AppState["exportScale"];
selectedElementsAreBeingDragged: AppState["selectedElementsAreBeingDragged"];
gridSize: AppState["gridSize"];
frameRendering: AppState["frameRendering"];
export type InteractiveCanvasAppState = Readonly<
_CommonCanvasAppState & {
// renderInteractiveScene
activeEmbeddable: AppState["activeEmbeddable"];
editingLinearElement: AppState["editingLinearElement"];
selectionElement: AppState["selectionElement"];
selectedGroupIds: AppState["selectedGroupIds"];
selectedLinearElement: AppState["selectedLinearElement"];
multiElement: AppState["multiElement"];
isBindingEnabled: AppState["isBindingEnabled"];
suggestedBindings: AppState["suggestedBindings"];
isRotating: AppState["isRotating"];
elementsToHighlight: AppState["elementsToHighlight"];
// Collaborators
collaborators: AppState["collaborators"];
// SnapLines
snapLines: AppState["snapLines"];
zenModeEnabled: AppState["zenModeEnabled"];
export interface AppState {
contextMenu: {
items: ContextMenuItems;
top: number;
left: number;
} | null;
showWelcomeScreen: boolean;
isLoading: boolean;
errorMessage: React.ReactNode;
activeEmbeddable: {
element: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement;
state: "hover" | "active";
} | null;
draggingElement: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement | null;
resizingElement: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement | null;
multiElement: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawLinearElement> | null;
selectionElement: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement | null;
isBindingEnabled: boolean;
startBoundElement: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawBindableElement> | null;
suggestedBindings: SuggestedBinding[];
frameToHighlight: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement> | null;
frameRendering: {
enabled: boolean;
name: boolean;
outline: boolean;
clip: boolean;
editingFrame: string | null;
elementsToHighlight: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawElement>[] | null;
// element being edited, but not necessarily added to elements array yet
// (e.g. text element when typing into the input)
editingElement: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement | null;
editingLinearElement: LinearElementEditor | null;
activeTool: {
* indicates a previous tool we should revert back to if we deselect the
* currently active tool. At the moment applies to `eraser` and `hand` tool.
lastActiveTool: ActiveTool | null;
locked: boolean;
} & ActiveTool;
penMode: boolean;
penDetected: boolean;
exportBackground: boolean;
exportEmbedScene: boolean;
exportWithDarkMode: boolean;
exportScale: number;
currentItemStrokeColor: string;
currentItemBackgroundColor: string;
currentItemFillStyle: ExcalidrawElement["fillStyle"];
currentItemStrokeWidth: number;
currentItemStrokeStyle: ExcalidrawElement["strokeStyle"];
currentItemRoughness: number;
currentItemOpacity: number;
currentItemFontFamily: FontFamilyValues;
currentItemFontSize: number;
currentItemTextAlign: TextAlign;
currentItemStartArrowhead: Arrowhead | null;
currentItemEndArrowhead: Arrowhead | null;
currentItemRoundness: StrokeRoundness;
viewBackgroundColor: string;
scrollX: number;
scrollY: number;
cursorButton: "up" | "down";
scrolledOutside: boolean;
name: string;
isResizing: boolean;
isRotating: boolean;
zoom: Zoom;
openMenu: "canvas" | "shape" | null;
openPopup: "canvasBackground" | "elementBackground" | "elementStroke" | null;
openSidebar: { name: SidebarName; tab?: SidebarTabName } | null;
| null
| { name: "imageExport" | "help" | "jsonExport" }
| {
name: "settings";
| "tool" // when magicframe tool is selected
| "generation" // when magicframe generate button is clicked
| "settings"; // when AI settings dialog is explicitly invoked
tab: "text-to-diagram" | "diagram-to-code";
| { name: "ttd"; tab: "text-to-diagram" | "mermaid" };
* Reflects user preference for whether the default sidebar should be docked.
* NOTE this is only a user preference and does not reflect the actual docked
* state of the sidebar, because the host apps can override this through
* a DefaultSidebar prop, which is not reflected back to the appState.
defaultSidebarDockedPreference: boolean;
lastPointerDownWith: PointerType;
selectedElementIds: Readonly<{ [id: string]: true }>;
previousSelectedElementIds: { [id: string]: true };
selectedElementsAreBeingDragged: boolean;
shouldCacheIgnoreZoom: boolean;
toast: { message: string; closable?: boolean; duration?: number } | null;
zenModeEnabled: boolean;
theme: Theme;
gridSize: number | null;
viewModeEnabled: boolean;
/** top-most selected groups (i.e. does not include nested groups) */
selectedGroupIds: { [groupId: string]: boolean };
/** group being edited when you drill down to its constituent element
(e.g. when you double-click on a group's element) */
editingGroupId: GroupId | null;
width: number;
height: number;
offsetTop: number;
offsetLeft: number;
fileHandle: FileSystemHandle | null;
collaborators: Map<SocketId, Collaborator>;
showStats: boolean;
currentChartType: ChartType;
| {
shown: false;
data: null;
| {
shown: true;
data: Spreadsheet;
/** imageElement waiting to be placed on canvas */
pendingImageElementId: ExcalidrawImageElement["id"] | null;
showHyperlinkPopup: false | "info" | "editor";
selectedLinearElement: LinearElementEditor | null;
snapLines: readonly SnapLine[];
originSnapOffset: {
x: number;
y: number;
} | null;
objectsSnapModeEnabled: boolean;
/** the user's clientId & username who is being followed on the canvas */
userToFollow: UserToFollow | null;
/** the clientIds of the users following the current user */
followedBy: Set<SocketId>;
export type UIAppState = Omit<
| "suggestedBindings"
| "startBoundElement"
| "cursorButton"
| "scrollX"
| "scrollY"
export type NormalizedZoomValue = number & { _brand: "normalizedZoom" };
export type Zoom = Readonly<{
value: NormalizedZoomValue;
export type PointerCoords = Readonly<{
x: number;
y: number;
export type Gesture = {
pointers: Map<number, PointerCoords>;
lastCenter: { x: number; y: number } | null;
initialDistance: number | null;
initialScale: number | null;
export declare class GestureEvent extends UIEvent {
readonly rotation: number;
readonly scale: number;
// libraries
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** @deprecated legacy: do not use outside of migration paths */
export type LibraryItem_v1 = readonly NonDeleted<ExcalidrawElement>[];
/** @deprecated legacy: do not use outside of migration paths */
type LibraryItems_v1 = readonly LibraryItem_v1[];
/** v2 library item */
export type LibraryItem = {
id: string;
status: "published" | "unpublished";
elements: readonly NonDeleted<ExcalidrawElement>[];
/** timestamp in epoch (ms) */
created: number;
name?: string;
error?: string;
export type LibraryItems = readonly LibraryItem[];
export type LibraryItems_anyVersion = LibraryItems | LibraryItems_v1;
export type LibraryItemsSource =
| ((
currentLibraryItems: LibraryItems,
) =>
| Blob
| LibraryItems_anyVersion
| Promise<LibraryItems_anyVersion | Blob>)
| Blob
| LibraryItems_anyVersion
| Promise<LibraryItems_anyVersion | Blob>;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export type ExcalidrawInitialDataState = Merge<
| Required<ImportedDataState>["libraryItems"]
| Promise<Required<ImportedDataState>["libraryItems"]>;
export type OnUserFollowedPayload = {
userToFollow: UserToFollow;
action: "FOLLOW" | "UNFOLLOW";
export interface ExcalidrawProps {
onChange?: (
elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[],
appState: AppState,
files: BinaryFiles,
) => void;
| ExcalidrawInitialDataState
| null
| Promise<ExcalidrawInitialDataState | null>;
excalidrawAPI?: (api: ExcalidrawImperativeAPI) => void;
isCollaborating?: boolean;
onPointerUpdate?: (payload: {
pointer: { x: number; y: number; tool: "pointer" | "laser" };
button: "down" | "up";
pointersMap: Gesture["pointers"];
}) => void;
onPaste?: (
data: ClipboardData,
event: ClipboardEvent | null,
) => Promise<boolean> | boolean;
renderTopRightUI?: (
isMobile: boolean,
appState: UIAppState,
) => JSX.Element | null;
langCode?: Language["code"];
viewModeEnabled?: boolean;
zenModeEnabled?: boolean;
gridModeEnabled?: boolean;
objectsSnapModeEnabled?: boolean;
libraryReturnUrl?: string;
theme?: Theme;
name?: string;
renderCustomStats?: (
elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[],
appState: UIAppState,
) => JSX.Element;
UIOptions?: Partial<UIOptions>;
detectScroll?: boolean;
handleKeyboardGlobally?: boolean;
onLibraryChange?: (libraryItems: LibraryItems) => void | Promise<any>;
autoFocus?: boolean;
generateIdForFile?: (file: File) => string | Promise<string>;
onLinkOpen?: (
element: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement,
event: CustomEvent<{
nativeEvent: MouseEvent | React.PointerEvent<HTMLCanvasElement>;
) => void;
onPointerDown?: (
activeTool: AppState["activeTool"],
pointerDownState: PointerDownState,
) => void;
onScrollChange?: (scrollX: number, scrollY: number, zoom: Zoom) => void;
onUserFollow?: (payload: OnUserFollowedPayload) => void;
children?: React.ReactNode;
| boolean
| string[]
| RegExp
| RegExp[]
| ((link: string) => boolean | undefined);
renderEmbeddable?: (
element: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawEmbeddableElement>,
appState: AppState,
) => JSX.Element | null;
aiEnabled?: boolean;
export type SceneData = {
elements?: ImportedDataState["elements"];
appState?: ImportedDataState["appState"];
collaborators?: Map<SocketId, Collaborator>;
commitToHistory?: boolean;
export enum UserIdleState {
ACTIVE = "active",
AWAY = "away",
IDLE = "idle",
export type ExportOpts = {
saveFileToDisk?: boolean;
onExportToBackend?: (
exportedElements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[],
appState: UIAppState,
files: BinaryFiles,
canvas: HTMLCanvasElement,
) => void;
renderCustomUI?: (
exportedElements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[],
appState: UIAppState,
files: BinaryFiles,
canvas: HTMLCanvasElement,
) => JSX.Element;
// NOTE at the moment, if action name corresponds to canvasAction prop, its
// truthiness value will determine whether the action is rendered or not
// (see manager renderAction). We also override canvasAction values in
// Excalidraw package index.tsx.
export type CanvasActions = Partial<{
changeViewBackgroundColor: boolean;
clearCanvas: boolean;
export: false | ExportOpts;
loadScene: boolean;
saveToActiveFile: boolean;
toggleTheme: boolean | null;
saveAsImage: boolean;
export type UIOptions = Partial<{
dockedSidebarBreakpoint: number;
canvasActions: CanvasActions;
tools: {
image: boolean;
/** @deprecated does nothing. Will be removed in 0.15 */
welcomeScreen?: boolean;
export type AppProps = Merge<
UIOptions: Merge<
canvasActions: Required<CanvasActions> & { export: ExportOpts };
detectScroll: boolean;
handleKeyboardGlobally: boolean;
isCollaborating: boolean;
children?: React.ReactNode;
aiEnabled: boolean;
/** A subset of App class properties that we need to use elsewhere
* in the app, eg Manager. Factored out into a separate type to keep DRY. */
export type AppClassProperties = {
props: AppProps;
interactiveCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement | null;
/** static canvas */
canvas: HTMLCanvasElement;
focusContainer(): void;
library: Library;
imageCache: Map<
image: HTMLImageElement | Promise<HTMLImageElement>;
mimeType: ValueOf<typeof IMAGE_MIME_TYPES>;
files: BinaryFiles;
device: App["device"];
scene: App["scene"];
pasteFromClipboard: App["pasteFromClipboard"];
id: App["id"];
onInsertElements: App["onInsertElements"];
onExportImage: App["onExportImage"];
lastViewportPosition: App["lastViewportPosition"];
scrollToContent: App["scrollToContent"];
addFiles: App["addFiles"];
addElementsFromPasteOrLibrary: App["addElementsFromPasteOrLibrary"];
togglePenMode: App["togglePenMode"];
setActiveTool: App["setActiveTool"];
setOpenDialog: App["setOpenDialog"];
insertEmbeddableElement: App["insertEmbeddableElement"];
onMagicframeToolSelect: App["onMagicframeToolSelect"];
export type PointerDownState = Readonly<{
// The first position at which pointerDown happened
origin: Readonly<{ x: number; y: number }>;
// Same as "origin" but snapped to the grid, if grid is on
originInGrid: Readonly<{ x: number; y: number }>;
// Scrollbar checks
scrollbars: ReturnType<typeof isOverScrollBars>;
// The previous pointer position
lastCoords: { x: number; y: number };
// map of original elements data
originalElements: Map<string, NonDeleted<ExcalidrawElement>>;
resize: {
// Handle when resizing, might change during the pointer interaction
handleType: MaybeTransformHandleType;
// This is determined on the initial pointer down event
isResizing: boolean;
// This is determined on the initial pointer down event
offset: { x: number; y: number };
// This is determined on the initial pointer down event
arrowDirection: "origin" | "end";
// This is a center point of selected elements determined on the initial pointer down event (for rotation only)
center: { x: number; y: number };
hit: {
// The element the pointer is "hitting", is determined on the initial
// pointer down event
element: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawElement> | null;
// The elements the pointer is "hitting", is determined on the initial
// pointer down event
allHitElements: NonDeleted<ExcalidrawElement>[];
// This is determined on the initial pointer down event
wasAddedToSelection: boolean;
// Whether selected element(s) were duplicated, might change during the
// pointer interaction
hasBeenDuplicated: boolean;
hasHitCommonBoundingBoxOfSelectedElements: boolean;
withCmdOrCtrl: boolean;
drag: {
// Might change during the pointer interaction
hasOccurred: boolean;
// Might change during the pointer interaction
offset: { x: number; y: number } | null;
// We need to have these in the state so that we can unsubscribe them
eventListeners: {
// It's defined on the initial pointer down event
onMove: null | ReturnType<typeof throttleRAF>;
// It's defined on the initial pointer down event
onUp: null | ((event: PointerEvent) => void);
// It's defined on the initial pointer down event
onKeyDown: null | ((event: KeyboardEvent) => void);
// It's defined on the initial pointer down event
onKeyUp: null | ((event: KeyboardEvent) => void);
boxSelection: {
hasOccurred: boolean;
elementIdsToErase: {
[key: ExcalidrawElement["id"]]: {
opacity: ExcalidrawElement["opacity"];
erase: boolean;
type UnsubscribeCallback = () => void;
export type ExcalidrawImperativeAPI = {
updateScene: InstanceType<typeof App>["updateScene"];
updateLibrary: InstanceType<typeof Library>["updateLibrary"];
resetScene: InstanceType<typeof App>["resetScene"];
getSceneElementsIncludingDeleted: InstanceType<
typeof App
history: {
clear: InstanceType<typeof App>["resetHistory"];
scrollToContent: InstanceType<typeof App>["scrollToContent"];
getSceneElements: InstanceType<typeof App>["getSceneElements"];
getAppState: () => InstanceType<typeof App>["state"];
getFiles: () => InstanceType<typeof App>["files"];
registerAction: (action: Action) => void;
refresh: InstanceType<typeof App>["refresh"];
setToast: InstanceType<typeof App>["setToast"];
addFiles: (data: BinaryFileData[]) => void;
id: string;
setActiveTool: InstanceType<typeof App>["setActiveTool"];
setCursor: InstanceType<typeof App>["setCursor"];
resetCursor: InstanceType<typeof App>["resetCursor"];
toggleSidebar: InstanceType<typeof App>["toggleSidebar"];
* Disables rendering of frames (including element clipping), but currently
* the frames are still interactive in edit mode. As such, this API should be
* used in conjunction with view mode (props.viewModeEnabled).
updateFrameRendering: InstanceType<typeof App>["updateFrameRendering"];
onChange: (
callback: (
elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[],
appState: AppState,
files: BinaryFiles,
) => void,
) => UnsubscribeCallback;
onPointerDown: (
callback: (
activeTool: AppState["activeTool"],
pointerDownState: PointerDownState,
event: React.PointerEvent<HTMLElement>,
) => void,
) => UnsubscribeCallback;
onPointerUp: (
callback: (
activeTool: AppState["activeTool"],
pointerDownState: PointerDownState,
event: PointerEvent,
) => void,
) => UnsubscribeCallback;
onScrollChange: (
callback: (scrollX: number, scrollY: number, zoom: Zoom) => void,
) => UnsubscribeCallback;
onUserFollow: (
callback: (payload: OnUserFollowedPayload) => void,
) => UnsubscribeCallback;
export type Device = Readonly<{
viewport: {
isMobile: boolean;
isLandscape: boolean;
editor: {
isMobile: boolean;
canFitSidebar: boolean;
isTouchScreen: boolean;
type FrameNameBounds = {
x: number;
y: number;
width: number;
height: number;
angle: number;
export type FrameNameBoundsCache = {
get: (
frameElement: ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement | ExcalidrawMagicFrameElement,
) => FrameNameBounds | null;
_cache: Map<
FrameNameBounds & {
zoom: AppState["zoom"]["value"];
versionNonce: ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement["versionNonce"];
export type KeyboardModifiersObject = {
ctrlKey: boolean;
shiftKey: boolean;
altKey: boolean;
metaKey: boolean;
export type Primitive =
| number
| string
| boolean
| bigint
| symbol
| null
| undefined;
export type JSONValue = string | number | boolean | null | object;