* Refactor: simplify linear element type * Refactor: dedupe scrollbar handling * First step towards binding - establish relationship and basic test for dragged lines * Refactor: use zoom from appstate * Refactor: generalize getElementAtPosition * Only consider bindable elements in hit test * Refactor: pull out pieces of hit test for reuse later * Refactor: pull out diamond from hit test for reuse later * Refactor: pull out text from hit test for reuse later * Suggest binding when hovering * Give shapes in regression test real size * Give shapes in undo/redo test real size * Keep bound element highlighted * Show binding suggestion for multi-point elements * Move binding to its on module with functions so that I can use it from actions, add support for binding end of multi-point elements * Use Id instead of ID * Improve boundary offset for non-squarish elements * Fix localStorage for binding on linear elements * Simplify dragging code and fix elements bound twice to the same shape * Fix binding for rectangles * Bind both ends at the end of the linear element creation, needed for focus points * wip * Refactor: Renames and reshapes for next commit * Calculate and store focus points and gaps, but dont use them yet * Focus points for rectangles * Dont blow up when canceling linear element * Stop suggesting binding when a non-compatible tool is selected * Clean up collision code * Using Geometric Algebra for hit tests * Correct binding for all shapes * Constant gap around polygon corners * Fix rotation handling * Generalize update and fix hit test for rotated elements * Handle rotation realtime * Handle scaling * Remove vibration when moving bound and binding element together * Handle simultenous scaling * Allow binding and unbinding when editing linear elements * Dont delete binding when the end point wasnt touched * Bind on enter/escape when editing * Support multiple suggested bindable elements in preparation for supporting linear elements dragging * Update binding when moving linear elements * Update binding when resizing linear elements * Dont re-render UI on binding hints * Update both ends when one is moved * Use distance instead of focus point for binding * Complicated approach for posterity, ignore this commit * Revert the complicated approach * Better focus point strategy, working for all shapes * Update snapshots * Dont break binding gap when mirroring shape * Dont break binding gap when grid mode pushes it inside * Dont bind draw elements * Support alt duplication * Fix alt duplication to * Support cmd+D duplication * All copy mechanisms are supported * Allow binding shapes to arrows, having arrows created first * Prevent arrows from disappearing for ellipses * Better binding suggestion highlight for shapes * Dont suggest second binding for simple elements when editing or moving them * Dont steal already bound linear elements when moving shapes * Fix highlighting diamonds and more precisely highlight other shapes * Highlight linear element edges for binding * Highlight text binding too * Handle deletion * Dont suggest second binding for simple linear elements when creating them * Dont highlight bound element during creation * Fix binding for rotated linear elements * Fix collision check for ellipses * Dont show suggested bindings for selected pairs * Bind multi-point linear elements when the tool is switched - important for mobile * Handle unbinding one of two bound edges correctly * Rename boundElement in state to startBoundElement * Dont double account for zoom when rendering binding highlight * Fix rendering of edited linear element point handles * Suggest binding when adding new point to a linear element * Bind when adding a new point to a linear element and dont unbind when moving middle elements * Handle deleting points * Add cmd modifier key to disable binding * Use state for enabling binding, fix not binding for linear elements during creation * Drop support for binding lines, only arrows are bindable * Reset binding mode on blur * Fix not binding lines
169 lines
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169 lines
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import { KEYS } from "../keys";
import { isInvisiblySmallElement } from "../element";
import { resetCursor } from "../utils";
import React from "react";
import { ToolButton } from "../components/ToolButton";
import { done } from "../components/icons";
import { t } from "../i18n";
import { register } from "./register";
import { mutateElement } from "../element/mutateElement";
import { isPathALoop } from "../math";
import { LinearElementEditor } from "../element/linearElementEditor";
import Scene from "../scene/Scene";
import {
} from "../element/binding";
import { isBindingElement } from "../element/typeChecks";
export const actionFinalize = register({
name: "finalize",
perform: (elements, appState) => {
if (appState.editingLinearElement) {
const {
} = appState.editingLinearElement;
const element = LinearElementEditor.getElement(elementId);
if (element) {
if (isBindingElement(element)) {
return {
element.points.length < 2 || isInvisiblySmallElement(element)
? elements.filter((el) => el.id !== element.id)
: undefined,
appState: {
editingLinearElement: null,
commitToHistory: true,
let newElements = elements;
if (window.document.activeElement instanceof HTMLElement) {
const multiPointElement = appState.multiElement
? appState.multiElement
: appState.editingElement?.type === "draw"
? appState.editingElement
: null;
if (multiPointElement) {
// pen and mouse have hover
if (
multiPointElement.type !== "draw" &&
appState.lastPointerDownWith !== "touch"
) {
const { points, lastCommittedPoint } = multiPointElement;
if (
!lastCommittedPoint ||
points[points.length - 1] !== lastCommittedPoint
) {
mutateElement(multiPointElement, {
points: multiPointElement.points.slice(0, -1),
if (isInvisiblySmallElement(multiPointElement)) {
newElements = newElements.slice(0, -1);
// If the multi point line closes the loop,
// set the last point to first point.
// This ensures that loop remains closed at different scales.
const isLoop = isPathALoop(multiPointElement.points);
if (
multiPointElement.type === "line" ||
multiPointElement.type === "draw"
) {
if (isLoop) {
const linePoints = multiPointElement.points;
const firstPoint = linePoints[0];
mutateElement(multiPointElement, {
points: linePoints.map((point, i) =>
i === linePoints.length - 1
? ([firstPoint[0], firstPoint[1]] as const)
: point,
if (
isBindingElement(multiPointElement) &&
!isLoop &&
multiPointElement.points.length > 1
) {
const [x, y] = LinearElementEditor.getPointAtIndexGlobalCoordinates(
{ x, y },
if (!appState.elementLocked) {
appState.selectedElementIds[multiPointElement.id] = true;
if (!appState.elementLocked || !multiPointElement) {
return {
elements: newElements,
appState: {
appState.elementLocked && multiPointElement
? appState.elementType
: "selection",
draggingElement: null,
multiElement: null,
editingElement: null,
startBoundElement: null,
suggestedBindings: [],
multiPointElement && !appState.elementLocked
? {
[multiPointElement.id]: true,
: appState.selectedElementIds,
commitToHistory: appState.elementType === "draw",
keyTest: (event, appState) =>
(event.key === KEYS.ESCAPE &&
(appState.editingLinearElement !== null ||
(!appState.draggingElement && appState.multiElement === null))) ||
((event.key === KEYS.ESCAPE || event.key === KEYS.ENTER) &&
appState.multiElement !== null),
PanelComponent: ({ appState, updateData }) => (
visible={appState.multiElement != null}