Excalidraw Bot 5c0eff50a0
chore: Update translations from Crowdin (#4729)
Co-authored-by: dwelle <luzar.david@gmail.com>
2022-03-09 12:21:26 +01:00

421 lines
16 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

"labels": {
"paste": "貼上",
"pasteCharts": "貼上圖表",
"selectAll": "全選",
"multiSelect": "將物件加入選取範圍",
"moveCanvas": "移動畫布",
"cut": "剪下",
"copy": "複製",
"copyAsPng": "以PNG格式儲存到剪貼板",
"copyAsSvg": "以SVG格式複製到剪貼板",
"bringForward": "上移一層",
"sendToBack": "移到最底層",
"bringToFront": "置於最頂層",
"sendBackward": "往後移一層",
"delete": "刪除",
"copyStyles": "複製樣式",
"pasteStyles": "貼上樣式",
"stroke": "筆畫",
"background": "背景",
"fill": "填滿",
"strokeWidth": "筆跡寬度",
"strokeStyle": "筆畫樣式",
"strokeStyle_solid": "實線",
"strokeStyle_dashed": "虛線",
"strokeStyle_dotted": "點線",
"sloppiness": "線條風格",
"opacity": "透明度",
"textAlign": "文字對齊",
"edges": "邊緣",
"sharp": "尖銳",
"round": "平滑",
"arrowheads": "箭頭",
"arrowhead_none": "無",
"arrowhead_arrow": "箭頭",
"arrowhead_bar": "條狀箭頭",
"arrowhead_dot": "點箭頭",
"arrowhead_triangle": "三角形",
"fontSize": "字型大小",
"fontFamily": "字體集",
"onlySelected": "僅選取物件",
"withBackground": "含有背景",
"exportEmbedScene": "嵌入場景",
"exportEmbedScene_details": "用於回復場景的場景資料會被包含在輸出的 PNG/SVG 檔案中。\n會增加輸出的檔案大小。",
"addWatermark": "加上 \"Made with Excalidraw\" 浮水印",
"handDrawn": "手寫",
"normal": "一般",
"code": "代碼",
"small": "小",
"medium": "中",
"large": "大",
"veryLarge": "特大",
"solid": "實心",
"hachure": "斜線筆觸",
"crossHatch": "交叉筆觸",
"thin": "細",
"bold": "粗",
"left": "左側",
"center": "置中",
"right": "右側",
"extraBold": "極粗",
"architect": "精確",
"artist": "藝術",
"cartoonist": "卡通",
"fileTitle": "檔案名稱",
"colorPicker": "色彩選擇工具",
"canvasColors": "使用於畫布",
"canvasBackground": "Canvas 背景",
"drawingCanvas": "繪圖 canvas",
"layers": "圖層",
"actions": "動作",
"language": "語言",
"liveCollaboration": "即時協作",
"duplicateSelection": "複製",
"untitled": "無標題",
"name": "名稱",
"yourName": "你的名稱",
"madeWithExcalidraw": "以 Excalidraw 製作",
"group": "建立群組",
"ungroup": "取消群組",
"collaborators": "協作者",
"showGrid": "顯示格線",
"addToLibrary": "加入資料庫",
"removeFromLibrary": "從資料庫中移除",
"libraryLoadingMessage": "資料庫讀取中…",
"libraries": "瀏覽資料庫",
"loadingScene": "場景讀取中…",
"align": "對齊",
"alignTop": "對齊頂部",
"alignBottom": "對齊底部",
"alignLeft": "對齊左側",
"alignRight": "對齊右側",
"centerVertically": "垂直置中",
"centerHorizontally": "水平置中",
"distributeHorizontally": "水平分布",
"distributeVertically": "垂直分布",
"flipHorizontal": "水平翻轉",
"flipVertical": "垂直翻轉",
"viewMode": "檢視模式",
"toggleExportColorScheme": "切換輸出配色",
"share": "共享",
"showStroke": "顯示線條檢色器",
"showBackground": "顯示背景檢色器",
"toggleTheme": "切換主題",
"personalLib": "個人資料庫",
"excalidrawLib": "Excalidraw 資料庫",
"decreaseFontSize": "縮小文字",
"increaseFontSize": "放大文字",
"unbindText": "取消綁定文字",
"link": {
"edit": "編輯連結",
"create": "建立連結",
"label": "連結"
"buttons": {
"clearReset": "重置 canvas",
"exportJSON": "匯出至檔案",
"exportImage": "另存為圖片",
"export": "輸出",
"exportToPng": "輸出成 PNG",
"exportToSvg": "輸出成 SVG",
"copyToClipboard": "複製至剪貼簿",
"copyPngToClipboard": "複製 PNG 至剪貼簿",
"scale": "縮放比例",
"save": "儲存目前檔案",
"saveAs": "儲存為",
"load": "載入",
"getShareableLink": "取得共享連結",
"close": "關閉",
"selectLanguage": "選擇語言",
"scrollBackToContent": "捲動回到內容",
"zoomIn": "放大",
"zoomOut": "縮小",
"resetZoom": "重設縮放",
"menu": "選單",
"done": "完成",
"edit": "編輯",
"undo": "復原",
"redo": "重做",
"resetLibrary": "重設資料庫",
"createNewRoom": "建立新協作會議室",
"fullScreen": "全螢幕",
"darkMode": "深色模式",
"lightMode": "淺色模式",
"zenMode": "專注模式",
"exitZenMode": "離開專注模式",
"cancel": "取消",
"clear": "清除",
"remove": "刪除",
"publishLibrary": "發布",
"submit": "送出",
"confirm": "確認"
"alerts": {
"clearReset": "這將會清除整個 canvas。你確定嗎",
"couldNotCreateShareableLink": "無法建立共享連結。",
"couldNotCreateShareableLinkTooBig": "無法建立共享連結:場景太大",
"couldNotLoadInvalidFile": "無法讀取失效的檔案。",
"importBackendFailed": "後端讀取失敗。",
"cannotExportEmptyCanvas": "無法輸出空白的 canvas。",
"couldNotCopyToClipboard": "無法複製至剪貼簿。請使用 Chrome 瀏覽器再試試看。",
"decryptFailed": "無法解密資料。",
"uploadedSecurly": "上傳已通過 end-to-end 加密Excalidraw 伺服器和第三方無法皆讀取其內容。",
"loadSceneOverridePrompt": "讀取外部圖樣將取代目前的內容。是否要繼續?",
"collabStopOverridePrompt": "停止連線將覆蓋您先前於本機儲存的繪圖進度,是否確認?\n\n如要保留原有的本機繪圖進度直接關閉瀏覽器分頁即可。",
"errorLoadingLibrary": "載入第三方套件時出現錯誤。",
"errorAddingToLibrary": "無法於此資料庫加入項目",
"errorRemovingFromLibrary": "無法由此資料庫移除項目",
"confirmAddLibrary": "這將會將 {{numShapes}} 個圖形加入你的資料庫,你確定嗎?",
"imageDoesNotContainScene": "此圖檔中未包含場景資料。輸出檔案時是否有包含場景資料?",
"cannotRestoreFromImage": "無法由此檔案回復場景。",
"invalidSceneUrl": "無法由提供的 URL 匯入場景。可能是發生異常,或未包含有效的 Excalidraw JSON 資料。",
"resetLibrary": "這會清除您的資料庫,是否確定?",
"removeItemsFromsLibrary": "從資料庫刪除 {{count}} 項?",
"invalidEncryptionKey": "加密鍵必須為22字元。即時協作已停用。"
"errors": {
"unsupportedFileType": "不支援的檔案類型。",
"imageInsertError": "無法插入圖片。請稍後再試…",
"fileTooBig": "檔案過大。可接受的最大尺寸為 {{maxSize}} 。",
"svgImageInsertError": "無法插入 SVG 圖片。此 SVG 檔案有問題。",
"invalidSVGString": "無效的 SVG。",
"cannotResolveCollabServer": "無法連結至 collab 伺服器。請重新整理後再試一次。"
"toolBar": {
"selection": "選取",
"image": "插入圖片",
"rectangle": "長方形",
"diamond": "菱形",
"ellipse": "橢圓",
"arrow": "箭頭",
"line": "線條",
"freedraw": "繪圖",
"text": "文字",
"library": "資料庫",
"lock": "可連續使用選取的工具",
"penMode": "停止使用手勢縮放並接受以繪圖筆繪圖輸入",
"link": "為所選的形狀增加\b/更新連結"
"headings": {
"canvasActions": "canvas 動作",
"selectedShapeActions": "選取圖形動作",
"shapes": "形狀"
"hints": {
"canvasPanning": "若要移動畫布,請在拖曳時按住滑鼠滾輪或空白鍵",
"linearElement": "點擊以繪製多點曲線;或拖曳以繪製直線",
"freeDraw": "點擊並拖曳來繪圖,放開即結束",
"text": "提示:亦可使用選取工具在任何地方雙擊來加入文字",
"text_selected": "雙擊滑鼠或按 Enter 以編輯文字",
"text_editing": "按跳脫鍵或 Ctrl 或 Cmd + Enter 以結束編輯",
"linearElementMulti": "按下 Escape 或 Enter 以結束繪製",
"lockAngle": "按住 SHIFT 可限制旋轉角度",
"resize": "縮放時按住 Shift 可保持原比例縮放;\\n按住 Alt 可由中心點進行縮放",
"resizeImage": "按住 SHIFT 可任意縮放,按住 ALT 可由中央縮放。",
"rotate": "旋轉時按住 Shift 可限制旋轉角度",
"lineEditor_info": "雙擊滑鼠左鍵或按 Enter 來編輯控制點",
"lineEditor_pointSelected": "按下 Delete 可移除錨點Ctrl 或 Cmd + D 可複製;或可拖曳來移動",
"lineEditor_nothingSelected": "選擇要編輯的錨點(按住 SHIFT 可多選),\n或按住 Alt 並點擊以增加新錨點。",
"placeImage": "點擊以放置圖片,或點擊並拖曳以手動調整其尺寸。",
"publishLibrary": "發布個人資料庫",
"bindTextToElement": "按下 Enter 以加入文字。",
"deepBoxSelect": "按住 Ctrl 或 Cmd 以深度選取並避免拖曳"
"canvasError": {
"cannotShowPreview": "無法顯示預覽",
"canvasTooBig": "畫布可能過大",
"canvasTooBigTip": "提示:可嘗試將最遠的元素移動至較集中的位置"
"errorSplash": {
"headingMain_pre": "發生錯誤,嘗試",
"headingMain_button": "重新載入頁面。",
"clearCanvasMessage": "若重新載入仍無法解決問題,嘗試",
"clearCanvasMessage_button": "清除 canvas。",
"clearCanvasCaveat": "此動作將造成目前的作品被移除。",
"trackedToSentry_pre": "此錯誤與其識別碼",
"trackedToSentry_post": "將由系統記錄。",
"openIssueMessage_pre": "我們將謹慎處理,你的作品內容不會被包含在錯誤報告中。若你的作品不需保持私密,請考慮使用我們的",
"openIssueMessage_button": "bug tracker。",
"openIssueMessage_post": "請將下列資訊複製貼上至 GitHub issue 中。",
"sceneContent": "作品內容:"
"roomDialog": {
"desc_intro": "你可以邀請其他人一起協作目前的作品。",
"desc_privacy": "連線使用 end-to-end 加密故無須擔心作品的安全性。即使是我們的伺服器也無法取得其內容。",
"button_startSession": "開始連線",
"button_stopSession": "停止連線",
"desc_inProgressIntro": "即時協作連線正在進行中。",
"desc_shareLink": "將此連結分享給欲協作的對象:",
"desc_exitSession": "停止連線將中斷你與協作會議室的連結,但你仍可於本機編輯此作品。意指停止連線後你的編輯不會被先前共同協作的人看見,且他們可繼續共同協作另一個版本。",
"shareTitle": "加入 Excalidraw 上的即時協作會議室"
"errorDialog": {
"title": "錯誤"
"exportDialog": {
"disk_title": "儲存至硬碟",
"disk_details": "將場景匯出為可供匯入之檔案",
"disk_button": "儲存至檔案",
"link_title": "可共享連結",
"link_details": "匯出為唯讀連結",
"link_button": "匯出為連結",
"excalidrawplus_description": "將此場景儲存至你的 Excalidraw+ 工作區",
"excalidrawplus_button": "輸出",
"excalidrawplus_exportError": "目前無法輸出至 Excalidraw+"
"helpDialog": {
"blog": "閱讀部落格",
"click": "點擊",
"deepSelect": "深度選取",
"deepBoxSelect": "在容器內深度選取並避免拖曳",
"curvedArrow": "曲箭頭",
"curvedLine": "曲線",
"documentation": "文件",
"doubleClick": "雙擊",
"drag": "拖曳",
"editor": "編輯器",
"editSelectedShape": "編輯選定的形狀(文字/箭號/線條)",
"github": "發現異常?回報問題",
"howto": "參照我們的說明",
"or": "或",
"preventBinding": "避免箭號連結",
"shapes": "形狀",
"shortcuts": "鍵盤快速鍵",
"textFinish": "完成編輯(文字編輯器)",
"textNewLine": "換行(文字編輯器)",
"title": "說明",
"view": "檢視",
"zoomToFit": "放大至填滿畫面",
"zoomToSelection": "縮放至選取區"
"clearCanvasDialog": {
"title": "清除畫布"
"publishDialog": {
"title": "發布資料庫",
"itemName": "項目名稱",
"authorName": "作者名稱",
"githubUsername": "GitHub 帳號",
"twitterUsername": "Twitter 帳號",
"libraryName": "資料庫名稱",
"libraryDesc": "資料庫說明",
"website": "網站",
"placeholder": {
"authorName": "您的名稱或帳號",
"libraryName": "您的資料庫名稱",
"libraryDesc": "提供您的資料庫說明以利他人理解其用途",
"githubHandle": "Github handle選填填寫後您可編輯已送出待審查的資料庫",
"twitterHandle": "Twitter 帳號(選填),填寫後若我們在 Twitter 推廣時可提及您",
"website": "您個人網站或其他網站的連結(選填)"
"errors": {
"required": "必填",
"website": "請輸入有效的 URL"
"noteDescription": {
"pre": "送出您的資料庫後將被包含於",
"link": "公開資料庫 repository",
"post": "以利他人在其繪圖中使用。"
"noteGuidelines": {
"pre": "資料庫需先經人工審查。請閱讀",
"link": "說明文件",
"post": "再送出。若需溝通與修改時要透過 GitHub 帳號來進行,但並非強制需求。"
"noteLicense": {
"pre": "送出即代表您同意此資料庫將發布時使用 ",
"link": "MIT 授權,",
"post": "簡單來說是指任何人都能不受限制的使用。"
"noteItems": "每個資料庫項目都有獨立的名稱故可篩選。會包含下列資料庫項目:",
"atleastOneLibItem": "請選擇至少一項資料庫項目"
"publishSuccessDialog": {
"title": "資料庫已送出",
"content": "感謝 {{authorName}} 。您的資料庫已送出待審查。您可查看目前狀態",
"link": "在此"
"confirmDialog": {
"resetLibrary": "重設資料庫",
"removeItemsFromLib": "從資料庫移除所選的項目"
"encrypted": {
"tooltip": "你的作品已使用 end-to-end 方式加密Excalidraw 的伺服器也無法取得其內容。",
"link": "Excalidraw 端到端加密的相關部落格文章"
"stats": {
"angle": "角度",
"element": "元素",
"elements": "元素",
"height": "高度",
"scene": "場景",
"selected": "已選",
"storage": "儲存",
"title": "詳細統計",
"total": "合計",
"version": "版本",
"versionCopy": "點擊複製",
"versionNotAvailable": "無法取得版本",
"width": "寬度"
"toast": {
"addedToLibrary": "加入資料庫",
"copyStyles": "已複製樣式",
"copyToClipboard": "複製至剪貼簿。",
"copyToClipboardAsPng": "以 PNG 格式將 {{exportSelection}} 複製至剪貼簿\n({{exportColorScheme}})",
"fileSaved": "已儲存檔案。",
"fileSavedToFilename": "儲存為 {filename}",
"canvas": "畫布",
"selection": "已選項目"
"colors": {
"ffffff": "白",
"f8f9fa": "灰 0",
"f1f3f5": "灰 1",
"fff5f5": "紅 0",
"fff0f6": "粉紅 0",
"f8f0fc": "深紫 0",
"f3f0ff": "藍紫 0",
"edf2ff": "靛藍 0",
"e7f5ff": "藍 0",
"e3fafc": "青 0",
"e6fcf5": "藍綠 0",
"ebfbee": "綠 0",
"f4fce3": "黃綠 0",
"fff9db": "黃 0",
"fff4e6": "橘 0",
"transparent": "透明",
"ced4da": "灰 4",
"868e96": "灰 6",
"fa5252": "紅 6",
"e64980": "粉紅 6",
"be4bdb": "深紫 6",
"7950f2": "藍紫 6",
"4c6ef5": "靛藍 6",
"228be6": "藍 6",
"15aabf": "青 6",
"12b886": "藍綠 6",
"40c057": "綠 6",
"82c91e": "黃綠 6",
"fab005": "黃 6",
"fd7e14": "橘 6",
"000000": "黑",
"343a40": "灰 8",
"495057": "灰 7",
"c92a2a": "紅 9",
"a61e4d": "粉紅 9",
"862e9c": "深紫 9",
"5f3dc4": "藍紫 9",
"364fc7": "靛藍 9",
"1864ab": "藍 9",
"0b7285": "青 9",
"087f5b": "藍綠 9",
"2b8a3e": "綠 9",
"5c940d": "黃綠 9",
"e67700": "黃 9",
"d9480f": "橘 9"