Aakansha Doshi f47ddb988f
feat: Support hyperlinks 🔥 (#4620)
* feat: Support hypelinks

* dont show edit when link not present

* auto submit on blur

* Add link button in sidebar and do it react way

* add key to hyperlink to remount when element selection changes

* autofocus input

* remove click handler and use pointerup/down to show /hide popup

* add keydown and support enter/escape to submit

* show extrrnal link icon when element has link

* use icons and open link in new tab

* dnt submit unless link updated

* renamed ffiles

* remove unnecessary changes

* update snap

* hide link popup once user starts interacting with element and show again only if clicked outside and clicked on element again

* render link icon outside the element

* fix hit testing

* rewrite implementation to render hyperlinks outside elements and hide when element selected

* remove

* remove

* tweak icon position and size

* rotate link icon when element rotated, handle zooming and render exactly where ne resize handle is rendered

* no need to create a new reference anymore for element when link added/updated

* rotate the link image as well when rotating element

* calculate hitbox of link icon and show pointer when hovering over link icon

* open link when clicked on link icon

* show tooltip when hovering over link icon

* show link action only when single element selected

* support other protocols

* add shortcut cmd/ctrl+k to edit/update link

* don't hide popup after submit

* renderes decreased woo

* Add context mneu label to add/edit link

* fix tests

* remove tick and show trash when in edit mode

* show edit view when element contains link

* fix snap

* horizontally center the hyperlink container with respect to elemnt

* fix padding

* remove checkcircle

* show popup on hover of selected element and dismiss when outside hitbox

* check if element has link before setting popup state

* move logic of auto hide to hyperlink and dnt hide when editing

* hide popover when drag/resize/rotate

* unmount during autohide

* autohide after 500ms

* fix regression

* prevent cmd/ctrl+k when inside link editor

* submit when input not updated

* allow custom urls

* fix centering of popup when zoomed

* fix hitbox during zoom

* fix

* tweak link normalization

* touch hyperlink tooltip DOM only if needed

* consider 0 if no offsetY

* reduce hitbox of link icon and make sure link icon doesn't show on top of higher z-index elements

* show link tooltip only if element has higher z-index

* dnt show hyperlink popup when selection changes from element with link to element with no link and also hide popover when element type changes from selection to something else

* lint: EOL

* fix link icon tooltip positioning

* open the link only when last pointer down and last pointer up hit the link hitbox

* render tooltip after 300ms delay

* ensure link popup and editor input have same height

* wip: cache the link icon canvas

* fix the image quality after caching using device pixel ratio yay

* some cleanup

* remove unused selectedElementIds from renderConfig

* Update src/renderer/renderElement.ts

* fix `opener` vulnerability

* tweak styling

* decrease padding

* open local links in the same tab

* fix caching

* code style refactor

* remove unnecessary save & restore

* show link shortcut in help dialog

* submit on cmd/ctrl+k

* merge state props

* Add title for link

* update editview if prop changes

* tweak link action logic

* make `Hyperlink` compo editor state fully controlled

* dont show popup when context menu open

* show in contextMenu only for single selection & change pos

* set button `selected` state

* set contextMenuOpen on pointerdown

* set contextMenyOpen to false when action triggered

* don't render link icons on export

* fix tests

* fix buttons wrap

* move focus states to input top-level rule

* fix elements sharing `Hyperlink` state

* fix hitbox for link icon in case of rect

* Early return if hitting link icon

Co-authored-by: dwelle <luzar.david@gmail.com>
2022-02-03 20:34:59 +05:30

183 lines
4.4 KiB

import cssVariables from "./css/variables.module.scss";
import { AppProps } from "./types";
import { FontFamilyValues } from "./element/types";
export const APP_NAME = "Excalidraw";
export const DRAGGING_THRESHOLD = 10; // px
export const LINE_CONFIRM_THRESHOLD = 8; // px
export const SHIFT_LOCKING_ANGLE = Math.PI / 12;
export const CURSOR_TYPE = {
TEXT: "text",
CROSSHAIR: "crosshair",
GRABBING: "grabbing",
GRAB: "grab",
POINTER: "pointer",
MOVE: "move",
AUTO: "",
export const POINTER_BUTTON = {
MAIN: 0,
TOUCH: -1,
export enum EVENT {
COPY = "copy",
PASTE = "paste",
CUT = "cut",
KEYDOWN = "keydown",
KEYUP = "keyup",
MOUSE_MOVE = "mousemove",
RESIZE = "resize",
UNLOAD = "unload",
FOCUS = "focus",
BLUR = "blur",
DRAG_OVER = "dragover",
DROP = "drop",
GESTURE_END = "gestureend",
BEFORE_UNLOAD = "beforeunload",
GESTURE_START = "gesturestart",
GESTURE_CHANGE = "gesturechange",
POINTER_MOVE = "pointermove",
POINTER_UP = "pointerup",
STATE_CHANGE = "statechange",
WHEEL = "wheel",
TOUCH_START = "touchstart",
TOUCH_END = "touchend",
HASHCHANGE = "hashchange",
VISIBILITY_CHANGE = "visibilitychange",
SCROLL = "scroll",
export const ENV = {
TEST: "test",
DEVELOPMENT: "development",
export const CLASSES = {
SHAPE_ACTIONS_MENU: "App-menu__left",
// 1-based in case we ever do `if(element.fontFamily)`
export const FONT_FAMILY = {
Virgil: 1,
Helvetica: 2,
Cascadia: 3,
export const THEME = {
LIGHT: "light",
DARK: "dark",
export const WINDOWS_EMOJI_FALLBACK_FONT = "Segoe UI Emoji";
export const DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 20;
export const DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY: FontFamilyValues = FONT_FAMILY.Virgil;
export const DEFAULT_TEXT_ALIGN = "left";
export const DEFAULT_VERTICAL_ALIGN = "top";
export const DEFAULT_VERSION = "{version}";
export const CANVAS_ONLY_ACTIONS = ["selectAll"];
export const GRID_SIZE = 20; // TODO make it configurable?
export const MIME_TYPES = {
excalidraw: "application/vnd.excalidraw+json",
excalidrawlib: "application/vnd.excalidrawlib+json",
json: "application/json",
svg: "image/svg+xml",
png: "image/png",
jpg: "image/jpeg",
gif: "image/gif",
binary: "application/octet-stream",
} as const;
export const EXPORT_DATA_TYPES = {
excalidraw: "excalidraw",
excalidrawClipboard: "excalidraw/clipboard",
excalidrawLibrary: "excalidrawlib",
} as const;
export const EXPORT_SOURCE = window.location.origin;
// time in milliseconds
export const IMAGE_RENDER_TIMEOUT = 500;
export const TAP_TWICE_TIMEOUT = 300;
export const TOUCH_CTX_MENU_TIMEOUT = 500;
export const TITLE_TIMEOUT = 10000;
export const TOAST_TIMEOUT = 5000;
export const VERSION_TIMEOUT = 30000;
export const SCROLL_TIMEOUT = 100;
export const ZOOM_STEP = 0.1;
export const HYPERLINK_TOOLTIP_DELAY = 300;
// Report a user inactive after IDLE_THRESHOLD milliseconds
export const IDLE_THRESHOLD = 60_000;
// Report a user active each ACTIVE_THRESHOLD milliseconds
export const ACTIVE_THRESHOLD = 3_000;
export const MODES = {
VIEW: "viewMode",
ZEN: "zenMode",
GRID: "gridMode",
export const THEME_FILTER = cssVariables.themeFilter;
export const URL_QUERY_KEYS = {
addLibrary: "addLibrary",
} as const;
export const URL_HASH_KEYS = {
addLibrary: "addLibrary",
} as const;
export const DEFAULT_UI_OPTIONS: AppProps["UIOptions"] = {
canvasActions: {
changeViewBackgroundColor: true,
clearCanvas: true,
export: { saveFileToDisk: true },
loadScene: true,
saveToActiveFile: true,
theme: true,
saveAsImage: true,
export const MQ_MAX_WIDTH_PORTRAIT = 730;
export const MQ_MAX_WIDTH_LANDSCAPE = 1000;
export const MQ_MAX_HEIGHT_LANDSCAPE = 500;
export const EXPORT_SCALES = [1, 2, 3];
export const DEFAULT_EXPORT_PADDING = 10; // px
] as const;
export const MAX_ALLOWED_FILE_BYTES = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
export const SVG_NS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
export const ENCRYPTION_KEY_BITS = 128;
export const VERSIONS = {
excalidraw: 2,
excalidrawLibrary: 2,
} as const;
export const BOUND_TEXT_PADDING = 5;